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Utvärdering av vibrationer i ståltrappor

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utveckla en parametrisk finita elementmodell som ska kunna analysera vibrationsrisken i en godtycklig ståltrappa. Modellen ska kunna användas tidigt i projekteringsskedet för att identifiera trappor som har en utformning som kan ge problem med höga vibrationsnivåer. En parameterstudie kommer att genomföras för att ta reda på vad som påverkar trappans dynamiska

Sino-African Economic Ties and Democracy

This study is set to provide quantitative evidence on the effect of China’s growing economic presence on democracy in Africa, with a special focus on the role of trade and FDI, because most of the literature has focused on the role of aid, even though the increase in trade and FDI has been much more prominent in the 2000s. On the basis of a quantitative cross-country analysis, the study attempts t

The Refugee Crisis: Challenging Sweden's ability to provide ontological security

The refugee crisis in 2015 challenged Sweden’s asylum policy. The high number of refugees put pressure on the Migration Agency to register all asylum applica-tions and for municipalities to provide them with ontological security in terms of housing, education, and healthcare. The discourse in parliamentary debates and newspaper articles was on internal security, the ability to provide housing, edu

Sociopsychological and Political Reactions towards Immigration in Scandinavia

Currently, a series of events initiated by globalization and its effects have interfered on how people live and how they face the “other,” the “outsider.” Through a series of theories and concepts, countries are analyzed, and their reactions towards these occurrences scrutinized. Recently in Denmark and Sweden, high-developed nations where everything functions almost flawlessly, episodes have some

Orosanmälningar, barndom och delaktighet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av hur ett nytt arbetsmaterial påverkar i praktiken

This study investigated if child participation increased with the use of a new working material with a focus on improving child participation in child care investigations. In addition to this, this study also investigated how the relationship between social worker and client was affected with the addition of a new working material. To research if this working material made child participation high

Rimfrost - Helmi, Estrid, Irma

This bachelor thesis is based on a fear of a growing consumption behavior where short lived life cycles of products are causing negative affects on our attempts of building long and healthy relationships to products. The work is also based on a hope of designing products that people are able to appreciate over long period of time. What is it that makes people value and appreciate desig

Arbetskraftsinvandringens påverkan på matchning och sysselsättning

The aim of this study was to examine if the reform regarding labor immigration that was implemented in 2008, improved the matching efficiency and increased employment. To examine the effect of the reform Difference-in-Difference analysis was used on panel data from 6 regions and 8 occupations during the time 2005-2018. The regions and occupations were divided into control and treatment groups base

Relationsvåld, kön & förändring. En studie om synen på våld i nära relationer inom socialtjänster och kvinnojour.

The aim of this study was to explore how six professionals from three organizations that handle cases of domestic violence, depict partner violence and how they describe and understand the problem of domestic violence in relation to individual and gender perspectives. To analyze this theme, I used qualitative method. Interviews was held with staff members from three different cells: a social servi

Hälsofrämjande teater - teater som prevention mot psykisk ohälsa bland studenter

Mental illness in various shapes and forms is the new national disease. It’s increasing among young adults and is more commonly occurring among university students than the rest of the population. Studies show a correlation between mental illness and lesser study results and the interruption of studies. Studiehälsan are overburdened and it can take a while before you get help; a preventive interve

Relationship between problematic internet use and psychological wellbeing among adolescents in Sweden

The aim of the study was to describe the relationship between problematic internet use and psychological wellbeing among upper high school students in Sweden. In addition, potential gender differences with regard to problematic internet use was described. Finally, the present study explored potential differences between students categorized as “ Average internet users” 127 (65%), “Risk internet us

Post-Acquisition Integration: The Effect of Vision Communication on the Development of an Integration Capability and Alleviation of Task Uncertainties

Methodology: The method used is a single case study in a high tech company in Sweden, leader in network camera market. This work is a qualitative research, in which an inductive method and deductive analysis has been applied. Grounded-theory techniques have been used; eight semi-structured interviews were conducted-carefully and objectively selected following purposive sampling. Theoretical persp

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Strategic Management Tool: A Comparative Case Study Between Yalla Trappan and The Vegan Bar

Abstract Purpose First, this study aimed to explore the development of CSR as a discourse and theoretical concept from the 1950’s until today. The purpose of this was to generate insights into how CSR agendas have changed over time and to better understand where it is today. The second aim was to better grasp the business-societal dynamics and implications of CSR as a practice today, so we conduct

Slaget om pornografin - en analys av diskurser om pornografi i svenska dagstidningar mellan 2013-2017

Sexualitet har länge varit föremål för kontroll, kategorisering och reglering. I vårt nutida västerländska samhälle har vi lagar som reglerar vilka sexuella handlingar som är acceptabla och vilka som inte är det, och vissa typer av sexualitet är även sjukdomsklassade. De senaste åren har viss form av sex diskuterats intensivt i svenska nyhetsmedier; nämligen pornografi. Diskussionen berör frågor oThe aim of the study is to examine discourse on pornography in Swedish news media. The methodological point of departure is Critical Discourse Analysis, as presented by Fairclough. The empirical material consists of 69 articles, editorials and chronicles publicized in Swedish news media between July 2013 and March 2017. The primary theoretical point of departure of the study is Fairclough’s critic

Bollen är rund, men hur formar ekonomin sportsliga resultat?

Denna studie utreder omfattningen på den inverkan ekonomiska muskler inom elitklubbar i den svenska fotbollen har på sportsliga resultat. Med utgångspunkt från det stora utrymme ekonomin idag har inom elitfotbollsklubbar utarbetas en bivariat och en multivariat regression, vilka har till syfte att påvisa skillnader mellan lag hemmahörande i olika kommuner med skilda förutsättningar. Regressionen hThis study investigates to what extent the economic muscles within professional Swedish football clubs affect the sports performance. Using the fact that economy today takes a great space of the elite football operation as starting point, a bivariate and multivariate regression including different Dummy-variables is developed. The purpose is to demonstrate differences among various municipalities

In a State of Emergency: Crisis Management, Institutions and Economic Growth

Since its first recorded instance, the state of emergency has become an integral aspect of the modern nation state’s legal apparatus and is a crucial mode of government crisis management. A state of emergency entails a temporary suspension of the rule of law and deviation from the protection of civil liberties. Emergency powers have been examined considerably within the fields of political science

The Societal Roles of Women`s Organizations: Illustrations from Transforming Turkey

Recently, a high degree of political polarization has been identified within the body of civil society organizations corresponding to the socio-political climate in Turkey. From this viewpoint, this thesis characterizes, presents and analyzes the societal roles of women`s organizations in the transition process. The study consists of six principal chapters, each of them dealing with intertwined an

The Pencil Box

Nigeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Guinea Conakry, Congo, Senegal, Mali, Togo, Ghana, Niger, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Sierra Leone ... the starting point has different names; the arrival, only three: Ceuta, Melilla or the Iberian peninsula. In between, a hard road that usually lasts months, in some cases years and in the worst of the stages only leads to death (1,471 deaths between 2008 and 2013).

Depositional history of the Neoproterozoic Visingsö Group, south-central Sweden

De neoproterozoiska sedimentära bergarterna i Visingsögruppen är en av få kvarvarande spår från den här tidsperioden i Sverige. Tack vare dessa har vi en möjlighet att förstå hur landskapet såg ut under denna tiden. De olika miljöfaktorer som påverkade sedimenten när dessa deponerades är nyckeln till att kunna måla en större bil. Det vi ser i Visingsö-gruppen är hur en lokal, förhållandevis grund,The Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks of the Visingsö Group are one of few remaining rocks from this time. They provide a vital clue to understanding how the landscape looked at this time. The various environmental factors that prevailed and affected deposition are key to paint a bigger picture. The Visingsö Group shows how a local, fairly shallow, environment is subject to a long-term transgressio

Karakteristika för patienter som söker akutsjukvård vilka vid triage bedöms vara icke akuta. Litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: I Sverige söker ca 2,5 miljoner människor akutsjukvård årligen, trenden är en ökande belast- ning på akutsjukvården. Patienter som söker akutsjukvård trots att vårdbehovet inte är akut är ett problem för både akutsjukvården och patienten. Syfte: Sammanställa gemensamma karakteristika hos de patienter som söker akutsjukvård men vid triage bedöms vara icke akut skadade eller sjuka. Metod:L