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Introducing a Swedish Translation of the Workplace Incivility Scale

This article reports the reliability and validity of the Swedish version of the Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS), a 7-item self-report measure assessing subjectively appraised workplace incivility. The scale was offered to all 490 white-collar employees in a medium size Swedish company resulting in a response frequency of 54 % consisting of 266 participants. The results indicate a good internal co

Attracting Rust - The Fascination of Controlled Decay

This presentation will take its point of departure in the concept Patina Management that I've introduced in my former studies of postindustrial transformations and Industrial Cool. I intend to examine the interzone between patina and decay through discussions on the cultural dimensions of authenticity and maintenance.

Greenhouse gas production in nitrogen removal wetlands

Nitrogen removal wetlands are constructed in agricultural areas as a measure to reduce the amount of non-point source nitrogen that reaches coastal areas. Methane and nitrous oxide, two greenhouse gases, are produced under anaerobic conditions and an increased amount of waterlogged areas will therefore increase the potential emission of these gases. The question has arisen: Are we solving one envi

Exploring Smaller Settlements of the Great Zimbabwe Tradition, Buhera Region, Zimbabwe

Most work on the Great Zimbabwe tradition has focused on Great Zimbabwe itself and its major successor settlements. Smaller, contemporary stonewalled sites, some hundreds of kilometres from Great Zimbabwe, have been only mapped in most cases. Our goal has been to begin to explore both the homesteads within stone-enclosures at smaller Great Zimbabwe-tradition sites, and to seek out homesteads lying