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Collagen VI : Role in synaptic transmission and seizure-related excitability

Collagen VI (Col-VI) is an extracellular matrix protein primarily known for its bridging role in connective tissues that has been suggested to play a neuroprotective role. In the present study we report increased mRNA and protein expression of Col-VI in the hippocampus and cortex at a late stage of epileptogenesis in a post-status epilepticus (SE) model of epilepsy and in brain tissue from patient

A general method for the immobilization of cells with preserved viability

Microbial, algal, plant and animal cells have been immobilized, with preserved viability, by entrapment in various matrices according to a new bead polymerization technique. The cell polymer/monomer mixture is kept suspended in a hydrophobic phase such as soy, paraffin, or silicon oil, tri-n-butylphosphate, or dibutyphtalate, which is compatible with the cells. The various monomers or polymers tes

Non-negative Spherical Relaxations for Universe-Free Multi-matching and Clustering

We propose a novel non-negative spherical relaxation for optimization problems over binary matrices with injectivity constraints, which in particular has applications in multi-matching and clustering. We relax respective binary matrix constraints to the (high-dimensional) non-negative sphere. To optimize our relaxed problem, we use a conditional power iteration method to iteratively improve the ob

Collaborative Piano, challenges and key features

After having decided to continue my musical career as a piano collaborator, I opted to examine the area of study more specifically. This study aims to identify the fundamental competencies for professional collaborators. I intend to highlight some of the challenges, key features, and difficulties that I may face during the process, as well as investigate how a revised view of being a collaborative

Inspiring in a Realistic Way: Role of Authenticity in Gen Z’s Perceptions of Green Influencers on TikTok

In an era where social media shapes public opinion and lifestyle choices, and issues such as global climate change are at the forefront of the public’s minds, green influencers emerged as promoters of sustainability and educators on environmental topics, especially among Gen Z. Despite the growing popularity and influence of green influencers, there is a lack of knowledge related to how Gen Z perc

Den deprimerade patientens upplevelse av vård - En litteraturstudie

I Sverige drabbas var femte person av depression någon gång under livet, där ett obehandlat depressivt tillstånd ökar risken för tidig död i form av suicid. Det förekommer ett missnöje kring vårdupplevelsen bland deprimerade patienter, samt hur riktlinjer inte alltid efterföljs av klinisk praxis. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att belysa den deprimerade patientens upplevelse av vård. Metod: En ick

Kognitiva biaser och överraskningsattacker

Denna uppsats har undersökt hur kognitiva biaser har påverkat de underrättelsemisslyckanden som har föregått Jom-Kippur kriget 1973 och Hamas attack mot Israel 2023 ur the theory of surprise och Heuers arbete om kognitiva biaser. För att besvara frågeställningen har jag använt mig av en jämförande fallstudie. Resultaten är att i båda fallen har kognitiva biaser påverkat underrättelsemisslyckandet

Weyl semimetallic phase in high pressure CrSb2 and structural compression studies of its high pressure polymorphs

In this study, high pressure synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction is used to investigate the compression of two high pressure polymorphs of CrSb2. The first is the CuAl2-type polymorph with an eight-fold coordinated Cr, which can be quenched to ambient conditions from high-pressure high-temperature conditions. The second is the recently discovered MoP2-type polymorph, which is induced by compressi

Reactions between ferric oxyhydroxide mineral coatings and a dimethoxyhydroquinone : A source of hydroxyl radicals

Quinones are organic molecules that facilitate electron-transfer reactions in terrestrial environments. The reduced forms, hydroquinones, are powerful reductants that can trigger non-enzymatic radical-based decomposition of organic matter and contaminants by simultaneous reduction of iron and oxygen. Iron oxides often occur as coatings on other minerals, thus our study investigated the reactions b

” Jag är en skapare. Jag är inte en producent ” - En antropologisk studie om konstnärligt företagande på Österlen

Forskning inom konstnärligt företagandet har haft en låg prioritet, vilket har påpekats i ett flertal rapporter under senaste decenniet. Den statliga utredningen SOU 2022:44 benämnd Kreativa Sverige! lyfter ett antal frågor som primärt ligger till grund för uppsatsens syfte. Vilket är att utforska hur konstnärer praktiserar och förhåller sig till företagande i relation till konstnärsskapet. Studie

Pharma 4.0: A deep dive top management commitment to successful Lean 4.0 implementation in Ghanaian pharma manufacturing sector

The primary aim of this study is to assess the significance of top management commitment in the context of Lean 4.0 implementation within the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Ghana. The study seeks to understand and evaluate the overall effectiveness and achievements associated with adopting Lean 4.0. Employing a positivist mindset, the research utilizes an explanatory quantitative researc

Barriärer och möjligheter för implementering av ESRS & dubbla väsentlighetsanalyser inom fastighetssektorn i Sverige

Hur kan fastighetssektorn förverkliga EU:s hållbarhetsinitiativ? Vad tänker du på när du hör ordet hållbarhetsrapportering? Färgglada rapporter med fina bilder? Starkt hållbarhetsarbete? Litar du på innehållet som skrivs ut? EU strävar efter att vara den ledande regionen inom hållbarhet, där det finns ett särskilt fokus på hållbara finanser och hållbarhetsrapportering. Ett nytt direktiv för hållbThe European Union constantly strives to improve sustainability work in the region, where one of the focus areas is to maintain economic growth, while reducing the negative environmental impact, and improving social aspects and corporate governance. A new directive (CSRD) and reporting standard (ESRS) for sustainability reporting has been launched, which aims to strengthen the rules around the sus

Where am I? Where Will I be? What Singapore can teach anthropology about global place imaginaries

In an era defined by finite resources and increasing global interconnectivity, the strategic management of place is crucial for sustaining human life and ensuring a viable future. This paper explores the critical role of global imaginaries (collective understandings shaped by global networks) in shaping the identity and function of place in Singapore. Placemaking, the process by which spaces are t

Advanced Research Using New X-ray Sources

The Nordic summer school in synchrotron radiation science, Advanced Research Using New X-ray Sources, was held from June 13-21, 2011 in Sweden. The school was organized by MAX-lab with economic support from the Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies (NorFA) and the Swedish German Röntgen-Ångström consortium. The school was divided into two parts. The first lecture part was held at Odengården, a cosy

Historicizing the Historical Turn in Human Rights Studies : Origins, Inequality, and Neoliberalism in the Modern Epoch

The historical turn in human rights studies is characterized by a deepcleavage between scholars who locate the origins of human rights inthe Atlantic Revolutions of the late 18th century, and scholars whoinstead focus on the post-WWII period in general, and on the 1970sin particular as a breakthrough decade for international humanrights. Against the background of what has been described as thethreThe historical turn in human rights studies is characterized by a deep cleavage between scholars who locate the origins of human rights in the Atlantic Revolutions of the late 18th century, and scholars who instead focus on the post-WWII period in general, and on the 1970s in particular as a breakthrough decade for international human rights. Against the background of what has been described as th