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Microplastics In Ringed Seals From The Baltic Sea - Method development regarding the detection of microplastics in the digestive tract contents of marine mammals

Plastic pollution is a severe global problem and every year approximately 368 million tons of plastic is produced. Both terrestrial and marine environments are impacted and hundreds of species affected. Marine plastic debris accounts for a weight of 268 940 tons and affects hundreds of marine species through habitat degradation, entanglement and ingestion. Microplastics (MPs) are a type of plastic

Business Model Generation for a Start Up Enterprise Within the Transport Infrastructure Industry

Transports, and transport infrastructures enable and deliver vital societal functions in today’s society. At the same time, as sustainability becomes more and more important these sectors fail to enable the rate of change that international and national policies calls for. The electrification of the transport sector is a key driver of the future’s sustainable transport system, and the number of el

The greater good initiatives of country branding

Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to study the promotion of non-profitable products by exploring the greater good initiatives of country branding in terms of brand identity and brand image. Design/methodology/approach: The research paper takes a qualitative approach and combines primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through an interview. The secondary data is bas

Brands relationships: Exploring the Secret Brand Relationship

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and investigate those relationships that occur when customers feel embarrassed of their buying behaviour. Methodology: A qualitative research method has been chosen to conduct this research. Primary data has been collected through two focus groups and three interviews. Secondary data, in the form of literature review and examples of

Ekosystemtjänster i kommunal planering - En svensk fallstudie

Methods for identification and valuation of Ecosystem Services (ES) have been developed and applied worldwide in purpose to better consider nature in land planning decisions. In Sweden each municipality has a spatial planning monopoly and with that comes differences in prerequisites for sustainable land and water usage within the country. A growing number of actors are offering ES-analyses as a pu

Vem bör bära bördan? De allmänna domstolarnas bedömning av bevisbördefrågor i fordringsmål 2009-2019

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka domstolarnas placering av bevisbördan i fordringsmål mot bakgrund av bevisbördeteorier utvecklade i doktrin och praxis. För att uppfylla detta syfte undersöks och granskas flertalet rättsfall mellan åren 2009 och 2019 där bevisbördans placering har diskuterats. Rättsfallen visar vilka regler och teorier som främst har använts och hur domstolarna har resonerThe purpose of this work is to examine the courts' placement of the burden of proof in the light of the theories about burden of proof which were developed in literature and practice. To fulfill this purpose, several legal cases between the years 2009 and 2019, in which the location of the burden of proof has been discussed, are examined and analyzed. The cases show which rules and theories ha

Characterization of Xantha-m involved in chloroplast development in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Five Xantha-m chlorophyll-deficient mutants which are lethal after the seedling stage have been already discovered in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and a candidate gene, SecA1, was recently identified by Bulked segregant analysis (BSA). SecA1 protein participates in the stroma-to-lumen protein transfer across the thylakoid membrane. In this study, the Xantha-m gene was analyzed. Western blotting exp

The effects of pH and biodegradation on polymer-based granules

Att vissa plaster kan brytas ned med hjälp av mikroorganismer och deras enzymer i jord, kompost och andra biologiskt aktiva miljöer är det långt ifrån alla som vet. Dessa plaster, en del av de så kallade biopolymererna, kan brytas ned till väldigt små delar som organismerna sedan kan dra nytta av genom att de får i sig bland annat energi och kolväten för att fortsätta leva, växa och förökas. I denThe use of biopolymers instead of traditional fossil fuel based and non-biodegradable polymers is seen as a positive step forward towards a more environmentally friendly future. This project investigates a granule product that is used in a dishwashing system with the aim of gaining knowledge about how it is affected by the storage in between uses and its biodegradability. The product is based on a

Fordonsdata på utsatta ytor En jämförelsestudie mellan fordonsdata, vägytemätningar och skadebilder

En social och ekologisk hållbar trafikplanering innebär inte enbart att utveckla hållbara färdmedel, utan även att optimera alla typer av färdmedel för att minimera dess miljöpåverkan. I dagens samhälle utvecklas ständigt nya åtgärder som främjar den hållbara trafikplaneringen. En nyutvecklad teknik, så kallad fordonsdata återfinns i ett urval nyare bilmärken, där RSI (Road Surface Information) ärSustainable traffic planning means to not only developing sustainable means of conveyance, but also to optimize all types of means of transport to minimize their environmental impact. New and innovative ideas are constantly being developed where the measures are to promote sustainable traffic planning. Two newly developed technologies vehicle data and RSI (Road Surface Information) are used in a s

The effects of the Venezuelan diaspora on Peru’s labour market: Evidence from the enaction of a Temporary Stay Permit to Venezuelan migrants

In January 2017, amidst the ongoing social strife in Venezuela, the Peruvian government enacted a working permit “Permiso Temporal de Permanencia” endowing Venezuelan migrants with the right to work and with access to health and education services. Given the spatial concentration of Venezuelan migrants in Peru and the clear temporal cut I unfold a difference-in-differences methodology to exploit t

Developing Transformative Capacities for Social Innovations: A Case Study on the Social Innovation Initiative #UpdateDeutschland in the City of Hamburg

Facing the urgency to tackle societal challenges, social innovations come to the fore as promising avenues due to their potential of invoking change of systems. Scholars refer to transformative social innovations in this respect: processes through which dominant institutions within a socio-material context are challenged, altered, or replaced by social innovations. Alas, turning the transformative

Experiences of Vulnerability and Precariousness during the COVID-19 pandemic

This research critically examines the experiences of the pandemic for youths of the generation “i- Gen”. Concretely, the research focuses on the experiences revealed in qualitative interviews in comparison to existing research on precarity and youth studies, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the research is to analyze young people's stories through the theoretical lens of

The impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on the export of Central Asia to China

Since its announcement in 2013, China’s Belt and Road Initiative raised much interest of the scientists and practitioners. Even though much research has been carried out on this project, few attempts have been made to examine the benefits of the project to five Central Asian countries. This study aims to explore the effect of the Belt and Road Initiative on the changes of the export volume of Cent

Challenges Faced by Opportunity Entrepreneurs, The Case of Syrian Refugees in Sweden

The recent immigration crisis is a topic of interest for many researchers nowadays. Although refugees represent the biggest number of immigrants in Europe, researchers tend to comprehensively tackle immigrant entrepreneurship and neglect refugees' distinctiveness. This qualitative study explores the phenomenon of refugee entrepreneurship and its common challenges based on multiple case studies

Det sociala livet under coronapandemin

Abstrakt Denna kvalitativa studie har haft till syfte att undersöka hur tolv människors sociala privat- och yrkesliv har påverkats under coronapandemin. Intervjupersonerna är i samma ålder och har hemmavarande barn i skolåldern. Datainsamlingen gjordes via personliga intervjuer, främst via Teams eller telefon, under perioden 10 februari 2021 till 17 februari 2021. Teoretiska utgångspunkter hämtas

Using Machine Learning to Detect Grapevine Disease in Wine Production

When growing grapevines there are common risks for disease outbreaks when the pathogen has remained from earlier growing cycles and the weather and soil conditions work in the diseases' favour. The diseases may spread a lot before being highly noticeable. This means that the harvests of grapes for wine production are in jeopardy. This thesis concerns a branch of a, from the Swedish Board of Ag

In a Position of Competition - Pricing Behavior in an Online Marketplace

In times where commerce has shifted into e-commerce, the influence of price comparison websites has become unmistakable. In contrast to previous literature, studying the contemporary effects on demand for retailers in decreasing rankings, we have studied the event from a strategic perspective of pricing. With a unique dataset of more than 20 million observations from the Swedish price comparison s

Deep Learning on a Microcontroller Unit in a Hand-Prosthesis Control Context

Att använda maskininlärning på en mikrokontroll för att styra handproteser Det har länge experimenterats med elektriskt drivna handproteser för att återfå funktionalitet hos patienter som undergått en amputation. Vid muskelkontraktioner, i exempelvis underarmen, genereras elektriska signaler som kan fångas upp och användas till att styra en handprotes. Här behöver vi alltså fatta ett beslut om vThis master's thesis investigates in what capacity a typical hand-prosthesis classification ANN (Artificial Neural Network) can be deployed on a microcontroller unit. A working, implemented interface is presented along with extra scripts, applications and functions for easy training and testing. Performance of different architectures as well as model-conversion tools are evaluated and compared

Skapandet av den ideala migranten - En WPR-analys av Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraternas migrationspolitik

Migrationspolitik berör territoriella gränsdragningar mellan medborgare och icke-medborgare, men även politiska gränsdragningar inom nationen. Det ställer frågan om vem som tillåts att fullt ut tillhöra det svenska samhället. Med ett fokus på inkludering och exkludering ur en svensk samhällsgemenskap visar studien hur skapandet av den ideala migranten kan synliggöra hur ideala medborgare konstruerMigration policy concerns territorial demarcations between citizens and non-citizens, but also political borders within the nation. This asks the question of who is fully allowed to belong to Swedish society. With a focus on inclusion and exclusion from a Swedish societal community, the study shows how the creation of the ideal migrant can reveal how ideal citizens are constructed. The aim of th

”Jag vill ju bara leka som alla andra”

Bakgrund: Lek är en grundläggande aktivitet och en mänsklig rättighet. Genom att delta i lek tillägnar sig barn nya erfarenheter vilket leder till utveckling. Lekplatsers unika miljö möjliggör barns utveckling men för barn med funktionsnedsättning kan denna miljö innebära utmaningar av fysisk, social eller kognitiv karaktär. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att kartlägga hur miljön på offentliga lekplatBackground: Play is an essential activity and a human right. Through participation in play children can get experience which leads to development. The playground is an important place for children but for children with disabilities the occupations on playgrounds can often mean physical, social or cognitive challenges. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how environmental factors in public pl