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Generation of two compound heterozygous HGSNAT-mutated lines from healthy induced pluripotent stem cells using CRISPR/Cas9 to model Sanfilippo C syndrome

Sanfilippo C syndrome (Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIC) is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the HGSNAT gene. It is characterized by a progressive and severe neurodegeneration, for which there is no treatment available. Here, we report the generation of two HGSNAT-mutated cell lines from a healthy human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line using CRISPR/Cas9 editing. These n

Body weight at age 20 and in midlife is more important than weight gain for coronary atherosclerosis : results from SCAPIS

Background and aimsElevated body weight in adolescence is associated with early cardiovascular disease, but whether this association is traceable to weight in early adulthood, weight in midlife or to weight gain is not known. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of midlife coronary atherosclerosis being associated with body weight at age 20, body weight in midlife and body weight change.Met

Retoriken och det livslånga lärandet

Bidraget visar hur man i retorikutbildning kan stödja studenters livslånga lärande och förmåga till egen kompetensutveckling. Skriftliga reflektioner lyfts fram som ett didaktiskt redskap och samarbete med arbetslivskoordinator som ett sätt att stärka utbildningens relevans och överbrygga gränsen mellan utbildning och yrkesliv.

Rendering Slow Ecological Crisis in a Popular Medium : Hyperobjects and Sámi Resistance in the Swedish-French TV Series Midnight Sun

The article examines the ways in which the slowly evolving and invisible processes of the ongoing ecological crisis can be represented in the format of a contemporary serial television drama. The author argues that despite heavy reliance on spectacular and captivating character-born plots, the long-form storytelling of new television narratives can be well suited to representing the complex and un

Hur ordval i arbetsannonser påverkar vem som söker: En studie om metastereotyper, Self-efficacy och ålder.

Organisationer och företag står konstant inför nya utmaningar kring att locka, rekrytera och behålla kvalificerad arbetskraft medan brist på kandidater råder. Att använda arbetsannonser för att presentera arbetet och optimera texten till rätt demografi och målgrupp kan därför vara avgörande för organisationens rekrytering och fortsatta kompetensförsörjning. Denna uppsats har undersökt, med hjälp aRecruiting workforce is a constant challenge for many companies and organizations where they need to attract, hire, and keep qualified personnel, all while there is a shortage of capable and relevant candidates. Therefore, it is of utmost relevance to present a job ad that is optimized to the correct target group and demography. This essay combined meta stereotypes and Self-efficacy to find out ho

Caring for Blue-Green Solutions (BGS) in Everyday Life : An Investigation of Recreational Use, Neighborhood Preferences and Willingness to Pay in Augustenborg, Malmö

In this article, we explore the production of socio-cultural values around blue-green solutions (BGS) through the perspective of care. We explore how values and preferences are formed through the complexity of everyday life engagements in a BGS environment. The data come from a questionnaire answered by 328 households in the neighborhood of Augustenborg in Malmö, Sweden. The questionnaire collects

Identification of novel autoantigens as potential biomarkers in juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated uveitis

BACKGROUND: Many children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) have autoantibodies, targeting nuclear components (anti-nuclear antibodies, ANA). ANA in JIA is associated with uveitis, an eye inflammation which may cause permanent vision impairment if not detected and treated. However, ANA-testing is neither specific nor sensitive enough to be a clinically reliable predictor of uveitis risk, an

Quantifying the impact of winter warming on the Arctic carbon cycle

The Arctic has undergone extreme changes during the last decades and is warming over twice the global average. There has been increasing interest in understanding how warming and changes in snow and rainfall will affect high-latitude ecosystems. Although observational studies highlight the importance of cold-season carbon fluxes on the annual carbon balance, models, in general, cannot realisticallThe Arctic has undergone extreme changes during the last decades and is warming over twice the global average. There has been increasing interest in understanding how warming and changes in snow and rainfall will affect high-latitude ecosystems. Although observational studies highlight the importance of cold-season carbon fluxes on the annual carbon balance, models, in general, cannot realisticall

Varning för god smak! En diskursanalys av Josef Franks formgivning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the implicit aesthetic disposition of seeking to obtain an aristocratic habitus by acquiring furniture and textiles designed by Josef Frank. By applying the Bourdieusian theory of legitimate manners and discourse analysis on newspaper articles, this paper asks whether how the aesthetic disposition and pedantic disposition differ in manners of acquiring

Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber through the Female Gaze

The discourse on Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber has primarily been focused on the feminist undertones of her neogothic fairy tale retellings. In this essay, I apply the male and female gaze to Carter’s collection, which are perspectives I believe previous research on Carter’s works has overlooked. The incorporation of the male gaze allows for a further nuancing of Soloway’s female gaze, and my