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Electrophysiology and optical coherence tomography in acquired and hereditary retinal disorders

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling beskrivs sambanden mellan funktion i centrala delar av näthinnan, och dess struktur, vid några valda ärftliga och förvärvade sjukdomstillstånd i näthinnan. Denna jämförelse är möjlig genom den relativt nya utvecklingen av multifokalt ERG (mfERG), med vars hjälp centrala näthinnans funktion kan bedömas, samt optisk koherens tomografi (OCT), med vilken In this thesis, retinal function in general, as well as central retinal function and structure are described in selected forms of acquired and hereditary retinal disorders, in order to improve our understanding of underlying pathogenic mechanisms. This comparison has been made possible during the last years, through the relatively recent development of multifocal ERG (mfERG) and optical coherence

Plasma high density lipoproteins and lipolytic enzyme activities in diabetic patients

Eighty diabetic patients, consecutively selected from an out-patient clinic, were studied with regard to plasma lipoprotein levels, especially HDL. Patients treated with sulphonylureas had 24% lower HDL cholesterol concentrations (p less than 0.01) but only about 7% lower apo AI levels (n.s.) than those on insulin treatment. This difference could at least partly be explained by differences in age

Theories of chromatographic efficiency applied to expanded beds

Various quantities such as plate height (HETP), number of plates (N), axial dispersion coefficient (D-ax) and Bodenstein number (Bo) are used to describe the efficiency of, and dispersion in chromatographic columns. Different quantities highlight different aspects of the performance. Due to the expansion of expanded-bed columns, the information contained in some of these quantities is not the same

Interarticulator programming: effects of closure duration on lip and tongue coordination in Japanese.

This paper examines the coordination of lip and tongue movements in sequences of vowel-bilabial consonant-vowel where the duration of the oral closure for the consonant is varied for linguistic purposes. Native speakers of Japanese served as subjects. The linguistic material consisted of Japanese word pairs that only differed in the duration of the labial consonant, which was either long or short.

Synovial fluid expression of autoantibodies specific for RAGE relates to less erosive course of rheumatoid arthritis

Objectives. The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is expressed by many cells in joints of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and interacts with a variety of pro-inflammatory ligands that are enriched in inflamed joint. The RAGE-ligand interaction leads to a sustained inflammatory response. Also, secreted form of the receptor, called soluble RAGE (sRAGE), the levels of which are d

Striatal neuron differentiation from neurosphere-expanded progenitors depends on Gsh2 expression.

Neural stem and progenitor cells from the embryonic forebrain can be expanded under growth factor stimulation in vitro, either as free-floating aggregates called neurospheres or as attached monolayer cultures. We have previously shown that despite the maintenance of important regulatory genes such as Gsh2, in vitro expansion of cells from the lateral ganglion eminence (LGE) restricts their differe

Indices of mineral metabolism in relation to blood pressure in a sample of a healthy population

Indices of mineral metabolism in blood and urine were analysed in relation to blood pressure in 97 healthy subjects aged 16-82 years. In a multivariate analysis, after allowing for the effects of sex, body mass index (BMI) and age, there was an inverse relationship between plasma level of ionized calcium and mean blood pressure (MBP) (beta = -50.0 mmHg/mmol/l P-ionized calcium, p = 0.0005). In uni

Dose planning with SPECT

In nuclear medicine imaging, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is used with increasing frequency for studies of different organs. A new approach is to use quantitative SPECT for dose planning in radionuclide therapy. Important parameters to estimate dose planning are described here.

Distal blood pressure as a predictor for the level of amputation in diabetic patients with foot ulcer

The predictive value of distal blood pressure measurements for the level of amputation was studied prospectively in 161 consecutive diabetic patients with foot ulcers. The patients were treated as outpatients except for periods of surgery and when complications requiring hospital care occurred. All patients were treated pre- and postoperatively by the same multidisciplinary foot care team. Either

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Hydrolysis of by-products from cereal kernels for improved ethanol production

This work deals with the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic agricultural residues, by means of combined pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, to be used for ethanol production. Four agricultural by-products, i.e. barley husk, wheat bran and the waste streams of a combined starch and ethanol factory, denoted wheat starch fibres and starch-free fibres B, were investigated. The starch in wheat bran and w

Ab initio DFT study of Z-E isomerization pathways of N-benzylideneaniline

The ground state properties and absorption spectra of N-benzylideneaniline (NBA) have been studied at the density functional (DFT) and at the time-dependent density functional (TD-DFT) level of the theory. The equilibrium geometries of the E and Z isomers in the ground state and their vibrational frequencies have been computed. Furthermore, the excitation energies of the lowest excited singlet and

The relative importance of fish predation and excretion effects on planktonic communities

The effects of planktivorous fish on lower trophic levels through predation on zooplankton and nutrient excretion were experimentally separated and their relative importance quantified in a eutrophic humic lake. The experiment was performed in 12 enclosures (3 mi), which initially were identical with respect to all components except fish. At the start of the experiment, caged fish not able to feed

Edison & jazzen

Om jazzinspelningar på Thomas Alva Edisons skivbolag under 1920-talet.