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Gruppdynamik inom projekt i byggbranschen

Titel: Gruppdynamik inom projekt i byggbranschen Författare: Amanda Turesson & Dahlia Elfadil Handledare: Radhlinah Aulin Examinator: Anne Landin Syfte & Mål: Examensarbetets syfte är att undersöka vilken roll gruppdynamik spelar i projekt inom byggbranschen för att säkerställa ett framgångsrikt projekt . Målet med studien är att sammanfatta ifall Myers Briggs Type Indicator och TuckmaTitle: Group dynamics in projects in the construction industry Authors: Amanda Turesson & Dahlia Elfadil Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin Examiner: Anne Landin Aim & Goal: The aim of the degree project is to investigate the role group dynamics occupies in projects in the construction industry to ensure a successful project. The goal of the study is to summarize if Myers Briggs Type Indicato

Designing a New Warehouse to Improve Space Utilization and Handling Efficiency: A Case Study of a Production Warehouse

Title: Designing a new warehouse to improve space utilization and handling efficiency: A case study of a production warehouse Authors: Emil Niklasson, Erik Ramström Supervisor: Joakim Kembro, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Problem description: The focus on warehousing has grown in the industry during the 21st century to increase the compe

Fighting for sustainability on Instagram: Uncovering who sustainability influencers are

Background: Social media has permeated practically every aspect of our everyday lives. One of these social media platforms is Instagram, which enables people to connect, communicate and share information with other users. The potential of these and social media influencers (SMI) to influence users’ behaviours is considerable. However, sustainability influencers, an emerging type of SMIs, have gain

Identification and assessment of internal control

The purpose of the paper is to examine how to identify and assess internal control for a specific business process from a non-operating management perspective through the structure of the COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework 2013. By combining the practical and theoretical aspects, the thesis aims to enrich the identification and assessment of internal control concepts.

Rysk desinformation - En textanalytisk studie om rysk desinformation riktat mot svensk inrikespolitik

This thesis tries to examine how today’s Russian disinformation campaigns can be related to the Soviet strategies of active measures by analyzing newspaper articles from the Russian state owned media outlets Russia Today and Sputnik News. The news articles are related to Swedish domestic policy, and this thesis uses a narrative analytical approach to find narratives that Russia tries to form about

Opening the Corridor

This thesis aims to create a social guide for Lund University Accommodation (LUACC) to facilitate more open, safe and equal student accommodation, namely corridors. A cultural analytical exploration and discussion of the nature of the corridor provide the legitimation and justification of this guide. The rationale of the thesis stemmed from my curiosity about the corridor as a nexus point of indiv

Upplevelser av kontakten med vården bland patienter med Ehlers-Danlos syndrom – En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Ehlers-Danlos syndrom (EDS) är en ovanlig ärftlig sjukdom som påverkar bindväven och leder till flera olika symptom med påverkan i hela kroppen. Framför allt ses överrörlighet och smärta i leder, trötthet och en generell benägenhet till smärta och ångest, men symptomen kan variera mycket från person till person. Eftersom symptomen även kan ses vid många andra sjukdomar blir det ofta svårt för läkaBackground: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a hereditary disease that affects the connective tissue of the body. Common symptoms include stretchy and frail skin, hypermobility, joint pain and chronic fatigue, although the disease is associated with many more symptoms. Because of this, the disease often remains un- or misdiagnosed. The interactions between patients with EDS and healthcare professio

Stimulanser och affekter hos datorspelsberoende

The aim of this study is to examine correlations between affects and stimulus concerning gaming addiction. The purpose of this is to increase the understanding of gaming addiction for better treatment from social workers. In recent years gaming addiction has become a more common affliction. New ways to consider this affliction is required for better treatment from therapists and social workers. Th

Energy efficient Ericsson Many-Core Architecture (EMCA) IP blocks for 5G ASIC

Power consumption has become a leading concern for SoC aimed at 5G products that demand increased functionality, smaller form factors, and low energy footprint. For some EMCA IP blocks a hierarchical clock gating mechanism ensures coarse-grained power savings based on actual processing need but for many blocks this approach cannot be employed. This implies that these blocks have to rely on a high

Consociationalism as Peacebuilding in Syria

The sectarian civil war in Syria is one of the most entrenched civil wars in contemporary time and has proven hard to resolute, despite various attempts by international actors. A power-sharing system of consociationalism has often been proposed, given its ability to divide the power between sectarian groups and allocate stability within a political system. Through discourse analysis, this thesis

Narkotika hit och narkotika dit - Vad är problemet? En komparativ diskursstudie om hur narkotika konstrueras i två riksdagspartiers motioner.

The aim of this thesis was to analyse and compare how two Swedish parliamentary parties, the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats, have discursively problematized and depicted narcotics through the parties' political motions between the years 2010/11 to 2020/21. This was achieved by collecting all political motions regarding narcotics from each political party during this time span and finally

Change and Continuity in Welfare States: A qualitative approach to examine the German cash-benefit “Kosten der Heizung und Unterkunft“ from the perspective of Incremental Institutional Change

What drives change and continuity in welfare states? This master thesis contributes to the debate by examining the German cash-benefit “Kosten der Unterkunft und Heizung”. This cash-benefit is a component of the means-tested unemployment benefit II in Germany which was introduced by the Hartz-IV-Reform in 2005. 16 years later the case “Kosten der Unterkunft und Heizung” has undergone no major refo

Havet: en attraktiv sårbarhet

The sea level is rising and putting infrastructure and people living by the coast at risk, yet there is a global trend of waterfront redevelopment, where cities and municipalities choose to turn old harbors into attractive housing and offices despite the fact that this increases their vulnerability to flooding. The aim of this paper is to understand why Swedish municipalities decide to redevelop o

Fast fashion vs hållbar konsumtion - gapet mellan uttryck och agerande

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka de främsta faktorerna till varför unga svenska kvinnor konsumerar fast fashion i en tid präglad av ett fokus på hållbarhet. Motsättningarna mellan köpintentionerna och dagens hållbarhetsfokus skapar ett gap mellan konsumenternas agerande och uttryck vilket undersöks genom åtta faktorer för att utse den mest betydande. Frågeställningar: Den frågest

We are Elites and Losers : Constructing Community Identity and Seeking Social Capital in an Online Subcultural Group in China

This thesis focuses on the combination of youth subculture and online community in the contemporary Chinese context. It aims to explore the characteristics of the Chinese online youth subculture and how members construct their collective identities and gain alternative social capital in an online subcultural group. To exert the power of a good example as Flyvbjerg (2001) emphasizes, this thesis ch

Hypoxia-induced expression of HIF-1a and GPR30, in relation to survival, proliferation and apoptosis in MCF-7 and SkBr3 breast cancer cells.

Bröstcancer är av stor relevans i dagens samhälle på grund av dess höga frekvens och mortalitetsgrad. Behandling är härjämte individualiserad utifrån tumörtyp och uttryck av hormonreceptorer. Med upptäckten av en ny receptor, GPR30, som svarar på östrogen, har forskning drivits kring hur denna samverkar med hypoxi, hur det bidrar till tumörcellernas överlevnad samt dess prognostiska och prediktivIntroduction: Hypoxia that accompanies tumor growth induces the expression of hypoxiainducible factor a (HIF-1a), in turn mediating the expression of other genes, including G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), to promote adaption to the hypoxic microenvironment and enable cell proliferation and survival. Nonetheless, this correlation has not been causally explained. Objective: To further inves

Jordlagerföljden i Höjeådalen utifrån nya borrningar

Jordarternas utbredning över sydvästra Skåne är ett resultat av Weichselistidens komplexa växelverkande isframstötar, där stora mäktiga kvartära avlagringar finns i anknytning till Alnarpssänkan och Lundadalen. Avlagringarna och deras glaciala ursprung är ett historiskt omdiskuterat ämne. Regionens ytliga jordlager är relativt väldokumenterade men stora frågetecken kvarstår angående avlagringarna The distribution of different Quaternary deposits in southwestern Scania is a result of complex glaciation and deglaciation patterns during the Weichselian, with especially thick deposits in the Alnarp Trough and the Lund Valley. The deposits and their glacial origin have been extensively discussed in the literature. The region’s surficial deposits are relatively well documented, but uncertainties

Synthesis of a Half-sandwich Rhodium Complex with a Salicylaldimine ligand

Malaria är den sjukdom som leder till näst mest dödsfall i världen. Varje år resulterar den i 1.0 till 2.5 miljoner dödsfall och 500 miljoner insjuknanden. Malaria orsakas av parasiten Plasmodium som sprids till människors blodomlopp via myggbett. Där genomgår den olika reproduktionssteg och ligger gömd för människans immunförsvar i de röda blodcellerna där den bryter ner hemoglobin för att få närIntroduction: To synthesize a half-sandwich rhodium complex that could be a possible drug targeting malaria. Background: Resistance to the most successful drug chloroquine is widespread and new possible agents are required to ensure future disease treatment. To introduce organometallic half-sandwich complexes opens up possibilities to modify the drug and to overcome resistance. Aim: Can a half-san

Robotic Process Automation in Swedish Healthcare

To relate expertise and spread information about Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the Swedish public sector three regions were examined: Region Skåne, Region Stockholm and Västra Götalandsregionen. A framework for information gathering and structuring was established from an initial literature study. Data and documents from the regions were gathered through twenty interviews with eighteen stake

Sub-Saharan Africa and the 4th Industrial Revolution Technological Leapfrogging as a Strategy to enhance Economic Growth?

The 4th Industrial Revolution provides a window of opportunity for the developing world and in particular, Sub-Saharan Africa to catch-up in terms of social and economic development by enhancing growth through technological advances. At the same time, it bears the risk for Sub-Saharan Africa to fall even further behind if technological advances cannot be absorbed into the region’s economies. Altho