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Randomised, controlled trials of patient education with special reference to heart failure and joint diseases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Randomiserade, kontrollerade studier av patientutbildning med tonvikt på patienter med hjärtsvikt och patienter med ledsjukdomar.För att förbättra behandling och omhändertagandet av patienter med kroniska sjukdomar måste kontrollerade studier med olika mål och effektvariabler utföras. En begränsning i många studier är att patientmaterialet är selekterat och patient- proIn order to improve the treatment and care of patients with chronic diseases, controlled studies have to be performed continuously. It is widely believed that giving education/information to patients will increase their knowledge and compliance, which will decrease medical events and cost. Most educational activities in clinical practice are not based on evaluated models of effective disease manag

Design Space Exploration for the integrated digital CNN Camera

The main thrust of CNN technology has been in analog implementations. Early attempts for digital implementations have a limited potential, confining the usage to for instance linear algorithms for B/W pictures. The paper looks into the prospects of successfully integrating the full CNN potential. This requires a carefully tuning of memory and network-on-chip bandwidth to the temporal/spatial aspec

Insulation of traditional Indian clothing: Estimation of climate change impact on productivity from PHS (predicted heat strain) model

Major databases on western clothing and their thermal properties are available, but information on non-western clothing is lacking. A recent ASHRAE project 1504 TRP, Extension of the Clothing Insulation Database for Standard 55 and ISO 7730 dealt with the issue. Simultaneously, a co-operation study at Indian workplaces allowed us to acquire some sets of the traditional clothes used at construction

Banker och Internet - särskilt om kundaktiverade betalningsinstruktioner

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen behandlas de rättsregler som kan tillämpas när banker erbjuder kunder att kommunicera via Internet och lämna betalningsinstruktioner avseende kredittransfereringar på detta sätt. Den här typen av banktjänster benämns i avhandlingen Internet Banking. Betalningar och betalningsinstruktioner är inget nytt fenomen men i avhandlingen behandlas de utifrån ett eThis thesis deals with legal issues arisen from consumer-activated payment orders, regarding credit transfers, which are initiated via the Internet under an agreement (about using Internet-services) previously entered into between the bank and the payer (or the originator). This Internet-service is in the thesis called Internet banking. More and more customers, both consumers and others, activate

Den surrealistiska erfarenheten: Upplevelsen. En tolkning av surrealismens åskådning.

The purpose of the study is to offer an interpretation of surrealism as lived experience or, more exactly, an interpretation of the ways in which the Surrealists themselves respond to and conceive of this experience. Thus, emphasis is put on surrealism as event and process, not as a historically limited phenomenon. The prime source of knowledge about this kind of experience, however, remains Surre

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No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: Jämförelse mellan Japan och Sverige.

Crossflow Microfiltration of particle Suspensions - The influence of hydrodynamics and physico-chemical interactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tvärströms mikrofiltrering är en teknik för att avskilja partiklar med en storlek på ungefär en mikrometer (en tusendel av en millimeter) från vätskor. Exempel på tillämpningar är avskiljning av jästceller från öl, och avskiljning av bakterier från mjölk. I mikrofiltrering används membran (filter) med porer med en storlek på 0.1 - 10 mikrometer. Mikrofiltreringsmembran Crossflow microfiltration is a technique to separate suspended particles (or cells or droplets) from liquids by use of a membrane that is permeable for the liquid but impermeable for the particles. The permeate flow drives particles to the membrane surface, where they may be deposited and form a fouling layer. To limit the growth of this fouling layer a flow is applied tangentially to the membrane