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A Case for Holistic, Multicriteria Benefit Analysis

This paper discusses the ways in which a critical systemic approach to systems analysis can provide support for a holistic, multicriteria benefits analysis. It highlights the importance of inquiry into the nature and boundaries of a perceived organizational problem space, taking into account unique perspectives of the living, engaged actors who desire beneficial change in their working systems. Th

A Hybrid UWB Modulation Design Compatible for both Coherent and Transmit-Reference Receivers

In a pulsed UWB system, either coherent receivers or transmit-reference (TR) receivers can be used to demodulate the signals. For coherent receivers, which are typically based on a Rake Structure, the large number of resolvable multipaths is a major challenge for channel estimation and receiver complexity. TR receivers can effectively collect energy from all the received multipath components with

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Maten handlar om vår fysiska överlevnad, men maten har också viktiga sociala funktioner i familjen/hushållet. I vår undersökningen ser vi hur konsumtionen ser ut i familjerna; konsumtionen blir en utbytesprocess mellan barn och föräldrar, mellan flickor och pojkar. Rapporten baserar sig på en empirisk studie med gruppintervjuer med 7-8 åriga barn från fyra nordiska länder, Sverige, Norge, Danmark Food is essential for our survival, but food has important social functions in the family/household as well. In our study we examine how consumption looks in the family; consumption becomes a process of exchange between children and parents, and between girls and boys. The report is based on an empirical study consisting of group interviews with 7-8 year old children from four Nordic countries: Sw

Book-titles mentioned in the 10th century medical encyclopedia al-Mu'alajat al-Buqratiyya

This paper draws attention to a hitherto almost completely neglected encyclopaedic medical handbook composed around 950 CE: al-Muʿālajāt al-Buqrāṭiyya (Hippocratic treatment) attributed to the physician Abū al-Ḥasan Aḥmad b. Muḥammad aṭ-Ṭabarī. The handbook consists of ten books further divided into altogether 473 chapters. Since 1990, the work is available as a facsimile-print published by Sezgin

Beating the training obsession: making capacity development for disaster risk management matter

The last ten years have seen a sharp increase in externally supported capacity development initiatives for disaster risk management. However, not all of them have generated sustainable results. The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the current focus on training as the main tool for capacity development in the context of disaster risk management, and to argue for the necessity to address capac

Microbial evolution: patterns of diversity in aquatic protists

Little is known about how microbes diversify in nature. In contrast to the more studied multicellular organisms, microbes can have a) huge population sizes, b) high reproductive rates and c) long-distance dispersal. These characteristics can affect their tempo and mode of diversification in ways that still need to be understood. For instance, it has been proposed that the huge population sizes and

"Vi har fått förväntningar på livet och kräver ett annat boende" - Massmediala bilder av 40-talister som omsorgstagare

40-talisterna är en generation som har förknippats med flera karaktärsdrag, positiva som negativa, och framställs ofta som en mycket talrik generation. Det går att argumentera för att generationen inte endast utgör en kohort utan även en identitet. Då generationen utmålas som rik, mäktig och frisk finns det ett intresse att se hur denna generation kommer att beskrivas då dess medlemmar börjar ingå

Assessment of Thermal Discomfort when Wearing Bicycle Helmets – A Modelling Framework

Excessive sweating is a major ergonomic concern in bicycle helmet use and low wearing rates are suspected to originate, at least partly, from impaired thermal comfort due to accumulated sweat increasing skin wettedness at the head region. As a development from COST Action TU1101 WG4, we introduce a modelling framework for assessing the thermal comfort of bicy-cle helmet use. We predicted local swe

Resilience and Religion in a Forced Migration Context : A narrative study of religiousness as a resilience factor in dealing with refugee experiences from a post-migration perspective of Bosnian refugees in Sweden

Popular Abstract in English Every level of human existence is affected by forced migration. It affects the central aspects of our outer and inner life. However, scientific research focused on the inner life of forced migrants, in particular the one regarding the impacts of forced migration on the most significant values that we hold in life, is often marginalized in forced migration studies. In anUntil recently studies regarding the pathological aspects of refugee experiences have led the psychology field of forced migration, giving little space to positive factors like the resilience and well-being of individuals faced with these adversities. This doctoral thesis emphasizes good health rather than disease and aims at deepening the understanding of resilience and health as opposed to the d