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Your search for "*" yielded 525396 hits

Circular Economy in the Nordic Real Estate and Construction Industry: A Policy Review

Circular economy (CE) has gained attention in the real estate and construction policy, practice, and research in the past few years. This study explores how two neighboring Nordic countries and EU member states, Sweden and Finland, are transitioning toward circularity in the real estate and construction industry context. The aim is reached through a review of CE policies on the national and indust


This thesis presents a case study of an indoor Green Wall (GW) installed in an office building in Malmö, Sweden. The study analyzed the effect of the GW on air humidity during low temperature and dry moisture outdoor conditions. The objective was to determine the green wall's indoor humidity contribution while enabling an adequate comparison before and after the GW installation, which requires

Effect of DNAJB6 on α-synuclein amyloid fibril aggregation and dis-aggregation

Chaperoner – kroppens egna försvarssystem mot neurodegenerativa sjukdomar Parkinsons sjukdom och Alzheimers sjukdom är exempel på neurodegenerativa sjukdomar vars orsak attribueras till aggregeringen av amyloida proteiner. Chaperoner som DNAJB6 har visat sig vara effektiva i att förhindra denna aggregering, och i detta arbete har deras termodynamiska beskrivning undersökts. Proteiner är kroppens bAmyloid proteins are a group of proteins with the ability to form large fibrillar aggregates, identifiable by their cross-β core structure. These aggregates are linked to several different neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease and due to the growing rate of people diagnosed, there is a need to combat these diseases. Aggregation of amyloid proteins is caused

Hur man behåller anställda inom transportbranschen

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Förbli på rätt spår: En uppsats om hur man behåller anställda inom transportbranschen. Seminariedatum: 2023-06-01 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Max Brigge, Ebba Kilström och Gustaf Mannerstam Handledare: Anna Glenngård Nyckelord: Incitament, motivation, transportbranschen, personalomsättning Abstract Title: "On the Right Track: Employee Retention Strategies in the Transport Industry" Seminar date: 2023-06-01 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credit Points (UPC) or ECTS-credits Authors: Max Brigge, Ebba Kilström och Gustaf Mannerstam Supervisor: Anna Glenngård Key words: Incentives, motivati

In situ assembly of bioresorbable organic bioelectronics in the brain

Bioelectronics can potentially complement classical therapies in nonchronic treatments, such as immunotherapy and cancer. In addition to functionality, minimally invasive implantation methods and bioresorbable materials are central to nonchronic treatments. The latter avoids the need for surgical removal after disease relief. Self-organizing substrate-free organic electrodes meet these criteria an

Use of Virtual Reality in Psychiatric Diagnostic Assessments : A Systematic Review

BACKGROUND: Technological developments such as Virtual reality (VR) provide new opportunities to extend and innovate mental healthcare. VR as a tool for clinical assessment has been described as promising, as it can enable real-time assessment within real-like environments or contexts as opposed to self-report and behavioral tasks in laboratory settings.OBJECTIVE: With this systematic review we ai

Plasma neurofilament light in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia compared to mood and psychotic disorders

Objective: Blood biomarkers of neuronal injury such as neurofilament light (NfL) show promise to improve diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders and distinguish neurodegenerative from primary psychiatric disorders (PPD). This study investigated the diagnostic utility of plasma NfL to differentiate behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD, a neurodegenerative disorder commonly misdiagnos

Lingering challenges in everyday life for adults under age 60 with hip fractures–a qualitative study of the lived experience during the first three years

Purpose: We aimed to illuminate the lived experiences and the path of recovery for adults sustaining a hip fracture before the age of 60. Methods: Participants were purposively sampled from a prospective multicenter cohort study in Sweden and Denmark, and narrative interviews were conducted with 19 individuals 0.7–3.5 years after the fracture. We used a phenomenological hermeneutic method to descr

Agreement between rapid antigen detection test and culture for group A streptococcus in patients recently treated for pharyngotonsillitis - a prospective observational study in primary care

Objective: The aim was to compare rapid antigen detection test (RADT) and throat culture for group A streptococci (GAS) among patients recently treated with penicillin V for GAS pharyngotonsillitis. Design and setting: The study was a secondary analysis within a randomized controlled trial comparing 5 versus 10 days of penicillin V for GAS pharyngotonsillitis. Patients were recruited at 17 primary

Safeguarding the ‘Pride of Jeju’: The Framing of Jeju Haenyeo Protection in Regional Media

This research focused on the media framing of the issue of protection and safeguarding of the Haenyeo community in Jeju Island, South Korea. The Haenyeo are a community of fisherwomen who free dive to harvest sea life and are representative of the matriarchal cultural tradition of Jeju Island. This study aimed to analyze how the issue is framed in regional media and explored the reasons portrayed

Bestående psykologiska konsekvenser av tidig omskärelse: en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Manlig omskärelse är det vanligast utförda kirurgiska ingreppet i världen och har en historia som sträcker sig tusentals år bak i tiden. Ingreppet kan genomföras under hela livet men sker i stor omfattning under tidig barndom. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att sammanställa en ämnesöversikt över kunskapsläget om möjliga psykologiska konsekvenser av ingreppet i tidig barndom. En systematisk littMale circumcision is the most performed surgical procedure in the world and has a history that stretches back thousands of years. The procedure can be carried out throughout life but is to a large extent performed during infancy. The purpose of this study has been to compile a subject overview that clarifies the state of knowledge regarding possible psychological consequences of the procedure when

En grönare järnväg

Detta arbete är en utredning av hur järnvägskonstruktionens emissioner ser ut vid anläggning. Den samlade datan har översatts i ett matematiskt uttryck som ger ett minsta årtal för när en neutraliseringshorisont för projektet kan nås. De resulterande uttrycken som studien tagit fram ger approximativa värden baserat på de studier av utsläpp och energiresurserna som innefattas vid järnvägskonstruktiThis thesis is an analysis of what the amount of emissions from railway constructions could look like, the resulting analysis is translated through an equation that concludes by giving the reader a minimum of years before a neutralization horizon is achieved. The result is based upon the variable input from the described data and depicts an approximate value that by itself aims to add to the trans

Creating community in high-rise buildings - Hyllie, Malmö

It is a well-recognized fact that a city will continue to grow whether or not it is desirable. Growth is not something that can be stopped, only contained and influenced. In that way, there is a need for new concepts and approaches to urban space planning and this could be in the form of vertical cities. The tall building is indeed a vertical progression of a horizontal city and should be consid

Fracture Characterization of Wood Adhesive Joints

Failure in wood is commonly considered as a sign of properly chosen adhesive for wood adhesive joints. It is argued that as the adhesive is stronger than the surrounding wood material, no concern has to be given to the adhesive properties in joint design. However, by means of theoretical arguments in combination with experimental experience in the present study, it is stated that local bond line p

Theory's best practice

Why is theorizing important? What does it do? This note reflects on the broad question of what we do when we theorize, taking its starting point from the Greek notion of theoria. The argument is that theorizing as an uncertain journey, i.e. as a form of travelling along a path towards the unknown or unfamiliar, has unjustly fallen into disrepute. The notion of ‘theory’ is today primarily associate

Utveckla (A portable shelter for urban environments)

There are almost 6 000 acutely homeless in Sweden, according to the most recent estimation. The acutely homeless do not have any type of accommodation and so they have to rely on shelters for a half-decent place to sleep, but shelters are not always available and some people do not want to stay in shelters. When sleeping on the streets you are exposed to the public, but also to rain, wind, s

Fighting Covid-19 amidst civil conflict : Micro-level evidence from Burkina Faso

How does violent conflict affect the spread of Covid-19? In this paper we analyze how violent conflict influences the adoption of preventative measures and infection rate in a very poor, conflict-affected country, Burkina Faso. We use a unique panel of 1,919 households surveyed during the first six months of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and merge these data with indicators of violence at the muniHow does violent conflict affect the spread of Covid-19? In this paper we analyze how violent conflict influences the adoption of preventative measures and infection rate in a very poor, conflict-affected country, Burkina Faso. We use a unique panel of 1,919 households surveyed during the first six months of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 and merge these data with indicators of violence at the muni

Dances with Deer: The Deadly Entanglements of Becoming Deer in Jægersborg Dyrehave

In the small Danish nature park of Jægersborg Dyrehave, there live over two thousand deer. During their lives, they become encounters for visitors, managers of nature, targets to be culled, meat to be eaten, and more. In this thesis, I explore what it means to be deer in Dyrehaven. By applying a posthumanist iteration of performativity, I argue that we need to consider ‘deering’ as a verb, an intr