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Promoting the dual earner family: is the German welfare state following the social investment strategy?

This master thesis examines if the German welfare state is following the social investment strategy in relation to one of its core components, the dual earner family model. The thesis considers four, interrelated policy areas that promote the dual earner family. Regarding the appropriate design of parental leave, formal childcare services, part-time employment regulation and the taxation of spouse

Breaking Gender Roles and Gaining Agency

The thesis will present and analyze different roles women actors in Northern Ireland took upon themselves during the period known as ”The Troubles” (1969- 1998). It will present a theoretical framework that consists of several relevant theories on agency, actorship and gender in conflict as well as created categories that helps organize the roles identified. The type of conflict, in this case eth

Understanding the Rise of Social Enterprises in Vietnam: Social Capital, Factors of Emergence and Policy Considerations

Social enterprises are important contributors to Vietnam's socio-economic development, namely by providing services in such areas as health and education. While the state-managed Central Institute of Economic Management (CIEM) has recently acknowledged their presence and put forth related public policy suggestions, there remains a lack of related government policies and sparse literature explo

Up-Rising Out of Poverty: The Role of Self-Determination, Political Attitudes and Legitimacy in the Mapuche Movement

Chile is often portrayed as the paradigmatic case of a smooth transition from dictatorship to democracy, sustained by high rates of economic growth. This picture conceals a more complex reality of social conflict provoked by political reform that favors capitalistic advancement at the expense of resource exploitation and the continual and irreversible reduction and destruction of Mapuche land. As

Recruited and exploited. The effect of deportability on third country labour migrants´human and labour rights in Sweden.

Sammanfattning En stor del av västvärlden står inför en demografisk förändring bestående av en allt åldrande befolkning i kombination med ett lägre barnafödande. För att möta detta behov förenklades 2008 det juridiska ramverket i Sverige gällande arbetskraftsinvandring från tredje land. Det nya regelverket innebär att den tidigare arbetsmarknadsprövningen togs bort, istället blev det den enskildeSummary Many Western countries are on the verge of a demograhpic change. This change consists of an aging population in combination with a decreasing birth rate. To meet the need following the labour shortage, the Swedish migration framework was modified in 2008. In the new framework the former labour market examination was abolished. Instead the individual employer became the decision maker of w

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Stuttering Disorder: A case study

This paper examines the benefits of using CBT-techniques as a therapeutic tool within the treatment of stuttering. Stuttering is a complex disorder that involves not only speech disfluencies but also psychological and interpersonal problems as a consequence of the interaction of thoughts, emotions and behaviour. This case study describes CBT carried out with a young woman with stuttering difficult

Var det New Deal som tog USA ut ur den stora depressionen?

Den stora depressionen är fortfarande högaktuell. Det stimulanspaket som nu genomförs i USA, genomförs eftersom det finns en bred uppfattning om att New Deal fungerade. Men förklaringarna på vad som hände under depressionen skiljer sig åt. Allmänhetens bild av den stora depressionen skiljer sig ofta från experternas. I amerikanska läroböcker lärs det ut att president Roosevelt tog USA ut ur den s

Samband mellan verbal och ickeverbal mentaliseringsförmåga och fantasi hos förskolebarn

Syftet med denna uppsats var att på förskolebarn jämföra resultat på verbala och ickeverbala mentaliseringsförmågetest och undersöka relationen mellan fantasi och mentaliseringsförmåga. Deltagarna var 64 barn, 36 flickor och 28 pojkar, med en medelålder på 59 månader (4 år 11 månader) med en standardavvikelse på 9 månader. Fyra instrument användes: ett ickeverbalt mentaliseringstest, ett verbaltThe aims of this thesis were to compare results on verbal and non-verbal mentalization tests on pre-school children, and to explore the relation between imagination and mentalization. The participants were 64 children, 36 girls and 28 boys, with a mean age of 59 months (4 years 11 months) with a standard deivation of 9 months. Four instruments were used: a non-verbal mentalization test, a verbal


KÖNSSTYMPNING OCH FÖRLOSSNING Barnmorskors erfarenheter Författare: Basira Hosseini Handledare: Anna-Karin Dykes Magisteruppsats Augusti 2012 Abstrakt Invandring från länder där kvinnlig könsstympning förekommer ha ökat och barnmorskan möter dessa kvinnor oftare inom vården. Det kan bland annat vara svårt att göra vaginalundersökning på kvinnorna och därmed följa förlossningsförloppet. S

Measurement of the transverse momentum dependence of the elliptic flow of charged particles in lead-lead collision at √(s_NN )=2.76 TeV

One of the biggest question in physics is to investigate the early universe or big bang. 10 µs after big bang, there existed a phase of transition called QGP (Quark Gluon Plasma). In this phase of transition quarks and gluon were free from each other. In normal life neutron and proton consist of three quarks with exchanging gluons. To simulate QGP scientists has built the large accelerator at CERN

Personlig integritet i arbetslivet - Med särskilt fokus på arbetsgivarens befogenheter att genomföra drogtester i arbetslivet

Personlig integritet är ett begrepp som har fått en allt viktigare innebörd i arbetslivet de senaste åren. Frågan om drogtesters plats i arbetslivet är en av de mest framträdande frågorna, då det av många anses vara en kränkning av den personliga integriteten. Det är därför av stor vikt att bedöma när och för vilka syften ett drogtest kan anses vara befogat. Det uppstår därmed en situation där arb

What changed in 43 years? A comparison of the River Laxá dispute with perspectives towards the proposed Bjarnarflag geothermal power station

This thesis compares the 1970 River Laxá dispute in Skútustaðahreppur, Iceland with perspectives towards the proposed Bjarnarflag geothermal power station in the same region 43 years later. The events in 1970 have been called the first act of environmental protection in Iceland. The study concentrates on power relations through Foucault´s theory of Régime of Truth and Alf Hornborg´s theory on the

Water harvesting in Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan region, Iraq : detection of suitable sites using geographic information system and remote sensing

Popular science: Find a suitable area for rainwater harvesting Rainwater harvesting is a technique to capture and store rainfall where it falls. The technique of water harvesting can be used for different purposes, e.g providing irrigation water, drinking water, increase groundwater recharge, and reduce flood risk. The application of rainwater harvesting is suitable in arid and semi-arid areas, w

Constitutionalizing the International Normative Environment: An Investigation of the Systemic Nature of International and Global Law

2005 släppte Förenta Nationernas folkrättskommission rapporten "Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the diversification and expansion of International Law". Även om fragmenteringen av folkrätten hade varit ett diskussionsämne långt före 2005 fick rapporten verkligen debatten ta fart och fragmentering att bli en av de mest omdebatterade frågorna under senare år bIn 2005 the United Nations International Law Commission released the report Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the diversification and expansion of International Law. Although fragmentation of international law had been a topic of discussion long before 2005 the report really made the debate take off, becoming one of the most debated issues in recent years among internat