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Det blev inte som det skulle - En kritisk diskursanalys av funktionshinder i personkretsbedömningar enligt 1 § 3 LSS

The purpose of this study was to investigate the discourses regarding disability in eligibility group 1 § 3 LSS in rulings by the Supreme Administrative Court. A critical discourse analysis according to Norman Fairclough’s model was used. The study found that there were three overarching discourses which were: disability as a bodily problem; disability as an expert assessment; and disability as an

”Vem är jag?” En narrativ analys av hur prostitution påverkar kvinnors identitet

The impact prostitution has on women's lives is complex and seldom positive. The purpose of this study is to broaden the knowledge of how women's identities are affected by prostitution. We have studied the life stories of four former prostitutes and their experiences from prostitution. The empirical data was collected from the women's autobiographies. Through narrative analysis of the

Skolfrånvaron i spåren av mobbning. En kvantitativ studie om mobbningens inverkan på skolfrånvaron hos elever utifrån vårdnadshavares perspektiv

This paper aimed to gain an understanding of bullying and the impact it has on school absences among pupils. We also aimed to explore the extent of school absenteeism and the extent of different forms of bullying. This quantitative study was based on online surveys that were published on different Facebook groups and online forums with a focus on reaching guardians. In total, there were 306 respon

Från ordlöshet till frihet

This qualitative study investigates how language barriers affect foreign-born women's ability to seek and receive support and protection from violence in domestic relationships in Sweden. Utilizing interviews with six foreign-born women who have navigated these challenges, the research aims to understand the communicative and structural obstacles these women encounter. The findings reveal that

Hälsodata - Vidareanvändning av hälsodata

Tillgången av hälsodata är en viktig komponent för samhällsutvecklingen inom vård, forskning och innovation. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om hälsodata får vidareanvändas för vårdändamål med beaktande av artikel 6 GDPR, om laglig behandling av personuppgifter, och artikel 5 GDPR, om principer för behandling av personuppgifter. Syftet är också att undersöka vilka rekvisit som uppgifter The availability of health data is a crucial component for societal development in healthcare, scientific research and innovation. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether secondary use of health data for healthcare purposes is possible in consideration of Article 6 of the GDPR, which concerns the lawfulness of processing, and Article 5 of the GDPR, which outlines the principles relati

Contradictions at work: Navigating relational autonomy and caste in Delhi, India

Ethnographic insights into people’s working lives can help us envision social policy to build dignified workspaces. This article explores the interlinkages between work and social protection, by drawing attention to two dimensions of pheriwale’s everyday working lives: first, how they relate to their work, and second, how they are situated within the Indian welfare context. Pheriwale are a group o

Skiljeklausulens rättsliga gråzon – En undersökning av skiljebundenhetens omfattning i ljuset av NJA 2023 s. 437 "Husqvarnas skiljeavtal"

I svensk rätt jämställs skiljeförfarandet med domstolsförfarandet och utgör det enda alternativ som också resulterar i en exigibel dom med rättskraft. Ett avtal om skiljeförfarande utgör ett rättegångshinder under förutsättning att det åberopas inför domstol. Om den fråga som anhängiggörs emellertid faller utanför skiljeavtalets tillämpningsområde saknar skiljenämnden behörighet att uppta frågan tIn Swedish law, arbitration is treated as equivalent to general court proceedings and is the only alternative that also results in an enforceable judgment with binding effect. An arbitration agreement constitutes a procedural impediment provided that it is invoked in court. However, if the issue raised falls outside the scope of the arbitration agreement, the arbitral tribunal will not be qualifie

Who framed Daniel Sancho? An analysis on the representation of crime (and reality) in the news media

This thesis aims at exploring how reality is covered in the news media, by employing the murder of Edwin Arrieta, perpetrated by Daniel Sancho, as a case study. This particular incident was selected due to its extraordinariness and extremity, which made it the perfect base for this analysis both because of the richness of the material – exemplified in the 33 articles that composed the final sample

Interpreting the Soviet Legacy in Atomic Heart: Nostalgia, and Cultural Reflections of Post-Soviet Generation Players

The action of a video game Atomic Heart takes place in an alternate Soviet world that combines historical and futuristic elements. This unusual setting provides an intriguing research niche for studying how games as digital media interact with collective memory and cultural perception of the post-Soviet generation. This study examines how the post-Soviet generation reflects on the game’s depiction

UTAUTs kvalitativa roll i adoptionen för FinTech implementationer

Uppsatsen analyserar införandet av FinTech-lösningar inom konsultföretag, genom att använda Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Studien tillämpar kvalitativa metoder, som semi-strukturerade intervju och mejlintervjuer, för att undersöka anställdas erfarenheter och perspektiv på FinTech. Den identifierar nyckelfaktorer som prestanda, ansträngning, socialt inflytande och tekn

The Paradox of Elites in Civil Society : A Comparative Study on Civil Society Leaders’ Satisfaction with Democracy in the UK and Sweden

The presence of an elite group in civil society elicits a discursive friction between the long-standing normative understanding of civil society, acting as a check on government overreach and autocratic tendencies, and elite theories. Robert Michels’s iron law of oligarchy posits that as individuals rise in the ranks to become organizational leaders, they begin to take on elite attributes, and the

Polymer Rheology : Development of a polymer characterization method to prevent short shots during packaging production

Matsvinn är ett stort samhällsproblem. Om förpackningen inte håller den nivå av kvalitet som krävs så slängs den under produktionen, tillsammans med det livsmedel den skulle skydda. Vissa förpackningar har korkar, som hjälper till att återsluta förpackningen. Om plasten i korken har fel egenskaper uppstår det ibland problem i produktionen. Detta projekt har tagit fram två sätt att undersöka plasteFood packages preserve foodstuff during storage. Some packages have caps, some of which have internal pull rings for easy removal of a membrane that extend the shelf life. The pull-rings are injection molded directly onto the package in the filling machine at the customer site. Any defect in the pull ring causes filled packages to be discarded at a significant cost to the supply chain. Some batche

"Optimization of process parameters with frozen conidia based inoculum in a scale-up model using Response Surface Methodology"

Fed aquaculture is a necessary practice to meet the seafood requirements of a growing population in a sustainable manner. There is a high demand for fish feed to meet the rising protein requirements of the industry. Currently, fish feeds are either unsustainable, affected by seasonal variations, lack a complete amino acid profile, lack scalability, or are too expensive. Single Cell Protein (SCP) i

Irish GDP since Independence

This paper constructs annual GDP estimates for Ireland (1924-47) to join the first complete official aggregates. The new series is deployed to revisit Ireland’s economic performance in the post-independence decades. Ireland’s economy grew at 1.5 per cent per annum and average living standards improved by 40 per cent. The bulk of this growth was due to labour productivity improvements. Starting in

Same-same or different? Nordic policy responses to the exploitation of migrant workers

Taking a historical perspective, this article compares the four Nordic states of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with respect to the following question: How have problem representations developed the Nordic region’s policy response to the exploitation of migrant workers? We demonstrate that parallel and competing problem representations, defined in government policy as ‘human trafficking’, ‘foTaking a historical perspective, this article compares the four Nordic states of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with respect to the following question: How have problem representations developed the Nordic region’s policy response to the exploitation of migrant workers? We demonstrate that parallel and competing problem representations, defined in government policy as ‘human trafficking’, ‘fo

Ethical Consumption Cap

The term “ethical consumption cap” describes all the forces that dampen or delimit a con- sumer’s attempts to consume ethically. It replaces the popular concept of the ethical consumption “gap’” sometimes also called the attitude–behaviour gap because it describes all the reasons that explain why consumers’ not-so-ethical behaviours do not always align with their highly ethical attitudes. The meta

Development and validation of a quantitative wipe sampling method to determine platinum contamination from antineoplastic drugs on surfaces in workplaces at Swedish hospitals

INTRODUCTION: Antineoplastic drugs (ADs) are frequently used pharmaceuticals in the healthcare, and healthcare workers can be occupationally exposed to ADs. Monitoring of surface contamination is a common way to assess occupational exposure to ADs. The objective was to develop and validate a sensitive and quantitative monitoring method to determine surface contaminations of Pt as a marker for Pt-c

Impact of transit catchment size on the integration of shared e-scooters in the public transport system

E-scooter sharing has been commonly used to integrate public transport systems in many cities worldwide. Accurately modeling integration between shared e-scooters and public transport is important for multi-modal urban transportation development and management. However, the effects of catchment size are scarcely considered while modeling their integration by widely adopting the method based on the

Nitric oxide formation in flames of NH3/DME binary mixtures : Laser-induced fluorescence measurements and detailed kinetic analysis

Binary mixture of ammonia (NH3) and dimethyl ether (DME) has been considered in literature as a potential fuel for practical use. Nitric oxide (NO) is a major product of combustion of NH3-containing fuels, and its formation routes have to be comprehensively studied. In this work, concentration profiles of NO were experimentally measured in laminar axisymmetric flames using planar laser-induced flu