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"Hade jag inte läst de där artiklarna -" : barnmorskors förhållningssätt till användning av forskningsresultat inom omvårdnad

Popular Abstract in Swedish Upprinnelsen till denna avhandling finns i frågan: ”Till vilken nytta skrivs alla akademiska avhandlingar och forskningsrapporter?” Vikten och behovet av att forskningsbasera omvårdnaden har i internationell litteratur belysts i över 40 år. I Sverige började denna process i anslutning till att vårdutbildningarna genom 1977 års högskolereform kom att ingå i universitets-The starting point for this dissertation was the interest in dissemination and utilization of research-based knowledge in practice. The interest in research utilization in USA has spread to nursing from foremost the social sciences. In Sweden there are some studies in research utilization from different fields. The aim of the study was to explore, describe and understand midwives’ approaches to mi

InAsP/InAs nanowire heterostructure field effect transistors

We here show simulation results that by including a small InAsP heterostructure barrier inside the channel of a InAs nanowire transistor it is possible to increase both the sub threshold slope and on-off ratio with only a modest decrease in the drive current for a fixed gate overdrive. The design is based on the fact that the sharp InAsP heterostructure induces a small barrier in the conduction ba

Friction and Damage Accumulation, Formation, Morphology and Transport of Dust from Fibre Handling

The mechanical stress build up in fibre handling, the dynamical frictional phenomena between fibres and curves surfaces and formation of dust have been studied. Typical are stick slip behaviour and threshold stress levels for formation of dust. The emissions of dust can be limited by electrostatic charging. The measured coefficients of friction of the fibres depend on the mechanical properties, mi

Roller på livets och historiens scen. Drottning Kristinas bilder av sig själv

Det tänkande som ligger under Kristinas självframställning - livet är ett skådespel - beskrivs, samt de genrebundna mönster för Kristinas jag som hon utnyttjar påvisas i Krisinas text, bl a Plutarkos biografi över Alexander den store, den kvinnliga helgonbiografin. Dessa kan knytas till Kristinas manliga klädsel, hennes transvestism samt till hennes bild av sitt offer(abdikationen)som ett hjältedå

Non-equilibrium fermions within lattice density functional theory: quantum transport and ultracold-atom phenomena

Popular Abstract in English Nowadays, cutting-edge technologies require devices to be small, ultrafast, and operational in a wide range of regimes. To fulfill these requirements we need to go beyond the traditional materials, i.e. to solids with novel, unconventional and tailorable properties. Great progress in this direction is conjectured to stem from materials in which the effect of inter-partiCutting-edge technology needs small, ultrafast devices, operational in a wide range of regimes. This calls for solids with novel, unconventional and tailorable properties. Great progress is expected from materials in which electron-electron and electron-phonon correlations strongly affect the dynamics ( i.e. "unforeseen" useful properties are expected to be most likely found in systems with comple

Net-charge fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion interactions

Different measures of net-charge fluctuations in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion interactions, namely, v(Q), v(R), Γ and νdyn, are discussed and compared. Their behaviors are confronted in the context of different experimental scenarios. It is found that the νdyn observable exhibits most of the experimentally desirable features. The v(Q) and Γ observables are also appropriate although proper care must