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Reel Socialism : Making sense of history in Czech and German cinema since 1989

Popular Abstract in English Reel Socialism considers the representation of the communist past in Czech and German cinema after the end of communist rule. The study offers in-depth analyses of numerous feature films, from Oscar-winning box-office hits to half-forgotten art-house offerings. It takes account of the films’ historical and political contexts and thus provides a comprehensive assessment This thesis is a comparative study of the communist past as depicted in Czech and German feature films since 1989, or ‘reel socialism’. It is the first detailed study of post-1989 Czech history films and the first comparative study of German post-reunification cinema. It demonstrates that cinema has been a vehicle of similar sense-making processes in the two history cultures. Much of the research

Explaining the Adoption of Complex Innovations by Reflexive Agents - A Critical Realist Perspective

The adoption of innovation is a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. It occurs as a result of the interplay between structural influences and agents' activities. Although existing studies on innovation have recognised the importance of theories that link the structure, the macro level, and agency, the micro level, in explaining changes over time, few theoretical accounts support the integrations o


The history of the concept "vetenskap" and its possible decline

Blood pressure, renal functional and structural changes, in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy

Popular Abstract in Swedish Njurarna spelar en central roll i de förändringsprocesser som anpassar kvinnans kropp till en graviditet. Många av de förändringar som sker mot slutet av en normal graviditet, påminner om de förändringar man ser vid preeklampsi, havandeskapsförgiftning, om än mindre uttalade. Preeklampsi är ett allvarligt risktillstånd som kan uppkomma under graviditet och en av de störThe kidneys play a pivotal role in the adaptive physiology of the pregnant woman, presenting some changes at term similar to the changes found in preeclampsia – a state of increased risk of fetal and maternal morbidity and mortality. The aim of these investigations was to explore possible similarities in blood pressure regulation, renal function and structure in normal term and preeclamptic pregna

Fackliga organisationer och medlemmar i dagens Sverige

Bokens baksidestext: Fackligt medlemskap har länge varit självklart i det genomorganiserade Sverige. Så är det inte längre. Under de senaste femton åren har andelen fackligt anslutna fluktuerat betydligt kraftigare än tidigare, även om den svenska organisationsgraden fortfarande är mycket hög. Ett nytt fenomen är att allt fler nöjer sig med att bara tillhöra a-kassan. Utifrån en brett upplagd inte

Handledning som undervisningsform i sjuksköterskeprogrammets praktik : en beskrivning av variation i innebörd

Popular Abstract in Swedish Företeelserna handledning och lärande har en diffus innebörd i vardagliga sammanhang, såväl som i utbildningssammanhang. Individer uppfattar företeelser och ord på olika sätt. Man ger dem en mening utifrån sin erfarenhet eller brist på erfarenhet. Denna studie belyser den mening som en grupp sjuksköterskestuderande och deras handledande sjuksköterskor ger handledning, sSwedish nursing education has its roots within a tradition of vocational training in clinical practice. Supervision is commonly used in the practical parts of the education. The aim of the study was to explore, describe and understand the content and meaning of supervision expressed by student nurses and their supervisors. A complementary aim was to analyse and report on the research process as a

Atmospheric atomic mercury monitoring using differential absorption lidar techniques

Three-dimensional mapping of atmospheric atomic mercury has been performed with lidar techniques, to our knowledge, for the first time. Industrial pollution monitoring, as well as measurements of background concentrations, is reported. High-efficiency frequency doubling of narrowband pulsed dye laser radiation was employed to generate intense radiation at the mercury UV resonance line. Field measu

Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolytes in Solution

This thesis is about the formation of complexes in solutions of oppositely charged polyions. We consider mainly three topics: 1)Monte Carlo simulations of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes with a focus on cluster compositions. To explain the distribution of cluster compositions, we found a minimum set of rules describing the interplay between the energy and entropy. 2)An analytical theory. The

One Step Forward and One Step Back. State regulation of environment and sustainable development through the use of the Education Act, school curricula and syllabuses (1990-2010)

The aim of this sociology of law-orientated article is to analyse and describe legislative and regulatory processes concerning the task given to schools focusing on environment and sustainable development. We are describing the policy-making processes in this field from 1990 to 2011. The study involves key interviews and content analysis of national policy documents as well as legal sources, in or

A fixed parameter algorithm for the minimum number convex partition problem

Given an input consisting of an n-vertex convex polygon with k hole vertices or an n-vertex planar straight line graph (PSLG) with k holes and/or reflex vertices inside the convex hull, the parameterized minimum number convex partition (MNCP) problem asks for a partition into a minimum number of convex pieces. We give a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for this problem that runs in the followin

The seashore – beyond monumentality : The case of Pitted Ware coastal sites in southern Sweden

What is the significance of a place at the seashore? What kind of a sense of place does a place by the seashore constitute in the absence of any kind of monumental structures? Today, it is obvious within the archaeological domain that archaeological material culture is not only functional, but also acts as a metaphor for people’s self-perception. In this article, my assumption is that the differen

Nanorheological Studies of Caseins

To be able to improve the quality of dairy products and dairy processes, knowledge of casein molecules, casein micelles and casein aggregates is important. The rheological properties of casein products, casein gels and adsorbed layers of casein, have been widely investigated. However, the micellar properties of casein could, until recently, only be studied by ensemble methods such as dynamic light

Organ transplantation and views of life

Vid den nordiska konferensen ”Teaching bioethics” illustrerade transplantationskirurgen Nils H. Persson och jag hur en dialogpedagogisk metod kan belysa en frågeställning på ett sätt som är svårt för en ensam lärare. Nils H. Persson diskuterade bland annat den stora skillnaden i frekvens av organdonationer mellan de nordiska länderna, mindre än 15 PMP (per million population), och Spanien, mer än