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Your search for "*" yielded 531692 hits

Temporal trends of phthalate exposures during 2007–2010 in Swedish pregnant women

Background: The general population is exposed to phthalates, a group of chemicals with strong evidence for endocrine disrupting properties, commonly used in a large number of consumer products. Based on published research and evidence compiled by environmental agencies, certain phthalate applications and products have become restricted, leading to an increasing number of “new generation compounds”

Foreign direct investment and Growth in East Asia : lessons for Indonesia

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been important in the growth and global integration of developing economies. Both Northeast and Southeast Asia, especially the latter, have been part of this development, with increasing inflows of FDI and greater foreign participation in local economies. However, Indonesia has been an outlier within the region. Inflows of FDI have been lower to Indonesia than t

Multinationals, skills, and wage elasticities

The increase in foreign direct investments raises concerns about labor market consequences in many countries. It is feared that multinational firms are inclined to shift jobs abroad and increase job volatility. We use firm-level data to examine if multinationality and foreign ownership affect the wage elasticity of labor demand. Unlike previous studies, we distinguish the effect on different skill

The vildagliptin experience - 25 years since the initiation of the novartis glucagon-like peptide-1 based therapy programme and 10 years since the first vildagliptin registration

The discovery of the incretin hormone glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and its usefulness in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) followed by the finding that dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibition prevents GLP-1 inactivation, led to the discovery of DPP-728. In 1999, studies with DPP-728 established the first proof-of-concept that DPP-4 inhibition improves glycaemic control in pati

Chronic active arthritis driven by macrophages without involvement of T cells : A Novel Experimental Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis

OBJECTIVE: To develop a new chronic RA model which is driven by the innate immune system.METHOD: The injection of a cocktail of four monoclonal antibodies against collagen type II followed by intra-peritoneal injections of mannan (from Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on days 5 and 60 led to the development of chronic arthritis in B10.Q mice. The role of the innate versus the adaptive immune system in th

Causation between State Omission and Harm within the Framework of Positive Obligations Under the ECHR

The issue of causation has been surprisingly overlooked in the area of international human rights law. The objective of this article is to fill this gap by investigating how the ECtHR finds causal connections between harm and state omissions within the framework of positive obligations. By engaging with causation, this article seeks to partially address the widely voiced concerns about the indeter

When is PID a good choice?

A new and freely available model-based PID design tool for Matlab is introduced. It can be used to solve Maximal Integral Gain Optimization (MIGO) and (load) Integral Absolute Error (IAE) problems. Robustness is ensured through H-inf constraints on the closed-loop transfer functions. A Youla parameter (Q design) method for comparison with the optimal linear time-invariant (LTI) controller for the

Ebola and healthcare worker stigma

Aims: Exposure to infection is a risk for all healthcare workers. This risk acquires another dimension in an outbreak of highly contagious, lethal disease, such as the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2014. Healthcare workers are usually well and correctly informed about the risks from such diseases, but family, neighbours, friends, or colleagues may react strongly to the risk that staff might bri

Analysis of nanoparticle biomolecule complexes

Nanoparticles exposed to biological fluids adsorb biomolecules on their surface forming a biomolecular corona. This corona determines, on a molecular level, the interactions and impact the newly formed complex has on cells and organisms. The corona formation as well as the physiological and toxicological relevance are commonly investigated. However, an acknowledged but rarely addressed problem in

Estimation of single event related potentials utilizing the Prony method

This paper deals with estimation of the waveform of a single event-related potential, sERP. An additive noise model is used for the measured signal and the SNR of the disturbed sERP is approximately 0 dB. The sERP is described by a series expansion where the basis functions are damped sinusoids. The fundamental basis function is estimated by the least squares Prony method, derived for colored nois

Adaptive Landscapes

'Adaptive Landscape' was first formulated as a heuristic model or metaphor for the evolutionary process by late population geneticist Sewall Wright in a famous paper published in 1932. The metaphor of an adaptive landscape with adaptive peaks of high fitness, separated by adaptive valleys of low fitness attracted a lot of interest from contemporary and later evolutionary biologists and inspired re

Semi-distributed demand response solutions for smart homes

The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm brings an opportunity for advanced Demand Response (DR) solutions. It enables visibility and control on the various appliances that may consume, store or generate energy within a home. It has been shown that a centralized control on the appliances of a set of households leads to efficient DR mechanisms; unfortunately, such solutions raise privacy and scalabili

Galectin-3 is an amplifier of the interleukin-1β-mediated inflammatory response in corneal keratinocytes

Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a potent mediator of innate immunity commonly up-regulated in a broad spectrum of inflammatory diseases. When bound to its cell surface receptor, IL-1β initiates a signalling cascade that cooperatively induces the expression of canonical IL-1 target genes such as IL-8 and IL-6. Here, we present galectin-3 as a novel regulator of IL-1β responses in corneal keratinocytes. U

Partial modal analysis for health assessment of living trees

Rot in living trees cause substantial losses for the forestry industry. The common practice when evaluating forest stands for, e.g., purchase, is assessment based on visual signs. In this paper a new non-destructive assessment method based on the impact excitation method is proposed. The trunk of a living tree is excited by the impact of a hammer, and the vibrations are measured by accelerometers.

In vivo inhibition of nuclear factor of activated T-cells leads to atherosclerotic plaque regression in IGF-II/LDLR -/-ApoB100/100 mice

AIMS: Despite vast clinical experience linking diabetes and atherosclerosis, the molecular mechanisms leading to accelerated vascular damage are still unclear. Here, we investigated the effects of nuclear factor of activated T-cells inhibition on plaque burden in a novel mouse model of type 2 diabetes that better replicates human disease.METHODS & RESULTS: IGF-II/LDLR-/-ApoB100/100mice were ge

Estimation of physical workload of the low-back based on exposure variation analysis during a full working day among male blue-collar workers. Cross-sectional workplace study

This study aims to quantify physical workload of the low-back using exposure variation analysis (EVA) during a full working day among blue-collar workers with manual lifting tasks. One hundred and ten male employees (39 warehouse workers, 27 operators, 24 postal workers and 20 slaughterhouse workers) with manual lifting tasks from 12 workplaces participated. The workers performed standardized box

The Mystery of the AuIn 1 : 1 Phase and Its Incommensurate Structural Variations

In this communication, the AuIn 1:1 phase (Naturwissenschaften, 1953, 40, 437, DOI: 10.1007/BF00590353), and its ordering behavior at various temperatures is investigated. To enable the growth of a X-ray suitable specimen, a tempering routine was established by the interpretation of a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) study. In this way, good quality single crystals were grown and measured a