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Bearbetning av kongruens i nominalfras Flerspråkiga personers förmåga att bearbeta grammatiska genusmarkörer i meningar med varierad komplexitet

Syfte. orrekthet i relation till grammatiskt genus och komplexitet. Metod. Tre deltagare rekryterades; ett barn, en tonåring och en vuxen. Ett experiment utformades för att undersöka och mäta aktuella variabler. Experimentet bestod av 60 uppgifter, som varierade mellan om målordet var i utrum eller neutrum samt nominalfras inkluderad enkla eller komplexa rammeningar. Resultat. Två av tre deltagare

Biomass storage in Swedish forests: A case of land use

Hur vi förvaltar skogen påverkar klimatet Varför skogar är viktiga att undersöka och vad jag undersökte Klimatförändringar påverkar redan såväl mänskliga som naturliga system över hela jordklotet, och de förväntas påverka dessa system även i framtiden. Eftersom skogar absorberar koldioxid från atmosfären och sedan lagrar den i biosfären har de en mildrande effekt på klimatförändringarna. Vad gällBy storing carbon in the biosphere, forests are mitigating climate change. Primary forests have been found to have the potential to store large amounts of carbon, but no studies on carbon storage in Swedish primary forests have been published. This study shows that Swedish primary forests store more carbon in biomass than surrounding secondary forests in the majority of cases and on average. The r

Farliga förbindelser: Betydelsen av vänskap, status och suveränitet i diskussioner om svensk allianspolitik 1680–1683

The present study examines the discussions about alliance policy in the Swedish council of the realm 1680-1683. Taking issue with earlier research that has portrayed the Swedish foreign policy during this period in realist terms, the study instead uses the concepts of friendship, status and sovereignty to give context to the arguments used by the council when discussing alliance partners. Regardin

Social kompetens hos Projektledare

Syfte: Arbetet går ut på att undersöka den sociala kompetensen hos projektledare, med hjälp av en modell som innefattar nio sociala egenskaper, och är en adaption från en liknande studie som gjordes i Kina. Resultatet i enkäten kommer att jämföras med den studie av kinesiska och australienska studenter, och den teoretiska aspekten av social kompetens för att bedöma projektledarnas sociala kompete

A Look into Organising in the Era of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly. It is beginning to appear in personal life, business sectors, society, and shows impacts on each these contexts. The purpose of this study is to increase our understanding of how narrow AI could potentially affect the way we will organise. To fulfil this purpose, the Four Frames was used to collect and analyse recent publications for insights over

Bridging the Gap between Formal and Informal Finance

Financial inclusion, defined as access and usage of formal financial services, has several positive micro and macro-level socio-economic implications. Due to decades of vigorous policies aiming at lowering barriers to formal finance, 80 percent of Indians now own a bank account. However, there is a significant gap between account take up and usage. One reason for low usage rate is persistent infor

Ger behandlingen av ortsprismaterialet upphov till ett råtomtmarksvärde?

I samband med lantmäteriförrättningar där ersättningsbeloppet behöver framtas med hjälp av de värderingsmedel som Lantmäteriet eller utsedd värderingsman har att tillgå är det ytterst viktigt att ingångsparametrarna är korrekta. Då fastighetsregleringar där vinstfördelning blir aktuellt och där genomsnittsvärdeprincipen aktualiseras är det råtomtmarksvärdet som eftersöks. I värderingsutlåtandet reDuring land surveying operations, the amount of compensation needs to be calculated using the valuation means taken by the land surveyor or appointed appraiser. For this reason, it is important that input parameters are correct. As profit distribution is a pressing concern in relation to real estate regulations, raw land value is sought after. In this case, the responsible land surveyor reports fo

Anomaly Detection in Streaming Time Series Data Using Active Learning and Metalearning

In this thesis a framework for finding anomalies in streaming data is proposed. The framework proposed is not necessarily applicable only to problems in anomaly detection, but could be applied to other problems as well. There are three main concepts at play in the framework: (i) Active Learning, a learning algorithm which can query a human specialist for labels of instance such that the model can

One-Click Internationalisation through E-Commerce Marketplaces? A qualitative study of the key capabilities for SMEs

Purpose – While e-commerce marketplaces have changed the way SMEs operate across borders, literature connecting digital platforms with the internationalisation of firms is scarce. Although the Uppsala Model and the Born Global concept acknowledge the influence of digital technologies, they do not capture the phenomenon of e-commerce marketplaces as a new mode of entry. In light of the new opportun

Environmental innovation across Sweden: The role of related variety in regional knowledgebases

Sustainable development has become a major goal of development policies across the globe and environmental innovation is commonly viewed as a means to fulfil this goal because it can create growth while simultaneously reducing environmental impact. Recent research in economic geography has provided evidence for a positive relationship between variety in local knowledgebases and innovativeness. Fol

Kanske är det bättre om vi gör det tillsammans? En kvalitativ studie om samspelet i det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet

I Sverige är det idag drygt fem miljoner människor som har någon form av sysselsättning och av dessa säger drygt en tredjedel att de någon gång har upplevt besvär eller ohälsa till följd av arbetet. Detta får konsekvenser både för samhället, organisationer och individer som alla på olika sätt blir lidande av ohälsa på arbetsplatser. Eftersom människor tillbringar så pass mycket tid på arbetsplatse

The upper and lower bounds on Korenblum’s constant

The purpose of this thesis is to study complex analysis, the Bergman space and Korenblum's conjecture. This is done in three parts. In the first part the proofs that the conjecture is true are studied, giving lower bounds of Korenblum's constant. The first proof is explained in detail, to make it as accessible as possible to more people. The main differences for a couple of later proofs th

Adoption of Digital Precision Agriculture Technology and Farm Data: A Case Study on Swedish Grain Farmers and On-Combine Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Quality Measurement

Lantbruket står inför stora förändringar till följd av en snabb ökning av den globala befolkningsmängden och klimatförändringar som skapar stor press på värdekedjan för matproduktion. Användningen av teknologier för precisionsodling (PA) har visat sig ha fördelar som kan vara en del av lösningen för dessa framtida utmaningar. Trots detta råder det inte konsensus inom forskarkåren om vilka aspekterThe agricultural industry is going through immense changes due to the rapid growth of the global population and climate change, creating increased pressure on the food supply chain. The use of precision agriculture (PA) technologies have shown benefits that could help solve these challenges. Despite this, there is no consensus among researchers on what aspects affect the adoption of PA technology

Improving Classification of Auditory Attention using Optimized Multitapers and Machine Learning

Kommunikation är en sådan central del av vår vardag att vi ofta glömmer hur komplicerat både att tala, men även att lyssna egentligen är. Forskning kring dessa ämnen har gjorts länge, men ännu finns det saker vi fortfarande inte förstår till fullo. En sådan sådan sak är det så kallade Cocktailpartyproblemet, vilket avser hur människor så enkelt kan urskilja röster även i fall där mycketbakgrundsljThe cocktail-party problem relates to the challenge of separating a single sound source from a noisy and crowded background based on the listener’s attention. Earlier work has been done in order to use the relations between the sounds heard and the following brain response to develop a model that can accurately classify which sound an individual listener is listening to. The model deals with an re

C.U. Driver - Outer UI for autonomous public transport

With the advent of autonomous vehicles (AV) comes a plethora of new parameters to take into consideration in automotive design. Over the years, traffic signals and rules have developed in symbiosis, and are clear and easy to understand when the communication is between drivers. It is less clear between driver and pedestrian, especially when a pedestrian intends to cross the street. A non-verbal ag

Next generation gate seating

This project is based on product development of Green Furniture Concept’s module based seating system, Ascent, targeted towards airport environments. The project started with an open brief aimed at developing an add-on for the bench series, based on user needs. The project lasted for 20 weeks. The design process used is based on the Double Diamond process which divided the work into four parts: Di

Determinants of Financial Inclusion: A Case Study of Remittance Recipients in Vietnam

The topic of financial inclusion has attracted attention from several researchers and policymakers in the recent years. However, there has been limited number of studies in the context of Vietnam, especially to explore the factors driving financial inclusion in the country. The thesis aims to investigate the determinants of financial inclusion in Vietnam with a focus on a special group: the remitt

Impact of Gamification on Social Network Platforms

This thesis examines the motivational drivers of gamification that influence the willingness to interact among platform end users. Two elements of gamification, reward and challenge were used as independent variables while playfulness, recognition, enjoyment and social influence served as mediating variables. By using TikTok as our case study, and collecting data from 281 respondents, the study so

Ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat - upplevelser av kommunikationen i relation till organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö (OSA)

Studiens syfte undersöker hur kommunikationen, mellan medarbetare och chef inom restaurang- och cafébranschen, kan bidra till ett hälsofrämjande arbetsklimat. Detta görs genom en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod med fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och två strukturerade elektroniska intervjuer på två olika arbetsplatser, för att undersöka deltagarnas upplevelser om kommunikationen som rör ämnet orgaThe aim of this study explores how communication, between coworkers and managers in the restaurant and café business, can contribute to a health-promoting work climate. This is done by a qualitative method including four semi-structured interviews and two structured electronic interviews, on two different workplaces, to examine the participants’ experiences about the communication on the topic org