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Den produktiva gåvan. Tradition och innovation i Sydskandinavien för omkring 5 300 år sedan

The main issues discussed in this dissertation are the questions how and why farming and animal husbandry were introduced in southern Scandinavia. The Löddesborg site by the Öresund coast supplied most of the basic materials used in the analysis. Simliar sites in Scania and Blekinge, as well as finds of Limhamn-axes, pointes butted axes, polygonal axes, and dolmens complete the picture of the neol

Storage Efficient Particle Filters with Multiple Out-of-Sequence Measurements

A particle filter based solution to the out-of-sequence measurement (OOSM) problem is proposed. The solution is storage efficient, while being computationally fast. The filter approaches the multi-OOSM problem by not only updating the estimate at the most recent time, but also for all times between the OOSM time and the most recent time. This is done by exploiting the complete in-sequence informat

Validation in the context of discovery and the context of justification in psychological research

The aim of this chapter is to contribute to the debate by arguing for an approach to validity in which (1) the domain of discovery and the domain of justification are brought together and are seen as being intertwined in a transactional sense, (2) the justification process is seen to be endowed with an experimential and a contextual dimension, and (3) a pro¬ces¬sual, historical pespective is thus

Femårsuppföljning för tvångsvårdade kvinnor : Inverkan av psykiska problem på utfallet

Avhandlingen, som består av fyra delstudier, är en femårsuppföljning av kvinnliga missbrukare, som var tvångsomhändertagna på Lunden mellan januari 1997 och december 2000, och som genomgick en omfattande utredning. Klienterna har systematiskt utretts med psykologiska och neuropsykologiska test i samarbete med personal och Lundens psykiater. Test och skattningsskalor som använts är standardiserade The study focus is a sample of women with drug dependence admitted to compulsory treatment according to the Swedish act of care for drug abusers (LVM, 1988:870) and according to the act of care for young persons (LVU, 1990:52). From a cohort consecutively admitted to residential treatment at Lunden between 1997 and 2000, a sample of 132 women was selected for a five year follow-up. They were evalu

The unbounded body of the law of rape : the intrusive criterion of non-consent

In the judicial context, the law of rape is plied chiefly around two central concepts: force and non-consent. These concepts are analogues to male and female sexuality and lie at the heart of what may be described as the dichotomy of rape law. When force is part of the legislative definition of rape, non-consent seems to be used in case law as an instrument to decide whether force may be proven. O

Using Double Helix Relationships to Understand and Change Informing Systems

The paper opens by generalizing the concept of 'informing science'. It then introduces some meta-scientific perspectives and a discussion of a metaphor that has considerable explanatory power. Two main schools of metascience are presented and contrasted. The difference between treating invariances in natural sciences and in social and cultural sciences is discussed. The double helix is introduced