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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Experiences of Cancer Rehabilitation : A Cross-Sectional Study

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To investigate the cancer rehabilitation experiences of working-age cancer survivors.BACKGROUND: Cancer survivors have extremely complex needs, spanning physical, vocational, and sexual domains. Although cancer rehabilitation services have been found to eliminate or reduce these strains, these services are often underutilized.DESIGN: A cross-sectional study design was employed

Evolutionary genomics of host-microbe interactions

Mikrober finns överallt, runt omkring oss i vår miljö och inuti våra kroppar. De som lever tillsammans med djur har mycket stor påverkan på värdens hälsa och evolutionära fitness. Från ett djurs perspektiv är vissa mikrober goda, andra onda, och vissa har ingen större påverkan på hälsan, men egentligen beror dessa egenskaper på sammanhanget, eftersom det är vanligt att mikrober byter strategi tillThe microbes living inside hosts have highly important consequences for host health and fitness. From the host’s perspective, some microbes exhibit mutualistic tendencies, others parasitic, and some commensal, but this is context-dependent and opportunistic lifestyles are widespread in nature. Our knowledge of how hosts interact molecularly with different microbes is, however, poor, and little res

Regional GDP estimates for Sweden, 1571–1850

This paper provides regional GDP estimates for the 24 Swedish regions (NUTS-3) for the benchmark year 1571 and for 11 ten-year benchmarks for the period 1750–1850. The 1571 estimates are based on tax sources and agricultural statistics. The 1750–1850 estimates are produced following the widely used methodology by Geary and Stark (2002): labour force figures from population censuses at regional lev

Congested curricula and incompatible goals: the curious absence of ICT from school-based learning in China

Worldwide, information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly in the sense of digital literacy, are increasingly considered as both inevitable and indispensable parts of the school curriculum. Also, international student assessment studies like PISA have on several occasions assessed computer and information literacy. Additionally, classrooms, teaching and learning, as well as school a

Modelling Thermo-Viscoplasticity of Case-Hardening Steels Over Wide Temperature Ranges

The aim of this work is the development of a thermodynamically consistent fully coupled thermoviscoplastic material model for metals, especially for case hardening steels.The model is based on a split of the free energy into a thermo-elastic, a purely plastic and a purely thermal part and covers nonlinear cold-work hardening and thermal softening.Effects arising from phase transformations at auste

Quantum memory development and new slow light applications in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals

When doped into solid state transparent crystals, rare-earth ions can have optically excited states with milliseconds coherence time and up to six hours coherence time for hyperfine levels after being cooled down to liquid helium temperature. This long coherence property makes them unique as solid state material and attractive for quantum information applications.The rare-earth ions have narrow ho

Naturliga antal förbättrar förmågan att tolka testresultat

Läkares förmåga att tolka screeningresultat har visats vara bristande.Naturliga antal är ett format att presentera statistik på som kan underlätta den förmågan.Den här studien är först i Sverige att undersöka om naturliga antal förbättrar läkarstudenters förmåga att finna ett testresultats prediktiva värde.74 procent lyckades med uppgiften när naturliga antal användes, jämfört med 54 procent då gäThe ability to draw statistical inferences from test results may be generally limited among physicians. A new way of presenting statistics, called natural frequencies, has been shown to improve this ability. The current study is the first to investigate this effect in Sweden, involving senior medical students. An intra-individual cross-over design was used in which participants answered a statisti

Levodopa effect and motor function in late stage Parkinson's disease

Background: It is unclear to which degree Levodopa (L-dopa) remains effective also in the late stage of Parkinson's disease (PD) and to which degree motor fluctuations and dyskinesias remain a problem. Objective: To assess responsiveness of motor symptomatology to L-dopa in a group of patients with late stage PD. Moreover, to investigate the extent to which motor fluctuations and dyskinesias occur

Regulation of bile acids by prebiotic food components : Studies in rat caecum and in serum of mice and humans

Bile acids (BA) are formed from cholesterol in the liver and, apart from being part of fat digestion, they also act as signalling molecules in several health-related physiological processes. BA composition is regulated by gut microbiota as well as dietary fibre (DF) and fat in the diet. This thesis describes how different types of DF and fat levels, can alter BA composition in the caecum/faeces an

Z Z → + - ′ + ′ - s-section measurements and search for anomalous triple gauge couplings in 13 TeV p p collisions with the ATLAS detector

Measurements of ZZ production in the +-′+′- channel in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV center-of-mass energy at the Large Hadron Collider are presented. The data correspond to 36.1 fb-1 of collisions collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2015 and 2016. Here and ′ stand for electrons or muons. Integrated and differential ZZ→+-′+′- cross sections with Z→+- candidate masses in the range of 66 GeV t

Restoring characteristic eigenvalues as reactive powers for simple and complex media in surface integral formulations

The Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) has recently been shown to be beneficial in solving a wide variety of complex electromagnetic problems. However, there are still open issues in using TCM to analyze objects which consist of simple or complex media. Either a volume integral equation (VIE) or a surface integral equation (SIE) is required to solve for the characteristic modes of these objects.

Gene expression profiling across ontogenetic stages in the wood white (Leptidea sinapis) reveals pathways linked to butterfly diapause regulation

In temperate latitudes, many insects enter diapause (dormancy) during the cold season, a period during which developmental processes come to a standstill. The wood white (Leptidea sinapis) is a butterfly species distributed across western Eurasia that shows photoperiod-induced diapause with variation in critical day-length across populations at different latitudes. We assembled transcriptomes and

Outcomes of psychotherapeutic and psychoeducative group interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence

Witnessing violence toward a caregiver during childhood is associated with negative impact on children's health and development, and there is a need for effective interventions for children exposed to intimate partner violence in clinical as well as in community settings. The current effectiveness study investigated symptom reduction after participation in two established group interventions (one

Jante's law process

Consider the process which starts with N ≥ 3 distinct points on ℝd, and fix a positive integer K < N. Of the total N points keep those N - K which minimize the energy amongst all the possible subsets of size N - K, and then replace the removed points by K independent and identically distributed points sampled according to some fixed distribution ζ. Repeat this process ad infinitum. We obtain vario