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Processkostnadsanalys med TESSPA

This master thesis has been carried out as a part of the research project TESSPA, with commission from the department of Industrial Production at Lund University. The purpose is to further develop and verify a method o calculate the process cost at smaller companies with discrete part manufacturing and to identify improvement- and development potential. The work has been carried out in cooperation

Using Doppler Ultrasound for Diagnosing and Staging of Rhinosinusitus - Implementation on a Clinical Scanner

Rhinosinusitis is the fifth most common diagnosis for which antibiotics are prescribed- but it is often done in vain. Currently, the only way to fully determine whether or not such treatment is actually needed is an invasive procedure. In order to spare patients from the discomfort that it would involve, this essential step is often skipped and instead, antibiotics are prescribed regardless. Using

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Tyrs Hov

The following report is an evaluation of the fire safety for Tyrs Hov sports center in Tyringe with emphasis and focus on personal safety in and egress out of the building. The report was produced as part of studying the course Fire Safety Evaluation at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety at Lund University. Tyrs Hov holds a variety of sporting activities scattered throug

Kampen om talangerna - En fallastudie på IKEA IT

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur employer branding kan fungera som ett verktyg i syfte att attrahera IT-studenter som ska bli framtida unga IT-talanger. Detta kommer att besvaras med hjälp av fallstudie på ett svenskt IT-företag, i uppsatsen kommer vi att anta ett företagsperspektiv. Genom dokumentstudier och fyra stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på IKEA IT har vi utvec

Debts and Savings from a Behavioral and Financial Literacy Perspective

By extending the neo-classical economic framework to a behavioral and financial literacy level this thesis intends to give a better understanding for how individuals make decisions concerning loans and savings. I find there is a broad support for the notion that these extensions can explain why some individuals are overindebted and accumulate insufficient savings for their retirement. As a direct

The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Development of Germany’s Energy Intensity during the Industrialization Phase

The development of Germany’s energy intensity of the 19th and 20th century shows a clear inverted U-shaped trend, which supports the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) of energy intensity. In this article this development will be analyzed from a consumption perspective and investigate the impact of international trade on the upswing phase of Germany’s EKC of energy intensity. It i

Representations of Egyptian women after the revolution in Local vs. Western discourses

Introduction: Post-colonial feminists have highlighted the tendency in the West to constitute the “other” woman as oppressed and in radical opposition to the “Western” liberated woman. Egyptian women as part of the larger category of the “Arab woman” are often the objects of such discourses. On the one hand, the emergence of women during the Egyptian revolution, in both Local and Western media, as

Röstresultat efter radioterapi eller laserterapi hos patienter med tidig glottisk cancer En retrospektiv studie vid Skånes universitetssjukhus

Det huvudsakliga syftet med föreliggande studie var att jämföra röstkvalitet hos patienter som behandlats med antingen radioterapi eller laserterapi vid tidig glottisk cancer. Detta är en frågeställning som tidigare har utretts i en studie vid Skånes Universitetssjukhus, med ett resultat som talade till radioterapins fördel. Nära två decennier har passerat sedan studien genomfördes och under denna

Samverkansgrundläggning i relation till pålning

Below every building there is a different type of foundation work, it can comprise point carried piles or floating piles that pursues down the loads in the ground. A foundation work without piles could also be used, but big subsidence can arise in particular at bigger building constructions, it is however most important that the differentiate subsidence becomes too big. These subsidences can influ

Stress and Strength Analysis of Curved Glulam Beams With Box Cross-Section

Glulam arches can be used when designing structures with large spans such as halls or arenas. Wood has low density compared to steel and concrete which keeps down the dead weight of the structure. The cross section of glulam arches is often built up as a box-section for efficiency reasons. However, wood shows strongly orthotropic behavior where maximum allowed stress perpendicular to grain is only

Traffic Induced Vibrations at Road-Bridge - Experimental and Numerical Analysis

In the north-east part of Lund, Sweden, the MAX IV facility is (in the event of writing this thesis) under construction. MAX IV is a synchrotron radiation facility which has a high requirement regarding low vibrations. Within this thesis a nearby road-bridge for the highway E22 was studied using experimental and numerical methods. The aim was to determine the magnitude of the road-bridge influence

Skatter och subventioners effekter på den svenska konsumtionen av djupfrysta färdigrätter

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ur en nationalekonomisk synvinkel se ifall man med prisjusteringar kan få en genomsnittlig svensk att välja det hälsosammare alternativet i nyckelhålsmärkt och därmed belasta sjukvårdskostnaderna mindre. Ett andra mål är att med prisjusteringar få genomsnittssvensken att köpa mindre av de produkter som är allmänt känt onyttiga. Datamaterialet som har använts är ett


THIS MASTER THESIS is about making diving more accessible. The experience of diving is today relying on a complex set of equipment and infrastructure, thus most people with a certificate seldom use it. My intention is to evolve diving equipment, which has looked the same since the sixties, and by doing that simplifying the experience of diving. The goal is to create a solution positioning itself

Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis - Hur fosterdiagnostiken representeras i en bedömning av Statens medicinsk-etiska råd.

The aim of this study was to investigate how the new Non-Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis method (NIPD) is represented within a public policy constituted by The Swedish National Council on Medical Ethics, “SMER”. In order to do this, a post-structural method for policy-analysis called “What’s the problem represented to be”, founded by Carol Lee Bacchi (2009) have been used for the analysis. Through a d

Vändpunkter - Viktiga faktorer i förändringen mot ett liv utan droger och kriminalitet

Sammanfattning Vi har gjort en kvalitativ studie och intervjuat individer med en tidigare missbruksproblematik och kriminellbakgrund. Alla utom en av intervjupersonerna har deltagit i ett 12-stegsprogram. Det finns hjälp att få som missbrukare genom behandling, men det är ändå inte alla som klarar av att sluta fast den hjälpen finns. Det är viktigt och intressant att undersöka varför det är så. VWe have made a qualitative study that started from interviewees with substance abuse problems. All of the interviewees have a background as criminals and addicts and three of them have participated in twelve-step program. There is treatment that is intended to support and help addicts, but it's still not all that manage to get out of their addiction. That makes it important and interesting to

Att bedöma krishanteringsförmåga med hjälp av resultatmål

The purpose of this thesis was to contribute to the development of an integrated Swedish national risk and ability assessment. The goal was to develop a method that uses performance indicators for evaluation of crisis management capability, and to analyze whether this is a good tool for that purpose.A method was created using a method development process, and with the aid of literature and intervi

"Vi vill älska varandra, men vi vet inte hur" En kvalitativ studie av den moderna kärleksrelationen och dess villkor.

In today´s society it seems to be increasingly hard to make long-term relationships last. Divorce statistics in Sweden show that almost half of the marriages today end in divorce (SCB, 2012). Why then is it so difficult to make love work? Are we just harder to please, or can the trend be understood on the basis of the modern society we live in, where self-fulfilment and individuality clash with th

Optimizing and method development for clinical MR imaging near metallic implants

Metallic hip prosthesis is an implant that gets more common and comes with problems like metallosis (inflammation due to metallic debris). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is a superior method when imaging soft tissue (compared to other medical imaging techniques) is affected by metal implants and will result in a distorted image. View Angle Tilting (VAT) and Slice Encoding for Metal Artifac