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Operationssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av kommunikation och samarbete inom operationsteamet - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Syfte: Syftet är att belysa operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av kommunikation och samarbete inom operationsteamet. Bakgrund: Kommunikationsmissar är vanligt förekommande inom operationsteamet. Färre operationssjuksköterskor än andra personalkategorier, tyckte att alla delade ett gemensamt mål för patienterna. Det krävs ett gott samarbete mellan de olika professionerna för att minska riskerna f

Hållbarhet inom livsmedelsbranschen

Kandidatuppsatsen Hållbarhet inom livsmedelsbranschen är en uppsats på C-nivå vid Lunds universitet. Arbetet svarar dels på hur producerande livsmedelsföretag med säte i Skåne ser på sitt arbete med hållbarhet. Dels kartläggs de skillnader, och likheter, som livsmedelsföretagen har av sitt praktiska hållbarhetsarbete gentemot den teori som forskningsfronten arbetat fram. Avslutningsvis summeras skDue to the historical developments within human society that concern various forms of production, especially food production, sustainability has become an important issue. This Bachelors Essay strives to illuminate the differences between what academic knowledge claims should be done about sustainability, and how small to medium food producers perceive their daily efforts in relation to the three

Local food in Iceland : identifying behavioural barriers to change towards increased production and consumption

Increased production and consumption of local food may partly counteract the negative environmental, social, and economic impacts of industrialised and globalised food production. The aim of this thesis was to identify the barriers the country of Iceland faces in increasing production and consumption of local food. The research was guided by the framework of Integral theory, identifying behaviour

Kriser i sociala medier - Traditionella verktyg i nya medium, går det att laga en iPad med hammare?

Sociala medier är här för att stanna. På grund av att allt fler människor blivit användare av sociala medier har även företag och organisationer börjat synas på dessa digitala nätverk. Detta medför risker som kan leda till kriser för företag och organisationer. Denna uppsats behandlar traditionella metoder för hantering av kriser gällande företag och organisationer och undersöker huruvida dessa är

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This paper examines the use of the body in the Femen movement’s street activism. The women’s rights activist group began in 2008 in Ukraine and came to prominence as a result of its topless protests in confrontation with patriarchy, religion and the sex industry. Through the use of social media in particular the group has managed to proliferate across Europe and has created a transnational network

Informationsöverföring i en industrialiserad byggprocess

Information management in construction projects is all about communicate the information, to file the document to make it available and to verify that the information is correct. Improving the information management in a project and between different projects will reduce the problems and the costs of it. To succeed with the information management the chain of information must remain unbroken from

Custom Lossless Compression and High-Quality Lossy Compression of White Blood Cell Microscopy Images for Display and Machine Learning Applications

This master's thesis investigates both custom lossless compression and high-quality lossy compression of microscopy images of white blood cells produced by CellaVision's blood analysis systems. A number of different compression strategies have been developed and evaluated, all of which are taking advantage of the specific color filter array used in the sensor in the cameras in the analysis

Värde och förmåga i aktiviteter hos äldre med depression – en subjektiv skattning med Min mening

Bakgrund: Antalet äldre människor i samhället ökar, 12-15 % av den äldre befolkningen har en depression. Att vara äldre och ha en depression påverkar aktivitetsförmågan på många sätt. Forskning på hur äldre med depression upplever sin aktivitetsförmåga är begränsad och för att kunna förbättra arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och bredda behandlingsutbudet är det viktigt att undersöka. Syfte: Under

The refugee and humanity : a theoretical study of the enjoyment of human rights in the case of Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy

This essay explores the refugee’s access to human rights in regard to the case of Hirsi Jamaa and others v. Italy. The status of refugee, official or not, entails certain rights and state obligation, but the correlation between refugee rights and human rights is problematic. The analysis of the case parties’ arguments for and against violation of relevant articles of the European Convention for th

Perception of a City’s Extent

The thesis is about the perceived extent of a city in comparison to the administrative city limits. This thesis primarily based on an opinion poll with 500 respondents that was conducted in the Malmö region in May 2013 and sets out to map the perceived city extent of the city of Malmö. Furthermore, a comparison is made with the findings from an identical opinion poll made in the Stockholm region.

Internal Displacement, Place attachment and post-conflict trauma in Sucre, Colombia.

This essay gives and insight into the situation of IDPs in Sucre, Colombia. The aim of the study is to try to draw on the concepts of internal displacement, place attachment and post-conflict trauma to see how IDPs view themselves in respects to these concepts. Colombia has the second largest number of IDPs in the world making the situation for IDPs a highly relevant case to study. When one talks

All in the game yo, all in the game - Normteoretisk styrning utav polisiära insatser mot organiserad narkotikarelaterad brottslighet

In the radio documentary Narkotikalandet Sverige made during late 2012 by the Swedish radio channel P1 the narcotic-related part of society is explored in three separate parts. The first part explores the heroin market in the Swedish capitol of Stockholm. Focused around Sergels Torg the reporter explores a part of the Swedish society that many either doesn’t know exist or they choose to ignore it.

Community, work and sustainability : redefining work through cohousing

The prevailing view on work excludes unpaid activities like care, individual or community work although they are crucial for economy and everyday life. Because the focus on paid work also leads to both social and environmental unsustainability, work has to be redefined. Cohousing evolved from the belief that through a collective organisation with a specific built and social environment, care work

What are the effects of the financial crisis on Gender Inequality? - The case of Greece

The purpose of this thesis has been to ask whether the financial crisis in Greece is having any effects on gender inequality using the two concepts of gender roles and care work as theoretical frameworks. The scope of the study stretches from the beginning of the crisis in 2009, to 2012. Greece is used as a case study in the thesis and the data consists of official statistics from Eurostat and ELS

The influence of the financial crisis on the investment behaviour of German pension funds regarding the Swedish real-estate market as an investment location

The financial crisis of 2007-2008 shock the financial markets worldwide and caused major losses for financial institutions and institutional investors. German pension funds need to invest their assets also during times of financial and economic downturns, regardless the uncertainty about the future development of the market situation. Real-estate is considered a safe investment for capital in time

Recognizing Recognition – An analysis of donor-recipient relations using the example of Sino-Malawian cooperation

The partnership rhetoric is widely spread in development studies and practice. This thesis revisits the debate on partnership using Honneth’s theory of recognition. In order to shed light on the role of recognition in donor-recipient relations, Sino-Malawian cooperation on infrastructure projects in Malawi is exemplarily examined. A discourse analysis of original expert interviews with Malawians i

Absolut barnfattigdom vs. relativ barnfattigdom : en argumentationsanalys av debatten kring Rädda Barnens årsrapport om barnfattigdom i Sverige

This essay is an analysis of the on-going debate concerning child poverty in Sweden. In what follows, I will outline the most significant definitions of child poverty currently in use. These are absolute poverty, absolute poverty in a Swedish context and relative poverty. I have based my discussion of these issues on Save the Children Sweden’s report on child poverty, along with its strongest coun

Pro-israelisk kritik mot UNRWA : en retorisk analys av Middle Eastern Quarterlys specialnummer om UNRWA

The purpose of this thesis has been to categorize the criticism that the pro-Israeli side presents against UNRWA. With a rhetorical perspective I have carefully examined an academic journal with an expressed pro-American agenda to find the main theses of the criticism. My studies showed that the criticism the authors are presenting is that it is wrong that the integration has disappeared from UNRW