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The Reaction Wheel Pendulum
"This monograph describes the Reaction Wheel Pendulum, the newest inverted-pendulum-like device for control education and research. We discuss the history and background of the reaction wheel pendulum and other similar experimental devices. We develop mathematical models of the reaction wheel pendulum in depth, including linear and nonlinear models, and models of the sensors and actuators that are
Anxiolytic Drugs
This chapter provides a brief history of the evolution of medications used to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders, as described in the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). We also summarize the efficacy and adverse effects data from clinical trials for these medications. Medication classes reviewed include antidepressants, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, anticonvulsa
Den gudomliga liturgins editionshistoria
Lektorn och världskriget : 100 år sedan Heinz Hungerland lämnade Lund
Biografisk artikel om den excentriske lektorn i tyska vid Lunds universitet, diktaren m m Heinz Hungerland (1873-1946).
Utvärdering av det nationella Jämförelseprojektet, slutrapport 2010-06-14 till Finansdepartementet och Sveriges kommuner och landsting
Avser utvärdering av ett treårigt jämförelseprojekt.
Suveränt fördrag eller postsuverän konstitution?
Taking demographic developments into consideration in the configuration of higher education policies in Sweden
Konsten att förhandla
I kapitlet urskiljs åtta perspektiv, enligt vilka förhandlingsprocessens kvintessens antingen är 1) att fastställa en kontraktzon, 2) att använda taktiska instrument, 3) att reducera osäkerhet, 4) att balansera motstridiga krav, 5) att välja rätt tidpunkt, 6) att samordna interna och externa processer, 7) att kommunicera, eller 8) att utveckla sociala relationer.
Skäreggars spontanhaverier
Disturbances in production caused by rupture, cracking and chipping of tool edges are only studied to a limited extent in comparison with the effect of the cutting edge wear. These phenomena are of increasing importance when automation in production is considered. This thesis deals mainly with the deterioration of cutting edges emanating from other sources than wear. By studying the non-wear-relat
On the Transformation Mechanism of K2Ti4O9 to TiO2(B) and Formation of Microvoids
TiO2(B), a potential catalyst support, has been synthesized from a support precursor, K2Ti4O9. High resolution electron microscopy revealed that the 32% volume loss in this transformation is achieved by formation of facetted microvoids, around 10 nm in size, maintaining the morphology and size of the original crystals. A structural mechanism, including a hypothetical structure for a K2Ti 2O5 inter
Förord: Två ungerska poeter
Introduction to a selection of the poetry of Hungarian writers Anna Szabó T. and Mónika Mesterházi (in translation into Swedish by Per and Anna Svenson). The introduction sketches the positions of the two poets within Hungarian poetry.
Regionalt tillväxtarbete - samverkan och mellanorganisatorisk kommunikation. En analys av RTP-processen i Skåne
Transboundary and Cultural Crisis Communication
Transforming Risks into Cooperation: The case of Eastern Europe. Assessment report of the Environment and Security Initiative
The tale of creative learning. Jam2Jam as a tool for understanding the role of music in media.
The overall aim of the chapter is to reflect a classroom project on creative learning processes by four “dialogues” between researcher and teacher perspectives on a sequence of themes that lead up to the morale of the tale; Computers and learning, Creativity and education, Creative teaching and Creative learning.
Fromhet och politik: Nurcholish Madjid, en intellektuell sufi
An introduction to Linnaeus' short but difficult medical treatise Clavis medicinae duplex (Stockholm 1766), understood as a way solving problems in 18th Censtury medical theory.
The efficient-market hypothesis after the crisis: a methodological analysis of the evidence
This chapter presents a methodological analysis of the use of the efficient-market hypothesis in the recent financial crisis.