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Boom or Bust in China's Jade Trade with Myanmar?

Since 2014, declining economic growth and Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign have led to decreasing demand in certain markets for jadeite—the highest valued type of jade in China. But while institutional factors may explain these short-term fluctuations, historical continuity and cultural imaginations underpinning Chinese demand suggest that the jadeite market boom in China is not quite over ye

Resedabi Hylaeus signatusNT (Panzer) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) påträffat i Botaniska trädgården i Lund.

A first find and a few subsequent observations of the oligolectic Large Yellow-Face Bee Hylaeus signatusNT (Panzer) were made during the second half of August in the Botanical Garden of Lund, province of Scania, Southern Sweden. About a dozen of specimens were attracted to a stand of Reseda luteola, one of its primary pollen sources. This bee is one of several newcomers among solitary bees in SwedA first find and a few subsequent observations of the oligolectic Large Yellow-Face Bee Hylaeus signatusNT (Panzer) were made during the second half of August in the Botanical Garden of Lund, province of Scania, Southern Sweden. About a dozen of specimens were attracted to a stand of Reseda luteola, one of its primary pollen sources. This bee is one of several newcomers among solitary bees in Swed

Towards a homogenous drying rate using a solar fruit dryer

Solar fruit drying has the potential to reduce food insecurity in developing nations. One possible technique for drying fruit is to use solar dryers. This technique is easy to use without requiring high investments. However, the drying technique can be challenging. One problem is that the drying rate could be different depending on where in the dryer the process takes place. At the beginning of th

Heritagelore : Museums and the manner in which Heritage might be understood in a trialectic framework of place, materiality and mobility

Historian David Lowenthal (1985) has pointed out the past is often perceived and represented as “a foreign country” in which cultural heritage is implicitly understood to be bound to geographical territories and associated notions of what it implies to have roots, an identity, and a place in which to belong. This is the paradigmatic background against which so many heritage museums have been found

A Hip Heritage: Re-imagining Nordic Culture in North America

Seattle is currently the fastest growing city in the United States attracting a large pool of young international professionals – many of whom are working in the IT industry. However, Seattle is also home to a large Nordic community, immigrants once attracted by the agricultural, forestry, and fishing industries. At present however, the city is pulling in a highly educated young Nordic population

Multi-targeted ethnography and the Challenge of Engaging New Audiences and Publics

This article focuses upon and problematizes the manner in which anthropologists and ethnologists have traditionally striven to communicate and share the knowledge they have gained through fieldwork. It does so by presenting and discussing the concept of multi-targeted ethnography, a move which implies a switch in perspectives that emphasizes distributive rather than accumulative modes of the ethno

Politicisation of the audit process : The case of politically affiliated auditors in Swedish local governments

The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse how the internal audit process as well as the outcome of that process is used for politically reasons. This will be accomplished by applying the political theory of politicisation to the analysis of the internal audit process within Swedish local authorities. By applying the theory of politicisation, this study contributes to our understandin

European ecosystems on a changing planet : Integrating climate change and land-use intensity data

Ekosystemen i vår värld förändras av naturliga krafter, som i sin tur påverkas av mänskliga aktiviteter. För att förstå och beräkna effekterna av klimatförändringar och mänsklig förvaltning på våra ekosystem har behovet av instrument för att övervaka och förutsäga jordsystemet ökat. Dynamiska globala vegetations modeller är matematiska modeller som tillåter en processbaserad beskrivning av växtsamDynamic global vegetation models are mathematical models that provide a bottom-up description of plant communities. They explicitly model physiological and population-level processes such as growth, photosynthesis, carbon allocation, regeneration and mortality.However, there are a number of challenges to meet in the context of mechanistic vegetation models which can be extrapolated to new environm

Historiska museet

Presentation av Lunds Universitets Historiska Museum för utställningen "Mellan liv och död" på Lunds Konsthall 31 augusti - 27 oktober 2002. En bok med samma titel publicerades i samband med utställningen, där tolv arkiv och museer i Lund berättar om sina unika verksamheter i samband med en då pågående utredning vid Lunds universitet om fyra museers framtid : Antikmuseet, Botaniska museet, Histori