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Changes in July albedo and its relationship with EVI over the last two decades in the Swedish alpine region

Vegetation in the subarctic is expected to respond to climate warming as its growth becomes less temperature limited. This has previously been recorded in the form of treeline advances and increasing shrub cover. Changes in vegetation cover may accelerate warming due to a decrease in summer albedo, in what is termed surface albedo feedback. A quantification of the relationship between vegetation c

Racial Discrimination in Sweden and the US: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study

Racial discrimination is one of the most fundamental forms of social inequality. It remains prevalent in major progressive democracies such as Sweden and the United States. Limited studies have examined how the two nations differ in a comparative cross-sectional design. This paper aims to understand experiences and opinions regarding ethnicity and discrimination to explore differences and similari

PLC-programmering av en pelletspanna

Detta examensarbete handlar om PLC-programmering av en pelletspanna till ett nytt fjärrvärmeverk som byggs i Landskronas stadsdel Örja i samarbete med Deterministic Control AB, för en slutkund Landskrona Energi AB. Material som P&I-schema, funktionsbeskrivning, I/O-lista levererades av ett annat företag, AKJ. All programmering görs i ett ABB 800xA-system. De viktiga begrepp som examensarbetet This thesis concerns the PLC-programming of a pellet boiler for a new district heating plant being built in the Örja district of Landskrona in collaboration with Deterministic Control AB, for a final customer, Landskrona Energi AB. Material such as PI diagrams, functional descriptions, and I/O-lists were provided by another company, AKJ. All programming is carried out in an ABB 800xA system. The i

Den ryska elefanten i kommunhuset

Studiens syfte har varit att framställa en sociologisk analys av vilken inverkan krigsutbrottet i Ukraina har haft på svenska kommuners arbetssätt. För att på ett nyanserat och välgrundat sätt svara upp till studiens frågeställningar och syfte har en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med kommunernas säkerhetsansvariga utförts och kommunala dokument har analyserats. Urvalet av

The Time was Ripe: Women’s Movements’ Break-throughs in the Colombian Peace Agreement

In 2016 a historic peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC) was signed, putting an end to a conflict that lasted over 50 years. This agreement was the world’s very first gender-inclusive peace accord, meaning that they included women in the peace process and recognized how they are particularly subjected to war and confl

Systematic Multi-Parametric Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Flow Cytometry Drug Screens using Flowty

Akut myeloisk leukemi (AML) är en heterogen sjukdom, vilket gör den svår att behandla. Standardbehandlingen är intensiv kemoterapi och har inte förändrats på 40 år. På senare tid har nya läkemedel och mindre intensiva behandlingsregimer godkänts i USA och Europa. Fler möjliga behandlingsformer gör att det krävs prediktiva biomarkörer och tillförlitliga utvärderingsmetoder för att hitta den optimalAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous disease, making it difficult to treat. The standard treatment is intensive chemotherapy and has not changed in 40 years. However, recently new drugs and as less intensive treatment regimens have been approved in the US and in Europe. However. With a larger therapeutic toolbox, there is an urgent need for predictive biomarkers to offer the optimal tre

Det mänskliga och det organisatoriska: Human Resources - en tudelad roll

HR-yrket är i ständig förändring och upplever i dagsläget ett stort intresse från organisationer runt om i landet för deras många kompetensområden. Med detta i åtanke är det av vikt att HR-funktionen bemöts på rätt sätt och har de verktyg som behövs för att kunna prestera. Denna studie ämnar därför att besvara två frågor: vilka krav och förväntningar existerar på HR-praktiker från olika sidor av o

Digital Product Passports: Exploring Product information and its role in fostering the Circular Economy

The Circular Economy (CE) came into existence due to the increasing environmental concerns produced by the legacy linear economy which consumes too many resources and generates a lot of waste. The CE is initiated on the ideas of reducing, reusing, and recycling resources by utilising the product information. Thus, this study investigates the product information which is to be carried by Digital Pr

Företagsnytta i praktiken - det bortglömda syskonet

Företagsnytta är en del av influensregeln i 4 kap. 2 § expropriationslagen (ExL). Influensregeln innebär ett undantag från grundregeln i ersättningsreglerna i 4 kap. ExL som säger att fastighetens marknadsvärdeminskning ska ersättas. Regeln innebär att i de fall expropriationsföretaget föranlett en värdeförändring av någon betydelse ska värderingen av fastigheten göras utan beaktning av influensenThis report aims to investigate how the legislation regarding the positive effect from an enterprise for the conduct of which a property unit is expropriated, in chapter 4 section 2 of the Swedish Expropriation Act, is used in practice. The rule is an exception to the main compensation rules, which means that a landowner should be fully compensated in the event of expropriation. The rule has prove

The voice of unheard : Chai Khana and the importance of independent media in encouraging diversity and inclusion

“The voice of unheard: Chai Khana and the importance of independent media in encouraging diversity and inclusion” is a master thesis focusing on the case study of Chai Khana, an independent media platform located in the South Caucasus and covering the gender-related stories from the region, and how it represents the voices of gender oppression and marginalisation. Through adopting a methods triang

Modelling the effects of substituting pollinators in decline

I denna rapport innebär \textit{pollinering}, eller \textit{pollination}, att ett djur transporterar pollen från en växt till en annan växt. Djuren som utför pollineringen (ofta insekter) kallas \textit{pollinerare}, eller \textit{pollinatörer}, och växterna sägs bli \textit{pollinerade}. Det uppskattas att omkring 90\% av alla kända växtarter, och 35\% av all odling av grödor, behöver pollineringWhile pollination is essential for many plant species and ecosystem functions, pollinator populations worldwide are declining. This decline is largely due to abiotic changes in the environment: climate change and other anthropogenic impacts, such as pesticides and land use change. Against this background, I investigate the effects of introducing a non-native pollinator species ("substituting

Mitigating Post-Harvest Losses in Bhutan through Solar Food Drying: Optimization and Analysis

Bhutan is the world’s most mountainous country which comes with some logistical difficulties. Due to slow transportation times and lackluster food preservation are the post-harvest losses high which especially affects the rural parts of Bhutan negatively. Solar Food: Reducing post-harvest losses through improved solar drying, is a project set out to design a low-cost solar powered food dryer to im

En artificiellt intelligent inre marknad: En analys av den föreslagna AI-förordningen och dess betydelse för säkerställandet av en väl fungerande inre marknad för AI

Under de senaste åren har det skett betydande framsteg inom teknikområdet artificiell intelligens (AI). AI är ett komplext tekniskt område som involverar utveckling av mjuk- och programvara med förmåga att efterlikna de kognitiva egenskaper som normalt associeras med människor. Teknikutvecklingen på området förväntas föra med sig stora ekonomiska och sociala fördelar, men är också förenad med riskIn recent years, significant technological advancements have been made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a complex technical domain that involves the development of software and hardware capable of mimicking the cognitive abilities normally associated with humans. Technological advancements in AI are expected to bring about substantial economic and social benefits. However, these

Breaking the Stereotypes: Exploring Control and Self-Expression of Modern-Day Freak Show Performers

Abstract Author: Dana Štěpánková Title: Breaking the Stereotypes: Exploring Control and Self-Expression of ModernDay Freak Show Performers Supervisor: Sébastien Tutenges Master’s Thesis SOCM04, Cultural Criminology, 30 credits Department of Sociology, Spring 2023 Freak shows have been historically depicted as dehumanizing spectacles exhibiting individuals with physical anomalies. Over time, these

Once upon a finance: Investigating the Impact of Storytelling on Consumer's purchase intention

This study investigates the relationship between narrative marketing and the intention to purchase mortgages. A sample of 88 individuals was recruited through a convenience sample. These 88 individuals were randomly selected into either the control or treatment groups. The treatment group was exposed to narrative marketing communication, and the control group was non-narrative marketing communicat

GIS, naturrelaterade händelser och resiliens – En studie om GIS betydelse inom arbetet med krisberedskap och samhällsplanering på lokal, regional och nationell nivå

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the significance of GIS in local, regional and national actors’ work with crisis preparedness and urban planning relative to natural hazards and resilience. Three interviews involving the City of Stockholm, the Stockholm County Administrative Board and The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency shed light on how GIS is used and the descriptive significance

Small but Mighty: A qualitative study investigating characteristics of SMEs in their utilisation of ICT for sustainability

This master's thesis seeks to address the problems associated with the utilisation of sustainable Information Communication Technologies (ICT) by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), due to various barriers such as cost, limited resources, and lack of awareness. The research question seeks to examine the internal factors and characteristics of SMEs that influence their utilisation of ICT

“Dem har ju andra förutsättningar än en inrikes född.” - Socialsekreterares beskrivningar av långvarigt ekonomiskt biståndsmottagande bland utrikes födda klienter.

The aim of this study was to provide a further understanding of the reasons why foreign-born people remain in long-term need of financial aid from the social welfare system. This study focuses particularly on foreign-born clients who are capable of working but receive financial aid due to unemployment. We look into how social workers work to help foreign-born clients to leave their need for long-t

Photocatalytic setup for in situ and operando ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy at MAX IV Laboratory

The Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS) endstation at the SPECIES beamline at MAX IV Laboratory has been improved. The latest upgrades help in performing photo-assisted experiments under operando conditions in the mbar pressure range using gas and vapour mixtures whilst also reducing beam damage to the sample caused by X-ray irradiation. This article reports on endstation upg