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Framing the Feature Film : Multi-Reel Feature Film and American Film Culture in the 1910s

This dissertation addresses the breakthrough of the multi-reel feature film in the United States, and the significance of this process within the wider context of the American film industry and culture in the 1910s. The purpose is to provide a new, and more comprehensive analytical framing of the topic, and to enhance our understanding of how a new central commodity, i.e. the multi-reel feature fi

Application of optical biosensors in small-molecule screening activities

The last two decades have seen remarkable progress and improvements in optical biosensor systems such that those are currently seen as an important and value-adding component of modern drug screening activities. In particular the introduction of microplate-based biosensor systems holds the promise to match the required throughput without compromising on data quality thus representing a sought-afte

Folkrätt och krigsvetenskap

I denna andra upplagas fjorton kapitel – varav tretton publicerats tidigare som artiklar i årgångarna 218-223 (2014-2019) av Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift – behandlas valda spörsmål rörande våldsanvändningens, den nukleära icke-spridningens, rustningskontrollens, underrättelseverksamhetens och cyberoperationers folkrätt, krigets lagar samt förhållandet mellan militär dokThis second edition’s fourteen chapters—thirteen of which have been published previously as articles in volumes 218–223 (2014–2019) of the “Proceedings and Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Military Sciences”—deal with selected international law issues concerning the use of force, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, intelligence and cyber operations, armed conflicts as well as the relati

Nearest neighbor value interpolation

This paper presents the nearest neighbor value (NNV) algorithm for high resolution (H.R.) image interpolation. The difference between the proposed algorithm and conventional nearest neighbor algorithm is that the concept applied, to estimate the missing pixel value, is guided by the nearest value rather than the distance. In other words, the proposed concept selects one pixel, among four directly

Circulating microparticles released during dyslipidemia may exert deleterious effects on blood vessels and endothelial function

Aims: To compare the bioactivity of circulating microparticles (MPs) isolated from dyslipidemic Psammomys obesus (P. obesus) fed a high-energy diet (HED) with those released from healthy P. obesus fed a normal diet (ND). Methods: Vascular reactivity of aortic rings was evaluated by myography, after 24 h incubation in the absence or in the presence of circulating MPs isolated, by differential centr

Highlights from the first beam commissioning stage at ESS for its ion source and low energy beam transport

The proton linac of the European Spallation Source, under construction in Lund, Sweden, had beam commissioning of its ion source (IS) and the following low energy beam transport (LEBT) at their final locations from September 2018 to July 2019. This was first of several beam commissioning stages for the linac of ESS, towards the start of the user program in 2023. This paper presents highlights of c

Quantification of the conditional value of SHM data for the fatigue safety evaluation of a road viaduct

Fatigue safety verification of existing bridges that uses ''re-calculation'' based on codes, usually results in insufficient fatigue safety, triggering invasive interventions. Instead of “re-calculation”, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) should be used for the assessment of the existing bridges. Monitoring systems provide data that can reduce uncertainties associated with the fatigue loading pro

Challenging oneself on the threshold to the world of research – frail older people’s experiences of involvement in research

Background: User involvement of people outside academia in research is argued to increase relevance of research for society and to empower the involved lay persons. Frail older people can be a hard to reach group for research and thus an underrepresented group in research. There is a lack of knowledge how collaboration with frail older people should be best performed. Therefore, the aim of this st

Distribution of chrome-spinel grains across the 3He anomaly of the Tortonian Stage at the Monte dei Corvi section, Italy

The present-day ocean-climate system configuration took shape during the Miocene Epoch. Toward the end of the epoch, in the late Tortonian at ca. 8.5 Ma, there was an exceptional event: collisional disruption of an >150-km-diameter asteroid, which created the Veritas family of asteroids in the asteroid belt. This event increased the flux of interplanetary dust particles rich in 3He to Earth and pr

Omsorg och anhöriga till personer med funktionsnedsättning

Att vara anhörig är att få höra an till någon, att vara närstående är att få stå någon nära. Anhörigskap är för de flesta inte att vara en resurs, en funktion eller en kategori. Anhörigskap är relation, en relation till en annan människa som man vill ha i sin närhet och vara nära. Det finns ett fokus på den enskilde individen, som genomsyrar mötet mellan offentlig verksamhet och invånare. Detta gö

Elevated plasma glypicans are associated with organ failure in patients with infection

Background Increased vascular permeability is a key feature in the pathophysiology of sepsis and the development of organ failure. Shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx is increasingly being recognized as an important pathophysiological mechanism but at present it is unclear if glypicans contribute to this response. We hypothesized that plasma levels of glypicans (GPC) are elevated in patients wi