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On Approximate Dynamic Programming in Switching Systems
In order to simplify computational methods based on dynamic programming, an approximative procedure based on upper and lower bounds of the optimal cost was recently introduced. The convergence properties of this procedure are analyzed in this paper. In particular, it is shown that the computational effort in finding an approximately optimal control law by relaxed value iteration is related to the
Många servicemöten lämnar inga goda minnen efter sig - En praktikers reflektion
The Approach Behaviour of the Hawkmoth Manduca sexta toward Multi-modal Stimuli: A Simulation Model
Reconstruction from Image Sequences by means of Relative Depths
The paper deals with the problem of reconstructing the locations of n points in space from m different images without camera calibration. It shows how these problems can be put into a similar theoretical framework. A new concept, the reduced fundamental matrix, is introduced. It contains just 4 parameters and can be used to predict locations of points in the images and to make reconstruction. We a
Romancing the Stone: play between romance and affection
Despite many years of implementations, issues surrounding the success or failure of information systems are still shrouded in mystery. In a quest to improve business outcomes from such systems an IS analyst should have a key role to play. Organisational IS can be seen as a composition of indi-vidual and organisational learning processes, and as such is in a constant state of change. Knowledge as a
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Oldtidens og middelalderens litteratur – i skandinaviske oversættelser är en bibliografi över översättningar till danska, norska och svenska av de antika och medeltida litteraturerna. Den har som ambition att samla samtliga översättningar tryckta efter 1500 av grekisk, romersk, och övrig europeisk litteratur skriven före 1500, tillsvidare med undantag för bibliska texter. I sin nuvarande form tä
Undersökningar över spektra av två och tre gånger joniserat kol
[abstract missing]
Postmodern Theology
For almost forty years the seemingly harmless term “postmodern” has sown discord and ruffled feathers in the intellectual world. Mere sight of the term has caused some commentators to see red in more than one sense: “postmodernism” for them embodies the utter degeneracy of the 1960s Left. For their part, more than a few commentators on the left have associated the term with the neoliberal climate
Rational Approach to Fire Engineering Design of Steel Buildings
The present paper describes a rational analytical approach to a fire engineering design of load-bearing structures and partitions. The design method is permitted to be generally applied in Sweden, as one alternative, since about ten years. The method is directly based on the natural fire concept and strictly defined functional requirements and performance criteria . For facilitating the practical
Sulfonated Polysulfone Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDEs) and Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs) for High Temperature PEMFC
Evaluation of a Parabolic Concentrating PVT System
The purpose of this study was testing and performance simulation of an innovative tracking hybrid solar system being developed by the Swedish Company Arontis. The Solar8 collector produces both electrical and thermal energy in one system. Its performance was compared with conventional photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors working side-by-side which are already on the market. The solar8
Characterisation of soluble dietary fibre from by-products of wheat flour fractionation
Does welfare matter? Ghettoization in the welfare state
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On the Road. Paving stones past and present
We archaeologists are sensitive to the messages people convey through material culture. In Lund, paving stones carry a powrful message about Lund's 1,000-year-old history. However, paving stones are in fact a fairly recent phenomenon dating from the late 19th century. Thus, paving stones do not represent continuity in the longue duree, but they do represent our idea of what the past was like.
I ljuset av framtiden: Styrning mot nollutsläpp 2050
Blue Laser Source for Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Laser-induced fluorescence is a clinical diagnostic tool, used for tumor demarcation and detection. The technique relies on the injection or topical application of a light sensitive drug called a photosensitizer. This substance has the ability to be accumulated to higher concentrations in cancer cells than in normal cells. This accumulation procedure takes from a few hours to several days, dependin
The Spatial Distribution of Precipitation in Scania, Southern Sweden. Observations, model simulations and statistical downscaling.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förståelsen av klimatets naturliga variation och dess förändring i regional skala är av grundläggande betydelse för planering och skötsel av ett hållbart samhälle. Nederbörden är en av huvudkomponenterna i den hydrologiska cykeln och har betydande inverkan på såväl vattentillgång som risker för tex översvämningar. I framtiden förväntas nederbördsmängderna öka i norra EuThis thesis focusses on the spatial distribution of precipitation within Scania and on its relation with large-scale climate. The spatial distribution of Scanian precipitation was analysed using a dense rain-gauge network of daily measurements. The performance of the Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric model in simulating the observed spatial distribution was evaluated. The influence of the regiona
Geotechnical decision basis for sustainable coastal areas
There are several urban areas close to the coast or other waterways that may be adversely affected by erosion, flooding and slope instability. Global climate change including sea level rise, increased precipitation and more intense and damaging storms will increase the threats of natural hazards in several areas. Mitigating and adapting to these risks in urban areas are huge challenges for society