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Fortsatt implementering av ett kritiskt genusperspektiv

Abstract in Undetermined Artikeln undersöker möjligheten att utifrån ett feministiskt och genus- teoretiskt perspektiv verka som relativt nyetablerad och yrkesverksam i den akademiska världen. Artikelförfattarna diskuterar utifrån den gemensamma erfarenheten av det pedagogiska utvecklingsprojektet ”Implementering av ett kritiskt genusperspektiv” lett av Anna Lena Lindberg. De lyfter fram hennes be

Lady Gaga : scenerna, medierna, fansen

This is a mapping of my upcoming project on the field of short culture phenomena. One part of that will deal with the music videos of Lady Gaga. In this book chapter I present som basic information on Lady Gaga, and suggestions on how to approach the artist and her artistic/aesthetic expressions. Scenes, stage performance, media, and the different relation to the fans is put into focus, and I mean

Migration algorithms for automated load balancing

As distributed systems continue to evolve, automatic resource management is becoming more and more impor tant. The resource management system must be able to dynamically handle large heterogeneous systems in a way that gives good performanceand resource utilization. In the performance context, allocating software modules to nodes in an efficient way is of high interest. This paper considers the pr

Abandoning Silos for Integration: Implementing Enterprise Risk Management and Risk Governance

Firms began to abandon the “silo” approach to risk management for more integration in the risk management system. Enterprise risk management (ERM) emerged as a framework for the management of integrated risks in a strategy setting supported by risk governance. Practically and empirically there has been no real consensus about what an ERM firm looks like. ERM frameworks provide a variety of concept

Economic growth and the transition from traditional to modern energy in Sweden

We examine the role of substitution from traditional to modern energy carriers and of differential rates of innovation in the use of each of these in Sweden from 1850 to 1950. We use a simple growth model with a nested CES production function and exogenous factor augmenting technological change and carry out a growth accounting decomposition based on the econometric results. Energy and energy

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis of antidiuretic peptides

The clinical pharmacology of desmopressin and a new vasopressin analogue (F992) was investigated in healthy human subjects. The common procedure of overhydration of healthy volunteers when studying the antidiuretic effect of a drug, may affect the pharmacokinetics, in particular the volumes of distribution. Hence, the estimated parameters may not be relevant to euhydrated patients. F992 was found

Functional and morphological MR studies in congenital cardiovascular malformations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Medfödda hjärtfel (congenital heart defects,CHD) förekommer hos nästan 1 % av alla födda barn. En del lindriga hjärtfel spontanläker, men de flesta hjärtfel måste opereras i läkande eller lindrande syfte. Stora kirurgiska framsteg har gjorts på senare år. Hjärtfel som tidigare icke ansågs möjliga att åtgärda kan nu opereras, och många operationer utföres tidigt i livet,The aim of this study was to evaluate new MR techniques permitting qualitative and quantitative analysis of cardiac function and measurement of velocity and flow, and later on contrast-enhanced MR angiography, techniques largely unexplored in children with CHD. Infants with tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect were examined pre-operatively. MRI was found to be a

Alcohol and gene expression in nerve cells with emphasis on transcription factor AP-1

Popular Abstract in Swedish En kontinuerlig alkoholkonsumtion leder till en ökad tolerans för alkohol (dvs en allt större dos krävs för att uppnå samma effekt) och kan slutligen också leda till ett alkoholberoende. Alkoholism är ett betydande samhällsproblem och en personlig tragedi för de som drabbas och deras omgivning. Alkohol har till skillnad från andra beroendeframkallande droger som tex koAlcohol induces profound effects on the function of the nerve cells in the nervous system. Alterations in gene expression is an important way by which these effects could be induced and sustained. Activating Protein-1 (AP-1) is a dimeric transcription factor constituted of proteins from the fos and jun immediate-early gene families. AP-1 induces gene expression of genes having a functional AP-1 bi

Action spectroscopy in biology

Action spectroscopy is a method for identifying the light-absorbing chromophore in a photobiological or biochemical process by comparing the efficiency of radiation of different wavelengths in driving the process. This chapter explains the principle and gives several ex-amples from the history of biology of what has been achieved using this technique.

Logistics Management in Practice - towards theories of complex logistics

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present findings concerning what logistics managers perceive as being difficult and challenging, and what implications this may have for further advances in the logistics discipline. Design/methodology/approach – The point of departure for this study was to reflect on perceived problems, uncertainties, trends, and solutions in logistics, and how they are h