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Human population growth offsets climate-driven increase in woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa

The rapidly growing human population in sub-Saharan Africa generates increasing demand for agricultural land and forest products, which presumably leads to deforestation. Conversely, a greening of African drylands has been reported, but this has been difficult to associate with changes in woody vegetation. There is thus an incomplete understanding of how woody vegetation responds to socio-economic

An overview of the transport of liquid molecules through structured polymer films, barriers and composites – Experiments correlated to structure-based simulations

Films engineered to control the transport of liquids are widely used through society. Examples include barriers in packaging, wound care products, and controlled release coatings in pharmaceutics. When observed at the macroscopic scale such films commonly appear homogeneous, however, a closer look reveals a complex nano- and microstructure that together with the chemical properties of the differen

Strong-coupling theory of counterions between symmetrically charged walls : From crystal to fluid phases

We study thermal equilibrium of classical pointlike counterions confined between symmetrically charged walls at distance d. At very large couplings when the counterion system is in its crystal phase, a harmonic expansion of particle deviations is made around the bilayer positions, with a free lattice parameter determined from a variational approach. For each of the two walls, the harmonic expansio

Sustainability and Precious Care in Tourism Lifestyle Enterprise : TEFI10 Conference 3-6 June 2018 Pyhätunturi, Finland

In modernity’s tourism, nature is just a resource. In modernity, enterprises exploit human and natural resources, churning out products to feed the modern desire to consume. In the process, people and nature are carelessly ‘used up’. Thus, Brundtland’s famous exhortation for sustainable development (Brundtland, 1987) remains unheeded, and the rhetoric of sustainable tourism (Bramwell & Lane, 1

Presence of Meaning in Life and Search for Meaning in Life and Relationship to Health Anxiety

The present study explored presence of meaning in life, search for meaning in life, and their correlation with health anxiety. The Meaning in Life Questionnaire and the Short Health Anxiety Inventory were completed by 753 individuals. Results indicated higher presence of meaning in life was associated with lower health anxiety, while the opposite was observed for search for meaning in life. Result

Snow cover and snow albedo changes in the central Andes of Chile and Argentina from daily MODIS observations (2000–2016)

The variables of snow cover extent (SCE), snow cover duration (SCD), and snow albedo (SAL) are primary factors determining the surface energy balance and hydrological response of the cryosphere, influencing snow pack and glacier mass-balance, melt, and runoff conditions. This study examines spatiotemporal patterns and trends in SCE, SCD, and SAL (2000–2016; 16 years) for central Chilean and Argent

Assessing drivers of vegetation changes in drylands from time series of earth observation data

This chapter summarizes methods of inferring information about drivers of global dryland vegetation changes observed from remote sensing time series data covering from the 1980s until present time. Earth observation (EO) based time series of vegetation metrics, sea surface temperature (SST) (both from the AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) series of instruments) and precipitation dat

Evaluation of Potential Effects of NaCl and Sorbic Acid on Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A Formation

The prophage-encoded staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) is recognized as the main cause of staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP), a common foodborne intoxication disease, caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Studies on the production of SEA suggest that activation of the SOS response and subsequent prophage induction affect the regulation of the sea gene and the SEA produced, increasing the risk for SFP

Host instar influence on offspring sex ratio and female preference of Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae) parasitoid of Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera, Flatidae)

The parasitoid wasp Neodryinus typhlocybae (Ashmead) was introduced to Europe for the biological control of nearctic planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say), which causes severe damage to both crops and ornamental species in the absence of specialized natural enemies. We performed a series of experiments to evaluate the host instar preference and the effects on parasitoid offspring sex. Results showed

The use of adjunct psychosocial interventions can decrease postoperative pain and improve the quality of clinical care in orthopedic surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

This study aims to assess the effectiveness of psychosocial techniques to decrease postoperative pain and improve perioperative clinical care in orthopedic surgery. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of psychosocial methods among adults undergoing orthopedic surgeries. The systematic review included both randomized and nonrandomized trials, but only randomi