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Your search for "*" yielded 533481 hits

Effects of radiotherapy and of differences in the extent of surgery for early breast cancer on local recurrence and 15-year survival: an overview of the randomised trials

BACKGROUND: In early breast cancer, variations in local treatment that substantially affect the risk of locoregional recurrence could also affect long-term breast cancer mortality. To examine this relationship, collaborative meta-analyses were undertaken, based on individual patient data, of the relevant randomised trials that began by 1995. METHODS: Information was available on 42,000 women in 78

An evaluation of horizontal echo sounding as a method for behavioural studies of 0+fish in field experiments

A 120 kHz echo sounder, with two split-beam transducers, was used horizontally to monitor the behaviour of 0+ roach Rutilus rutilis, from June to August, in field enclosures. 0+ roach outside the vegetated area of the enclosures were registered both as schools and as single swimming fish. Combining echo counting and tracking with direct observation of echograms, an estimate of relative abundance o

Identification of a novel panel of cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease

An early and accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is required to initiate symptomatic treatment with currently approved drugs and will be of even greater importance if disease modifying compounds in development display a clinical effect. Protein profiles of human cerebrospinal fluid samples from AD patients (n = 95) and population-based healthy controls (n = 72) were analyzed by SELDI-TO

The pool of ADP and ATP regulates anaerobic product formation in resting cells of Lactococcus lactis

Lactococcus lactis grows homofermentatively on glucose, while its growth on maltose under anaerobic conditions results in mixed acid product formation in which formate, acetate, and ethanol are formed in addition to lactate. Maltose was used as a carbon source to study mixed acid product formation as a function of the growth rate. In batch and nitrogen-limited chemostat cultures mixed acid product

Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of combretastatin nitrogen-containing derivatives as inhibitors of tubulin assembly and vascular disrupting agents

A series of analogs with nitro or serinamide substituents at the C-2'-, C-5'-, or C-C-position of the combretastatin A-4 (CA4) B-ring was synthesized and evaluated for cytotoxic effects against heart endothelioma cells, blood flow reduction to tumors in SCID mice, and as inhibitors of tubulin polymerization. The synthesis of these analogs typically featured a Wittig reaction between a suitably fun

The Lanthanide Elements in Stellar and Laboratory Spectra

The lanthanide elements (Z=57?71) are characterized by the filling of the 4f electronic subshell, which lies close in energy to the 5d and 6s subshells. As a result, the lanthanide spectra can be quite complicated in terms of the number of optical spectral lines, and in some cases their hyperfine structure and isotopic shifts are extremely large. These characteristics have great implications for a

Voluntary wheel running modulates glutamate receptor subunit gene expression and stress hormone release in Lewis rats

Lewis rats that are known to be addiction-prone, develop compulsive running if they have access to running wheels. The present experiments were aimed 1) to evaluate the activation of stress systems following chronic and acute voluntary wheel running in Lewis rats by measurement of hormone release and gene expression of neuropeptides related to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis activ

A heterologous reductase affects the redox balance of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae harbouring the xylose reductase (XR) gene XYL1 from Pichia stipitis was grown in anoxic chemostat culture at two different dilution rates. At each dilution rate a transient experiment, encompassing a shift in the sugar content of the medium from glucose to glucose plus xylose was performed. The steady states at the beginning and the end of the transients were c

Analysis Of Heat Transfer And Transport Processes In Sofcs Involving Internal Reforming Reactions

The heat transfer rates in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are controlled by various operating and design parameters and have significant effects on chemical reactions and coupled transport processes. In this article, the considered composite duct consists of a porous anode layer for the internal reforming reactions of methane, the fuel gas flow duct, and the solid plate. A fully three-dimensional

Hypoglycaemia leads to an increased QT interval in normal men

Hypoglycaemia is presumed to be the cause of death in about 3% of insulin-treated diabetic patients. Some of these patients suffer from hypoglycaemic brain damage, but the majority have no evident brain damage and are supposed to have died from other causes such as a cardiac arrhythmia. The putative mechanism is a hypoglycaemia-induced prolongation of the QT interval which increases the risk of ma

BCG vaccination scar associated with better childhood survival in Guinea-Bissau

BACKGROUND: Recent studies have suggested that Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination may have a non-specific beneficial effect on infant survival and that a BCG scar may be associated with lower child mortality. No study has previously examined the influence of BCG vaccination on cause of death. METHODS: Two cohorts (A and B) were used to describe the mortality pattern for children with and wi

Visual adaptations in the night-active Wasp Apoica pallens

The apposition compound eye of the nocturnal polistine wasp Apoica pallens shows, in comparison to the closely related diurnal wasp Polistes occidentalis, specific adaptations to vision at low light intensities. When considering recent work on nocturnal and diurnal bees, general principles for dim-light vision in hymenopterans become evident: The rhabdom diameters in nocturnal bees and wasps are 4

Bridging the gaps: stakeholder-based strategies for risk reduction and financing for the urban poor

This paper explores the options that can be used by aid organizations working in human settlement development to more effectively address disaster risk management. Qualitative research was carried out in El Salvador at both the household and institutional levels - to analyze the needs, capacities and perspectives of slum dwellers and aid organizations. A clearer understanding of the gaps between w

Continuous exposure to glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor to mature dopaminergic transplants impairs the graft's ability to improve spontaneous motor behavior in parkinsonian rats.

Functional recovery following intrastriatal transplantation of fetal dopaminergic neurons in animal models of Parkinson's disease is, at least in part, dependent on the number of surviving dopaminergic neurons and the degree of graft-derived dopaminergic reinnervation of the host striatum. In the present study, we analyzed whether continuous exposure of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor