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Somaliska stigfinnare: Fem företagare berättar

Den somaliafödde företagaren är en i Sverige mindre vanlig uppenbarelse. Det beror knappast på att somalier i allmänhet skulle sakna ”företagaranda”. Det förhåller sig nämligen tvärtom. De flesta somalier i diasporan kommer från miljöer där någon i familjen eller släkten haft en butik, restaurang eller importfirma. Och i många länder där somaliska flyktingar de senaste årtiondena slagit sig ner ha

Relatively favorable outcome after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for BCR-ABL1-positive AML : A survey from the acute leukemia working party of the European Society for blood and marrow transplantation (EBMT)

The aim of the study was to assess the role of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) in patients diagnosed with BCR-ABL1-positive acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Fifty-seven patients (median age, 48 years, range: 19-67) with BCR-ABL1 positive AML undergoing SCT were identified. The majority of the patients (70%) received a TKI before the transplant. At SCT 48 patients were in CR (45 in CR1), wh

Overall conformation of covalently stabilized domain-swapped dimer of human cystatin C in solution

Human cystatin C (HCC), a small protein, plays a crucial role in inhibition of cysteine proteases. The most common structural form of human cystatin C in crystals is a dimer, which has been evidenced both for the native protein and its mutants. In these structures, HCC dimers were formed through the mechanism of domain swapping. The structure of the monomeric form of human cystatin C was determine

Co-occurrence of Type 1 Diabetes and Celiac Disease Autoimmunity

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Few birth cohorts have prospectively followed development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and celiac disease (CD) autoimmunities to determine timing, extent of co-occurrence, and associated genetic and demographic factors.METHODS: In this prospective birth cohort study, 8676 children at high genetic risk of both diseases were enrolled and 5891 analyzed in median follow-up of 66

Direct and cascading impacts of tropical land-use change on multi-trophic biodiversity

The conversion of tropical rainforest to agricultural systems such as oil palm alters biodiversity across a large range of interacting taxa and trophic levels. Yet, it remains unclear how direct and cascading effects of land-use change simultaneously drive ecological shifts. Combining data from a multi-taxon research initiative in Sumatra, Indonesia, we show that direct and cascading land-use effe

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When literature, conflict and memory are linkaged one to another. This is the main intention that this article brings about into the centre of discussion. Written in a form of personal reflection, then followed by a deeper discussion on the main topic, I address the notion of so-called constructed memory in the context of understanding the Indonesian literature as the impact of the 1965 conflict o

A Riccati-Based Interior Point Method for Efficient Model Predictive Control of SISO Systems

This paper presents an algorithm for Model Predictive Control of SISO systems. Based on a quadratic objective in addition to (hard) input constraints it features soft upper as well as lower constraints on the output and an input rate-of-change penalty term. It keeps the deterministic and stochastic model parts separate. The controller is designed based on the deterministic model, while the Kalman

Prognostic implications of estrogen receptor pattern of both tumors in contralateral breast cancer

Estrogen receptor (ER) status is important for breast cancer survival, it is however unclear how prognosis of contralateral breast cancer (CBC) is affected by ER-status of the two tumors. We conducted a large, population-based study of ER-status of both tumors in CBC patients and its influence on prognosis. The cohort consisted of all women diagnosed with CBC in Stockholm, Sweden during 1976-2005,

Patients with regular physical activity before onset of rheumatoid arthritis present with milder disease

OBJECTIVES: Physical activity has been shown to decrease inflammatory markers; here we investigate the effect on the clinical presentation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).METHODS: We used the cases from the population-based EIRA study (N=617), followed in the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register, calculating the odds of having above median level of 28-joint disease activity score (DAS28), physician

Reprogramming mouse embryonic fibroblasts with transcription factors to induce a hemogenic program

This protocol details the induction of a hemogenic program in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) via overexpression of transcription factors (TFs). We first designed a reporter screen using MEFs from human CD34-tTA/TetO-H2BGFP (34/H2BGFP) double transgenic mice. CD34+ cells from these mice label H2B histones with GFP, and cease labeling upon addition of doxycycline (DOX). MEFS were transduced with

Making a Hematopoietic Stem Cell

Previous attempts to either generate or expand hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in vitro have involved either ex vivo expansion of pre-existing patient or donor HSCs or de novo generation from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), comprising both embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). iPSCs alleviated ESC ethical issues but attempts to generate functional mature hematopoie

Zfp281 mediates Nanog autorepression through recruitment of the NuRD complex and inhibits somatic cell reprogramming

The homeodomain transcription factor Nanog plays an important role in embryonic stem cell (ESC) self-renewal and is essential for acquiring ground-state pluripotency during reprogramming. Understanding how Nanog is transcriptionally regulated is important for further dissecting mechanisms of ESC pluripotency and somatic cell reprogramming. Here, we report that Nanog is subjected to a negative auto

Bounds for Calderón–Zygmund operators with matrix A2 weights

It is well-known that dyadic martingale transforms are a good model for Calderón–Zygmund singular integral operators. In this paper we extend some results on weighted norm inequalities to vector-valued functions. We prove that if W is an A2 matrix weight, then the weighted L2-norm of a Calderón–Zygmund operator with cancellation has the same dependence on the A2 characteristic of W as the weighted

Effectiveness of digital breast tomosynthesis (3D-mammography) in population breast cancer screening : A protocol for a collaborative individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis

Background: There is accumulating evidence that digital breast tomosynthesis, referred to as 3D-mammography in this protocol, improves screen-detection measures compared to standard 2D-mammography in the context of population screening for breast cancer. However, the effect of 3D-mammography at follow-up of screened women is not yet known: it is unknown whether additional cancer detection from 3D-

Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging has become the gold standard for evaluating myocardial function, volumes, and scarring. Additionally, cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is unique in its comprehensive tissue characterization, including assessment of myocardial edema, myocardial siderosis, myocardial perfusion, and diffuse myocardial fibrosis. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imagi