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Validation of the COST2100 channel model in indoor environments
Gullberg och Adams poetiska gärning
The Urban Water System - A Future Perspective
Relationships among home environment, affect, and function in cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases.
Datorstödd visualisering för lärande, planering och delaktighet inom sjukhusvård
Time Domain Characterization of Circular Polarization Selective Structures
This paper investigates how typical frequency domain concepts such as circular polarization and axial ratio can be given a useful meaning in the time domain. The relationship between the linear polarizations of a circularly polarized time dependent signal is shown to be the Hilbert transform, and the instantaneous axial ratio can be computed from envelope functions, obtained from corresponding ana
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Internationell migration
Teori och empiri i kyrkohistorien
Biologisk psykologi
Den biologiska psykologin har under senare år, tillsammans med andra vetenskaper som rör hjärnan, utvecklats till ett mycket aktivt och framgångsrikt forskningsområde. I detta kapitel kommer vi ofta att röra oss i gränsområden till andra vetenskaper - som utvecklingslära, genetik, neurofysiologi och neurokemi - för att presentera en karta över detta expansiva område.
Governance as a process for strategy development – Collaboration in jointly owned local government organizations
In Sweden, municipalities organize a large share of public services but the conditions for providing these services differ considerably due to differences in size and wealth. In the wake of financial stress and New Public Management reforms the Swedish local governments seeks new ways to make both ends meet and still manage the services to be in line with the present (not the past) demands of the
Tre banketter till drottning Kristinas ära år 1668 / utgiven av June di Schino
Tvärvetenskap – ”Nej, ers majestät, det är en revolution”
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Use of Casual Loop Diagrams and Systems Analysis to Explore Alternative Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in Seyhan River Basin, Turkey
Within a UN Joint Programme titled “Enhancing the Capacity of Turkey to Adapt to Climate Change” a systems approach workshop was carried out in Adana, Turkey with broad stakeholder participation. The participants applied systems thinking approach, causal loop diagramming methodology and systems analysis to examine the potential impacts of projected climatic changes on natural ecosystems and socio-
Conflict of laws regarding liability allocation between insures in cases of double insurance
Sex och straff
Neuroendocrine regulatory mechanisms in the choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid system
The CSF is often regarded as merely a mechanical support for the brain, as well as an unspecific sink for waste products from the CNS. New methodology in receptor autoradiography, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology has revealed the presence of many different neuroendocrine substances or their corresponding receptors in the main CSF-forming structure, the choroid plexus. Both older research