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Your search for "*" yielded 532129 hits

New approaches to pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis has been recognized as a major public health problem for less than two decades. The increasing incidence of fragility fractures, such as vertebral, hip, and wrist fractures, first became apparent from epidemiological studies in the early and mid-1980s, when effective treatment was virtually unavailable. Pharmacological therapies that effectively reduce the number of fractures by impro

Skipping the Baltic: the emergence of a dichotomy of alternative spring migration strategies in Russian barnacle geese

Since the early 1990s, an increasing proportion of barnacle geese, Branta leucopsis, bound for breeding sites in the Russian Arctic delay their departure from the wintering quarters in the Wadden Sea by 4 weeks. These late-migrating geese skip spring stopover sites in the Baltic traditionally used by the entire population. Individual geese from an arctic colony tracked by satellite or light-level

Control of electron transfer pathways in a dye-sensitized solar cell

Using shaped laser pulses, we increase the yield of ultrafast electron injection from the sensitizer to TiO2 nanocrystals in the core part of a dye-sensitized solar cell. The temporal structure of the optimized excitation pulse is in clear correlation with nuclear oscillations in the impulsively excited dye molecule. From DFT structure optimization and normal mode analyses we identified the modes

Importance of calcium in long-term preservation of the vasculature

BACKGROUND: The aim was to investigate the effect of calcium in organ preservation solutions with respect to 36-hour preservation of vascular smooth muscle function and endothelium-dependent relaxation. METHODS: The infrarenal aortas of 60 Sprague-Dawley rats were studied in organ baths as fresh controls and after 36 hours of cold (4 degrees C) storage in different preservation solutions with and

Recommendation to include fragrance mix 2 and hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (Lyral) in the European baseline patch test series.

BACKGROUND: The currently used fragrance mix in the European baseline patch test series (baseline series) fails to detect a substantial number of clinically relevant fragrance allergies. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether it is justified to include hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde (Lyral) and fragrance mix 2 containing hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, citral, farnesol, coum

A new scale to assess the therapeutic relationship in community mental health care: STAR

Background. No instrument has been developed specifically for assessing the clinician-patient therapeutic relationship (TR) in community psychiatry. This study aimed to develop a measure of the TR with clinician and patient versions using psychometric principles for test construction. Method. A four-stage prospective study was undertaken, comprising qualitative semi-structured interviews about TRs

Heparan sulfate degradation products can associate with oxidized proteins and proteasomes.

The S-nitrosylated proteoglycan glypican-1 recycles via endosomes where its heparan sulfate chains are degraded into anhydromannose-containing saccharides by NO-catalyzed deaminative cleavage. Because heparan sulfate chains can be associated with intracellular protein aggregates, glypican-1 autoprocessing may be involved in the clearance of misfolded recycling proteins. Here we have arrested and t

The observation of nano-crystalline calcium phosphate precipitate in a simple supersaturated inorganic blood serum model - composition and morphology

Aim. Calcium phosphate deposition in blood vessels is correlated to increased mortality risk. In this study, the formation of solid calcium phosphate in an in vitro solution mimicking the inorganic part of blood serum was studied. Methods. The precipitates formed were analyzed using several experimental techniques, including infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray energy dispersive spectr

Simulation of charged colloids in solution

Physicochemical properties of solutions of charged colloids are often dominated by the electrostatic interactions present in such systems. A full determination of these properties constitutes a highly nontrivial many-body problem involving long-range interactions. In electrostatically strongly coupled systems, it is essential to explicitly include both the charged colloids and the small ions in th

Review of the self-organizing map (SOM) approach in water resources: Analysis, modelling and application

The use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) in problems related to water resources has received steadily increasing interest over the last decade or so. The related method of the self-organizing map (SOM) is an unsupervised learning method to analyze, cluster, and model various types of large databases. There is, however, still a notable lack of comprehensive literature review for SOM along with

Operating charts for continuous sedimentation III: control of step inputs

The main purposes of a clarifier-thickener unit is that it should produce a high underflow concentration and a zero effluent concentration. The main difficulty in the control of the clarification-thickening process (by adjusting a volume flow) is that it is nonlinear with complex relations between concentrations and volume flows via the solution of a PDE - a conservation law with a source term and

The prognostic value of different forms of prostate specific antigen and their ratios in patients with prostate cancer

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prognostic value for patient survival of different forms of PSA and ratios thereof, before treatment for prostate cancer, by considering the forms and ratios both as independent markers and by comparing them with other commonly used prognostic markers, e.g. tumour grade, local stage (T-stage) and absence or presence of skeletal metastases (M-stage). PATIENTS AND METHODS: B

Developing a kinetic alternative in modeling soil aluminium.

Soil chemistry models often use gibbsite solubility and similar equilibrium models to predict Al concentrations in soil solution. A kinetic alternative was developed with the goal of finding universal rate constants instead of the site- and depth-specific solubility constants usually associated with the equilibrium approach. The behavior of the two approaches was studied within the framework of th

Cost of treatment of schizophrenia in six European countries

Background and aims: As part of an RCT in six European sites, the direct mental health care cost for 422 patients with schizophrenia was analysed according to how total and medication costs differed across sites and which variables were likely to predict total or service-specific costs. Method: Service use was recorded continuously during a 12-month follow-up. Prescribed psychotropic medication wa

Expression patterns of the human sarcoma-associated genes FUS and EWS and the genomic structure of FUS

FUS (TLS) was first identified as the 5'-part of a fusion gene with CHOP (GADD153, DDIT3) in myxoid liposarcomas with t(12; 16)(q13; p11). Homologies were found with the EWS oncogene, which is rearranged in Ewing sarcomas and other neoplasias. The genomic structure of FUS shows extensive similarities with that of EWS, but the exon/intron structures differ in the 5' parts, and overall FUS is smalle

PKC and MAPK signalling pathways regulate vascular endothelin receptor expression

Up-regulation of vascular endothelin type A (ET(A)) and type B (ET(B)) receptors are implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. Culture of arteries has been shown to induce similar receptor alterations and has therefore been suggested as a suitable method for in detail delineation of the regulation of endothelin receptors. We hypothesize that protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activ