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In-group bias control

Popular Abstract in Swedish Många människor förespråkar en egalitär norm. I detta ingår att man ska bemöta människor på lika villkor och inte låta sig påverkas av irrelevanta faktorer som människors etniska ursprung, sexuella läggning eller norska brytning. Forskning visar dock att vi människor tenderar att tänka i termer av kategorier, och detta gäller även hur vi uppfattar andra människor. Vi ärThis thesis explores in-group bias control. It is well-known that people tend to have extra liking for people they identify themselves with. An extra positive in-group attitude may cause discrimination, even in the absence of any negative attitudes towards the out-group. At the same time are many people motivated to behave and present themselves as unbiased. We study whether people attempt to cont

Electromagnetic Properties of Heterogeneous Material Structures Produced in 3D-Printers

We demonstrate the design, manufacture, and characterization of an X-band waveguide filter using 3D printer technology. The permittivity of the PLA plastic used in the printer is measured to be 2.3 - 0.01j, with about 4% uniaxial anisotropy. The manufactured filter consists of seven dielectric slabs interspace by air. Measured and simulated results agree very well, which shows the possibility of u

Optical Design for Stationary Solar Concentrators

Solar electricity is one of the most promising technologies for our future electricity supply. By using concentrators, it is possible to reduce the cost of generating photovoltaic electricity. This thesis discusses how to design stationary low concentrating systems for photovoltaic or PV/Thermal applications. The first chapters briefly explain the optics of solar energy concentrators. The theoreti

Optical Analysis of biological media - continuous wave diffuse spectroscopy

The main topic of this thesis is real-time quantification of relevant chromophores and light scattering elements in biological media. The presented methods and instrumentation are based on continuous wave (steady-state) optical measurements of (a) spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance from bulk media and (b) combined spatially-resolved and goniometric measurements of re-emitted light from thin sa

Molecular Exchange in Colloidal Dispersions

This thesis is a study of molecular exchange between the aggregates in a colloidal dispersion. The problem of oil molecular transport at resolubilization of big oil drops by smaller microemulsion droplets is considered as an experimental model system. The resolubilization kinetics was measured through a temperature jump into a droplet microemulsion phase from a two-phase region of microemulsion dr

Role of TLR4 in Escherichia coli urinary tract infection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Urinvägsinfektioner är en av våra vanligaste infektionssjukdommar. De orsakas främst av den Gramnegativa bakterien Escherishia coli. Normalt hålls urinvägarna sterila av ett effektivt försvar med utsöndring av antimikrobiella faktorer i urinen, men även urinflödet i sig är en viktig faktor i försvaret mot infektioner. Vissa bakterier klarar dock att etablera sig trots dIn this thesis we have used P fimbriated E. coli as a model to investigate the mechanisms of bacterial recognition and cell activation by the urinary tract (UT) epithelium. We show that Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) is crucial for the recognition and host response to P fimbriated E. coli. This response was independent of LPS and did not require CD14. TLR4 was abundant on epithelial cells throughout

A case study using sampling to improve software inspection effectiveness

Software inspections have shown to contribute improved software quality. However, as they are time consuming; sometimes the resources available are not sufficient to inspect all documents. Instead of selecting documents ad hoc, sample-driven inspections (SDI) is proposed as a systematic approach to select which subset of documents to inspect. The selection is based on a pre-inspection, where sampl