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Openness of innovation systems through global innovation networks : a comparative analysis of firms in developed and emerging economies

In the last decade, we have witnessed an unprecedented growth in the globalisation of innovation activities and more specifically, of global innovation networks (GINs) extending into middle-income countries. However, hitherto most of the literature is either theoretical or based on a handful of cases. We do not know what are the different forms of openness through networks in which firms participa

Protonation States of Homocitrate and Nearby Residues in Nitrogenase Studied by Computational Methods and Quantum Refinement

Nitrogenase is the only enzyme that can break the triple bond in N2 to form two molecules of ammonia. The enzyme has been thoroughly studied with both experimental and computational methods, but there is still no consensus regarding the atomic details of the reaction mechanism. In the most common form, the active site is a MoFe7S9C(homocitrate) cluster. The homocitrate ligand contains one alcohol

East versus West: Energy Transition and Energy Intensity in Coal-Rich Europe 1830-2000

The paper examines energy consumption in Britain, Germany and Czechoslovakia over 130 years, including both traditional and modern energy carriers. The article is based on new series of energy consumption for Czechoslovakia that includes traditional energy sources, and, which is compared to energy use in other coal-rich countries in Europe: Germany and Britain. Changes in energy consumption are de

Pre- and post-migration labour market mismatch in Sweden 1970-1990

Labour market outcomes for immigrants in general is a well researched field, but the mechanisms behind labour market mismatches among immigrants post-migration is still in need of empirical research. Using a unique and newly compiled dataset on Swedish immigrants, also containing pre-migration occupational and educational information data, this study aims makes use of maximum likelihood models to

De starkaste styr begäret att äga

Artikel kring Cultural Property: Protecting the World's Heritage, internationell konferens i Köpenhamn arrangerad av Danmarks nationalmuseum, det svenska Världskulturmuseet samt amerikanska ambassaden i Danmark.

Evidence of 3D strain gradients associated with tin whisker growth

We have used Differential Aperture X-ray Microscopy (DAXM) to measure grain orientations and deviatoric elastic strains in 3D around a tin whisker. The results show strain gradients through the depth of the tin coating, revealing a higher strain deeper in the Sn layer. These higher strains are explained by the volume change occurring during growth of the intermetallic phase Cu6Sn5 at the interface

Towards classification of head movements in audiovisual recordings of read news

In this paper we develop a system for detection of word-related head movements in audiovisu-al recordings of read news. Our materials consist of Swedish television news broadcasts and comprise audiovisual recordings of five news readers (two female, three male). The corpus was manually labelled for head movement, applying a simplistic annotation scheme consisting of a binary decision about absenceIn this paper we develop a system for detection of word-related head movements in audiovisu-al recordings of read news. Our materials consist of Swedish television news broadcasts and comprise audiovisual recordings of five news readers (two female, three male). The corpus was manually labelled for head movement, applying a simplistic annotation scheme consisting of a binary decision about absence

Turning the Ship : The Transformation of DESY, 1993–2009

This article chronicles the most recent history of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) located in Hamburg, Germany, with particular emphasis on how this national laboratory founded for accelerator-based particle physics shifted its research program toward multi-disciplinary photon science. Synchrotron radiation became DESY’s central experimental research program through a series of changesThis article chronicles the most recent history of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) located in Hamburg, Germany, with particular emphasis on how this national laboratory founded for accelerator-based particle physics shifted its research program toward multi-disciplinary photon science. Synchrotron radiation became DESY’s central experimental research program through a series of changes

Hydrologic resilience and Amazon productivity

The Amazon rainforest is disproportionately important for global carbon storage and biodiversity. The system couples the atmosphere and land, with moist forest that depends on convection to sustain gross primary productivity and growth. Earth system models that estimate future climate and vegetation show little agreement in Amazon simulations. Here we show that biases in internally generated clima

Barley grain at Uppåkra, Sweden : evidence for selection in the Iron Age

A metric analysis on hulled barley grain from the Iron Age regional centre of Uppåkra and surrounding sites in southern Sweden has identified a variation in the size of the grain found on these archaeological sites. Large, high-quality grain was found more frequently at Uppåkra when compared to sites in the surrounding area, where smaller grain was more frequent. The observed large grain found at

Salinity Effects on Iron Speciation in Boreal River Waters

Previous studies report high and increasing iron (Fe) concentrations in boreal river mouths. This Fe has shown relatively high stability to salinity-induced aggregation in estuaries. The aim of this study was to understand how the speciation of Fe affects stability over salinity gradients. For Fe to remain in suspension interactions with organic matter (OM) are fundamental and these interactions c

Popular science writing bringing new perspectives into science students' theses

This study analyses which perspectives occur in science students’ texts at different points in time during the process of writing a popular science article. The intention is, thus, to explore how popular science writing can help students discover and discuss different perspectives on science matter. For this purpose, texts written by 12 bachelor students in biology were analysed in a case study. Fhis study analyses which perspectives occur in science students’ texts at different points in time during the process of writing a popular science article. The intention is, thus, to explore how popular science writing can help students discover and discuss different perspectives on science matter. For this purpose, texts written by 12 bachelor students in biology were analysed in a case study. Fo


From the 6th to the 9th of November 2016, in the meeting hall of Centro Nacional de Aceleradores(University of Seville, Seville, Spain) took place the “II International Conference onRadioecological Concentration Processes (50 years later)” under the joint organization of theUniversities of Seville (Spain) and Gothenburg (Sweden). With this event, the organization try tocommemorate the fifty years

Aid, Religion and Recovery in Post-Tsunami Thailand

The focus of this paper is on aid and relief work after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in Thailand. Six provinces in the south of Thailand were hit by the tsunami and the catastrophe is estimated to have altered the lives of more than 50,000 people. A disaster always hits the underprivileged hardest. Many of those who survived the tsunami had lost their homes, families, relatives, and neighbours, a

The benefits of investing into improved carbon flux monitoring

Operationalizing a Global Carbon Observing and Analysis System ( would provide a sound basis for monitoring actual carbon fluxes and thus getting quantities right when pricing carbon - be it in a cap-and-trade scheme or under a tax regime. However, such monitoring systems are expensive and-especially in times of economic weakness-budgets for science and environmental policy are u