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Hatbrott- En undersökning om hets mot folkgrupp, straffskärpningsregeln, hatbrottsdefinition och högerextrema grupper.

Brott med rasistiska motiv har från samhällets sida länge varit särskilt angelägna att bekämpa. I denna uppsats behandlas bland annat frågor rörande de högerextrema grupperingar som trots detta verkat i Sverige. Tre grupperingar undersöks, Nordiska rikspartiet, Svenskarnas parti och Svenska motståndsrörelsen. Av dessa existerar i skrivande stund endast Svenska motståndsrörelsen som bedöms kunna vCrimes with racist motives have since long been particularly important for society to oppose. This study examines amongst other questions issues concerning right-wing groups who have in spite of this acted in Sweden. Three groups were examined, Nordiska rikspartiet, Svenskarnas parti and Svenska motståndsrörelsen. The only existing group today is Svenska motståndsrörelsen. It is estimated that Sve

Hållbara strategier : en diskussion kring modeföretags möjligheter att agera hållbart

Over-consumption of resources is becoming an environmental issue with increasing impact. Within the Swedish fashion market efforts to address this issue are becoming more visible. One example is the sustainability concept launched by the brand Filippa K in early 2015. This concept will first be examined using three consequential categories for sustainability within the fashion-system: alternative

How Do Designers Deal With Uncertainty

Uncertainty touches most aspects of life and cannot be avoided, anybody is frequently presented with situations wherein a decision must be made when he/she is uncertain of exactly how to proceed. Narrow down into Information Systems (IS) field, uncertainty could be regarded as a basic but difficult problem that every HCI designer need to deal with within their design process. The purpose of this t

The Feedback of Feedback: A Phenomenological Study at MAX IV Laboratory

This study investigates the meaning of "feedback" at MAX IV Laboratory using a phenomenological approach. Outcomes of the study contain: (a) significant themes that respondents speak about regarding “feedback”, including its forms and functions, interpretability, the role of culture, together-being, longing towards feedback, the perception of MAX Lab, etc.; (b) similarities and differenc

Cleaners and clients. A study on the contact between cleaners and clients.

The domestic cleaning business in Sweden has been controversial over a period of time, raising issues of “black” employment, exploitation and harassment of the cleaners. After 2007 the connection of the cleaning businesses with the state through the tax office, is claimed to have bettered the working conditions for the workers, interpreted through statistics, although qualitative researches are st

Retail and Consumer Perceptions on Paper Packaging for Flour in Indonesia -With Insights on Perceptions of Environmental Sustainability

Title (in English): Retail and Consumer Perceptions on Paper Packaging for Flour in Indonesia –with Insights on Perceptions of Environmental Sustainability Title (in Swedish): Handelns och konsumenternas uppfattningar om pappersförpackningar för mjöl i Indonesien - med insikter om hur de uppfattar miljömässig hållbarhet Author: Anindyaningrum Chrisant Rystiasih Divison: Packaging Logistics

Two Sides to the Same Coin: The Dual Life of Consultants in Employee and Employer Branding

Purpose: This research aims to gain an understanding on how consultants in small consultancies, who also hold internal human resource responsibilities, promote their organisation in employee and employer branding. Relevance: Due to the ambiguous consultancy profession and the high potential for individual influences on the corporate brand, branding becomes a very germane topic in our particular r

Statsstödsreglerna och innovationssystemet - en problematiserande redogörelse och konsekvensanalys

Företagsinkubation har vuxit fram till att bli ett viktigt politiskt verktyg för att stimulera entreprenörskap, innovation, företagande och regional utveckling. Inom innovationssystemet finansieras inkubatorer över hela landet med offentliga medel. Inkubatorernas uppgift är att erbjuda olika former av stöd, kompetens och nätverk för att accelerera utveckling av Sveriges framtida tillväxtbolag. De

Investigations of the mechanisms behind the carbon loss in a Swedish pine & spruce forest, with the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS

Vegetation on land is globally taking up about 30% of the CO2 that is emitted by human activities (oceans take up 30%, while 40% remains in the atmosphere). This ability to store carbon in the vegetation and in the soil is very important to mitigate the climate changes, but all land based ecosystems are not carbon sinks. Ecosystems that are losing carbon needs to be further investigated, so we can

Tidsbegränsade anställningar - överensstämmer anställningsskyddslagen med EU-rätten?

Efter 2007 års lagändringar i anställningsskyddslagen anmäldes Sverige till EU-kommissionen. Anledningen var att lagens bestämmelser inte ansågs vara förenliga med direktiv 1999/70/EG om ramavtalet om visstidsarbete undertecknat av EFS, UNICE och CEEP. Enligt ramavtalet ska det finnas bestämmelser som förhindrar missbruk som uppstår av flera på varandra följande tidsbegränsade anställningar. EU-kAfter the 2007 legislative changes in the Swedish Employment Protection Act Sweden was reported to the European Commission. The reason was that its provisions were not considered compatible with Council Directive 1999/70/EC concerning the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP. According to the framework agreement, there should be measures preventing abuse arising

The Use of Crowdsourcing as a Strategic Marketing Tool - An Examination of Brand Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions

The aim of this study is to understand how crowdsourcing campaigns in an online environment can change brand perceptions and behavioral intentions of non-participating customers. Therefore, the thesis connects two major concepts. First the phenomenon of crowdsourcing will be discussed with emphasis an emphasis on its use in marketing. Then crowdsourcing will be lined to the theoretical concept of

Källsortering i historisk miljö

Emelie Fridell Källsortering i historisk miljö För företag och organisationer kan lokalers utformning och platsbrist gör dem mindre lämpade att ställa källsorteringsmöbler i. Detta kan innebära att en del historiska byggnader på grund av sin utformning har svårare att installera källsorteringsmöbler. Vid undersökning av AF-borgen i Lund gjordes en volymbestämning av avfallsmängderna i två lokaThe resources of our earth are limited and need to be managed sustainably. Managing waste is thus a global issue which makes recycling of waste an important part of sustainable resource management. Sweden has come a long way in source separation of waste compared to many other European countries, with recycling techniques and equipment for source separation, in use. However, most studies look at h

Pricing Portfolios Constructed on Cyclicality Considerations Using Non-Domestic Regional Factors: Evidence from Eurozone Region

This research paper tests the traditional market based pricing models and their ability to explain the return on portfolios constructed on cyclicality basis in the Eurozone region. The paper goes beyond the domestic market portfolios (indices) regularly used for asset pricing to the more regional or international approach of asset pricing through using regional market portfolios as a predictor fac

Måluppfyllelse och utveckling av lexikala och grammatiska aspekter hos elever med språkstörning i språkklass

Litteraturen visar att elever med språkstörning uppvisar sämre resultat i skolan än elever med typisk utveckling, samt att måluppfyllelse inte gynnas av undervisningen i språkklass. Hur måluppfyllelse ser ut och utvecklas för elever med språkstörning, är inte ett vidare välutforskat område i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur måluppfyllelse ser ut och utvecklas mellan årskurs 6