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Your search for "*" yielded 534303 hits

Simulating multi-hazard event sets for life cycle consequence analysis

In the context of natural hazard risk quantification and modeling of hazard interactions, some literature separates “Level I” (or occurrence) interactions from “Level II” (or consequence) interactions. The Level I interactions occur inherently due to the nature of the hazards, independently of the presence of physical assets. In such cases, one hazard event triggers or modifies the occurrence of a

The Gly82Ser polymorphism in the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts increases the risk for coronary events in the general population

The receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) has pro-inflammatory and pro-atherogenic effects. Low plasma levels of soluble RAGE (sRAGE), a decoy receptor for RAGE ligands, have been associated with increased risk for major adverse coronary events (MACE) in the general population. We performed a genome-wide association study to identify genetic determinants of plasma sRAGE in 4338 indivi

The Illusion of Choice: Islamic Republic’s Presidential Elections

After the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, the Islamic Republic of Iran announced new presidential elections. The Guardian Council, a key body loyal to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, rigorously vetted and excluded candidates, ensuring only regime-approved individuals could run. The superficial conservative versus reformist narrative highlights that approved candidates, including the so-

Mapping European Association of Urology Guideline Practice Across Europe : An Audit of Androgen Deprivation Therapy Use Before Prostate Cancer Surgery in 6598 Cases in 187 Hospitals Across 31 European Countries

BACKGROUND: Evidence-practice gaps exist in urology. We previously surveyed European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines for strong recommendations underpinned by high-certainty evidence that impact patient experience for which practice variations were suspected. The recommendation "Do not offer neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) before surgery for patients with prostate cancer" wa

The Eye of the Law and the Scales of Justice: Law and Art in the Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal 1821-1917

The Scania and Blekinge Court of Appeal in southern Sweden was established by King Charles XIV John in 1821. The iconography used during its period in Kristianstad, until it moved to Malmö in 1917, provides an excellent example of ‘power in images’, highlighting the transition from neoclassicism to national romanticism and finally modernity.In the text, I discuss the choices of symbols that were m

Causal discovery in a complex industrial system : A time series benchmark

Causal discovery outputs a causal structure, represented by a graph, from observed data. For time series data, there is a variety of methods, however, it is difficult to evaluate these on real data as realistic use cases very rarely come with a known causal graph to which output can be compared. In this paper, we present a dataset from an industrial subsystem at the European Spallation Source alon

Professional voice use in health and nursing care – Time for reconsideration? A scoping review

Background: Communication is a key tool in the nursing profession. It is known that listeners are sensitive to the speaker's voice and interpret the speaker's intentions primarily from the non-verbal signal conveyed. Aim: To map and discuss the current state of knowledge and research evidence on professional voice use in health and nursing care. Design and Method: A scoping review adherent to the

Diskurser om partnervåld – En analys av diskussioner på internetforum

This study explores how victims and perpetrators of partner violence in heterosexual relationships are perceived and constructed on Swedish internet forums, depending on perceived gender. Data was collected from a discussion forum for various everyday topics. A discourse analysis was conducted using critical discourse psychology, Foucault's concept of power, and Hirdman's gender system the

Engineering Pseudomonas putida for simultaneous catabolism of guaiacol and vanillin

Lignin, the most abundant aromatic polymer in nature, is a valuable renewable resource due to its high phenolic compound content. Utilizing depolymerized lignin for the bioproduction of valuable industrial precursors such as muconic acid has garnered significant attention. In this study, several genetically modified strains of Pseudomonas putida were constructed to bioconvert vanillin and guaiacol

Lean ledarskap i hotellbranschen - En kvalitativ studie av hur ledare på svenska hotell kan minska personalomsättningen med hjälp av lean ledarskap

Titel: Lean ledarskap i hotellbranschen - En kvalitativ studie av hur ledare på svenska hotell kan minska personalomsättningen med hjälp av lean ledarskap Författare: Josefine Ljung och Filippa Lagnell Handledare: Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park Syfte: Att bidra med förståelse för hur ledare inom svenska hotell kan tillämpa lean ledarskap för att på ett effektivt sätt bemöta den utmaning personalomsättningen

Den digitala second hand-marknaden: Från traditionella marknader till nya konsumtionsvanor

Titel: Den digitala second hand-marknaden: Från traditionella marknader till nya konsumtionsvanor Författare: Tiffany Caminger & Rebecca Strandberg Handledare: Erika Andersson Cederholm Frågeställningar: - Vilka kan tolkas vara faktorerna till att den yngre generationen använder sig av digitala second hand-plattformar? - Vilken betydelse har konsumtion och försäljning mellan privatpersone

The coexistence of diabetes, hypertension and obesity is associated with worse pain outcomes following exercise for osteoarthritis : A cohort study on 80,893 patients

OBJECTIVES: To investigate how the co-occurrence of diabetes, hypertension and overweight/obesity is associated with pain following an exercise intervention for knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA).METHODS: Register-based cohort study. We included people from the Swedish Osteoarthritis Register who underwent education and exercise for knee or hip OA. Diabetes and hypertension were defined using medica

Unlocking the Power of Knowledge: A Case Study on How Willingness to Share Knowledge is Influenced by Organization-Based Self-Esteem

Purpose This research aims to deepen the view of willingness to share knowledge within the organization by using the lens of organization-based self-esteem in a case study. Methodology Utilizing an interpretive tradition, especially symbolic interactionism, this research employs a qualitative case study methodology with an abductive approach. The empirical material is gathered through 14 semi-

Is leadership the problem? Utilizing leadership models to lead through uncertainty: A case study at ALFA

This thesis contributes to leadership theory, specifically, full-range-leadership and VUCA, and the practical implications. Moreover, it addresses challenges that organizations may face when implementing these models in reality. We utilized an inductive research approach to identify insights within the leadership field in combination with a qualitative research method, grounded in interpretivism a

Decentralized Dynamics: Analyzing the Distribution of Responsibility in Bottom-Up Networked Organizations

The purpose of this study is to examine how responsibility is distributed in a bottom-up and network forms structure. Our qualitative study followed the interpretivist tradition together with an inductive approach in one organization. The empirical data was collected at “Bright Solutions” through 8 semi-structured interviews over a two week period. This paper is examined through the lens of bottom

Digging Deep: Exploring Employees’ Perception of Gender Diversity Management within STEM

Title Digging Deep: Exploring Employees’ Perception of Gender Diversity Management within STEM Authors: Janisse Magnusson & Alizée Thibaud Supervisor: Anna Jonsson Course:BUSN49, Degree Project Managing People, Knowledge, and Change Research Question: How do male and female employees within a male-dominated industry perceive gender diversity management? Purpose: The purpose of this study is t