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Metabolic Engineering of Disaccharide Catabolism for Polysaccharide Formation in Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus

Exopolysaccharides (EPSs) produced by the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactococcus lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus are important for the rheological behaviour and texture of a variety of fermented food products. Furthermore, EPSs from food-grade LAB have potential as food additives and functional food ingredients with both health and economic benefits. However, the production levels of EPSs fr

Invertebrate Vision

Ten distinct eye designs have been identified in the animal kingdom. Whereas vertebrates possess only one, invertebrates possess all ten, from simple assemblies of photoreceptors to advanced compound and camera eyes, which support a sophisticated range of visual behaviours. Many invertebrates have exquisite sensitivity to light, can distinguish a broad spectrum of colours, detect subtle polarised

Modeling Thermal Radiation With Focus on Particle Radiation in Grate Fired Furnaces Combusting MSW or Biomass: A Parametric Study

This parametric study shows that thermal radiation from particles, fly ash and char, can be highly relevant for estimating the radiative heat flux to surfaces in grate fired furnaces, especially to the hot bed. The large effects of particle radiative heat transfer come from cases with municipal solid waste (MSW) as fuel whereas biomass cases have moderate effect on the overall:radiative heat trans

Calcium Homeostasis After Thyroid Surgery

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under evolutionens gång har ett komplext system utvecklats för att hålla blodets kalkhalt konstant. Bisköldkörtelhormonet intar här en central roll. Sänkning av blodets kalkhalt ger upphov till ökad bisköldkörtelhormonsekretion. Bisköldkörtelhormonet påverkar njurar och skelett så att mer kalk återförs till blodbanan. Bisköldkörtelhormonet stimulerar också njurarna tillCalcium homeostasis after thyroid surgery was studied during the immediate postoperative period and after one year. One day after hemithyroidectomy ionised calcium decreased whereas basal PTH did not change. EDTA stimulated maximal and total PTH secretion and set-point decreased on postoperative day 1 and normalised on day 7. One year after hemithyroidectomy (n=10) total calcium and 1.25(OH)2D3 de

Endogenous Communication and Tacit Coordination in Market Entry Games - An explorative experimental study

This paper explores experimentally the effects of costly communication possibilities in market entry games. It is shown that these effects depend on whether entry costs are symmetric or asymmetric. In the former, but not the latter case, communication possibilities increase coordination success substantially and are likely to generate inferior outcomes for consumers. Furthermore, cost asymmetries

Calculation of antenna radiation center using angular momentum

An algorithm to compute the Radiation center of an antenna based on the Spherical wave expansion is introduced. The method is based on the angular momentum vector that is uniquely defined for any antenna far field pattern. The radiation center is defined as the unique point where the magnitude of the angular momentum is minimized with respect to translations of the far field. This corresponds to m