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Your search for "*" yielded 528475 hits

Function and flexibility of object exploration in kea and new caledonian crows

A range of non-human animals frequently manipulate and explore objects in their environment, which may enable them to learn about physical properties and potentially form more abstract concepts of properties such as weight and rigidity. Whether animals can apply the information learned during their exploration to solve novel problems, however, and whether they actually change their exploratory beh

Climbing the cosmic ladder with stellar twins in RAVE with Gaia

We apply the twin method to determine parallaxes to 232 545 stars of the RAVE survey using the parallaxes of Gaia DR1 as a reference. To search for twins in this large data set, we apply the t-student stochastic neighbour embedding projection that distributes the data according to their spectral morphology on a two-dimensional map. From this map, we choose the twin candidates for which we calculat

Erfarenhetsåterföring vid renovering

Nationellt Renoveringscentrum (NRC) bildades 2013 för att arbeta med kunskapshöjning och informationsspridning om en effektiv renoveringsprocess. Centret siktar på att samla och föra vidare kunskap om hur renovering av befintlig bebyggelse kan genomföras både effektivt för involverade aktörer såväl som socialt, ekonomiskt och miljömässigt hållbart för samhället. Kunskap från både akademi och närin

Pioneers for the Basic Understanding of Usher syndrome

After the first description of the inherited nature of bimodal deaf-blindness disease in mid nineteenth century by pioneering ophthalmologists Albrecht von Graefe (May 22, 1828 ± July 20, 1870) and Richard Liebreich (June 30, 1830 - January 19, 1917) followed by its confirmation in early twentieth century from a larger number of patients by another pioneer ophthalmologist Charles Howard Usher (Mar

Sömnstörningar hos barn

Som ett led i regeringsuppdraget att ”Utvidga kunskapen om barns läkemedel och deras användning” anordnade Läkemedelsverket 2012 ett möte med representanter för barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. Syftet var att identifiera kunskapsluckor samt föreslå speciella läkemedelsområden där det fanns behov av att sammanställa kunskap. Behandling av sömnstörningar hos barn var ett område som prioriterades.

Targeted uptake of folic acid-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles by ovarian cancer cells in the presence but not in the absence of serum

Targeted delivery of nanoparticles to cells or tissues of interest is arguably the "holy grail" of nanomedicine. Using primary human macrophages and ovarian cancer cells, we evaluated the biocompatibility and specific targeting of folic acid (FA)-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles with organic [poly(ethylene glycol), PEG] or inorganic (SiO2) intermediate surface coatings. Reduction of folate rece

Motivating the contributions : An Open Innovation perspective on what to share as Open Source Software

Open Source Software (OSS) ecosystems have reshaped the ways how software-intensive firms develop products and deliver value to customers. However, firms still need support for strategic product planning in terms of what to develop internally and what to share as OSS. Existing models accurately capture commoditization in software business, but lack operational support to decide what contribution s

Numerical Estimation of Asymmetry of In-Cylinder Flow in a Light Duty Direct Injection Engine with Re-Entrant Piston Bowl

Partially premixed combustion (PPC) can be applied to decrease emissions and increase fuel efficiency in direct injection, compression ignition (DICI) combustion engines. PPC is strongly influenced by the mixing of fuel and oxidizer, which for a given fuel is controlled mainly by (a) the fuel injection, (b) the in-cylinder flow, and (c) the geometry and dynamics of the engine. As the injection tim

Evaluation of image quality and radiation dose of abdominal dual-energy CT

Background Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) has conceptually been known since the late 1970s and commercially available as dual-source CT (DSCT) systems since 2006; however, the technique has not yet seen widespread implementation in routine protocols. Part of the cause for this is likely due to misconceptions about radiation dose and/or image quality when using DECT. Purpose To compare imag

Understanding Recycling Behavior – A Study of Motivational Factors behind Waste Recycling

Globally, waste volumes are increasing rapidly and the World Bank estimates a 70% global increase in municipal solid waste until 2025. Waste may have serious environmental consequences and there is a strong correlation between solid waste generation rates and greenhouse gas emissions. These two observations alone indicate that this development is not sustainable. Recycling is one of the most impor

Climate Change observations into Hydropower in Mozambique

Hydropower is a renewable energy that expected to be affected by persistent climate change in Mozambique. Variability of climate e.g. temperature and precipitation will contributors to future shortage of energy from renewable energy production especially for hydropower and biomass. This research reviews the impacts of climate change on the productions of hydropower in Mozambique. Furthermore, a st

Openness as Tool for Acceleration and Measurement: Reflections on Problem Representations Underpinning Open Access and Open Science

Open access has established itself as an issue that researchers, universities, and various infrastructure providers, such as libraries and academic publishers, have to relate to. Commonly policies requiring open access are framed as expanding access to information and hence as being part of a democratization of society and knowledge production processes. However, there are also other aspects that

Perinatal and familial risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome in a Swedish national cohort

Objective: Studies of the importance of perinatal factors for the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are sparse. We conducted a large national cohort study to examine perinatal and familial risk factors for IBS. Material and methods: A national cohort of 1,963,685 persons who were born in Sweden in 1973–1992 (identified from the Swedish Birth Registry) were followed up for adult (18 yea

Läkarutbildningen kan kortas

Artikel om att läkarutbildningen i Sverige kan och bör förkortas.A short article on why the medical education should be shortened.

Ingvar Svennilson on Economic Planning in War and Peace

During the transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy in the mid-1940s, Sweden experienced a heated debate on economic planning in which a number of Sweden’s leading economists were involved. In 1941, Ingvar Svennilson, a member of the so-called Stockholm school of economists, became the head of the Industrial Institute of Economic and Social Research, founded by Swedish industry. During the