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Portfolio Saliency and Ministerial Turnover. Dynamics in Scandinavian Post-War Cabinets

Why do certain ministers remain in their post for years while others have their time in office cut short? Drawing on the broader literature on portfolio allocation, this article argues that the saliency of individual portfolios shapes ministerial turnover. The main argument is that ministerial dismissals are less likely to occur the higher the saliency attributed to the ministerial portfolio since

Colorectal Oncogenesis and Inflammation in a Rat Model Based on Chronic Inflammation due to Cycling DSS Treatments.

Inflammation is known to be linked with development of colorectal cancer, and the aim was to assess the malignant potential and degree of inflammation in a dextran-sulphate-sodium-(DSS-) induced cyclic colonic tumour model (CTM) in rats and to compare it with the azoxymethane-(AOM-) induced CTM model. Tumours developed in both groups, although, in the DSS group, the colonic mucosa appeared edemato

Democratization and electoral turnovers in sub-Saharan Africa and beyond

This study criticizes approaches equating opposition electoral victories with democratization in competitive authoritarian regimes. Not only are these approaches theoretically problematic, but there are also important empirical reasons to distinguish between electoral turnovers and democratization. The study goes on to explain why some African turnovers have been successful in bringing about democ

“Dreams of Emotional Continuity: Reading and Relating in Malous bokklubb,”

Presently there is an abundance of sites, across media, promoting acts of communal reading (televised book clubs, web rings, publishers’ book discussion questions, etc.). This article forms a case study of what usages of reading and concurrently what reading subjects are framed in the Swedish televised book club, Malous bokklubb (Malou’s Book Club), modelled on Oprah’s Book Club in the USA and Ric

Urbanization, oxidative stress and inflammation: a question of evolving, acclimatizing or coping with urban environmental stress

To estimate the impact of urbanization on wild animals, it is important to know how different species, populations and/or individuals deal with and respond to environmental stress. Are more urbanized species adapted to their environment, or do individuals acclimatize over the course of their life? Alternatively, do they simply cope at the expense of other functions? These are three key processes t

Retinal transplantation using surface modified poly(glycerol-co-sebacic acid) membranes

In retinal transplantation experiments it is hypothesized that remaining diseased photoreceptor cells in the host retina and inner retinal cells in transplants physically obstruct the development of graft-host neuronal contacts which are required for vision. Recently, we developed methods for the isolation of donor photoreceptor layers in vitro, and the selective removal of host photoreceptors in

Interannual teleconnections between the summer North Atlantic Oscillation and the East Asian summer monsoon

Here we present a study of the relationship between July-August (JA) mean climate over China, which is strongly linked to the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and the summer (JA) North Atlantic Oscillation (SNAO). The variations of temperature, precipitation, and cloud cover related to the SNAO were analyzed for the period 1951-2002 using gridded data sets as well as instrumental data from 160 st

Fluctuations, Saturation, and Diffractive Excitation in High Energy Collisions

Diffractive excitation is usually described by the Good-Walker formalism for low masses, and by the triple-Regge formalism for high masses. In the Good-Walker formalism the cross section is determined by the fluctuations in the interaction. By taking the fluctuations in the BFKL ladder into account, it is possible to describe both low and high mass excitation in the Good-Walker formalism. In high

Managing a strategic source of innovation: Online users

The purpose of the paper is to develop a framework of management competences related to the effective management of three types of online innovation tools. The framework highlights the development of three types of management competences and related practices: (a) disclosure competence in order to find, direct and motivate users to contribute, (b) appropriation competence in order to appropriate u

Molecular Analysis Expands the Spectrum of Phenotypes Associated with GLI3 Mutations

A range of phenotypes including Greig cephalopolysyndactyly and Pallister-Hall syndromes (GCPS, PHS) are caused by pathogenic mutation of the GLI3 gene. To characterize the clinical variability of GLI3 mutations, we present a subset of a cohort of 174 probands referred for GLI3 analysis. Eighty-one probands with typical GCPS or PHS were previously reported, and we report the remaining 93 probands

Holocene Chronology of the Brattforsheden Delta and Inland Dune Field, SW Sweden

Brattforsheden is a large glacifluvial deposit in southwestern Sweden and associated with it is one of Sweden's largest inland dune fields. Although the relative ages of the Brattforsheden deposits are well known, absolute ages from the area are few. In this study we have used optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), surface exposure (Be-10) and radiocarbon (C-14) dating to provide an absolute chr

Regime-Based Versus Static Asset Allocation: Letting the Data Speak

Regime shifts present a big challenge to traditional strategic asset allocation. This article investigates whether regimebased asset allocation can effectively respond to changes in financial regimes at the portfolio level, in an effort to provide better long-term results than more static approaches can offer. The authors center their regime-based approach around a regime-switching model with time

Phenotypic plasticity and differentiation in an invasive freshwater microalga

Recent studies show that both marine and limnic microalgal species often consist of several genetically distinct populations. This is also valid for the nuisance freshwater algae Gonyostomum semen, which originates from acidic, brown water swamp lakes, but can nowadays also be found in clearer lakes with close to neutral pH. We hypothesized that the observed genetic differentiation among G. semen

By Policy or Design? Privacy in the US in a Post-Snowden World

By drawing from a number of studies in the field as well as the Snowden revelations and the case of MegaUpload/MEGA, the article makes an analysis of relevant legislation on privacy in the digital context. The purpose of the analysis is to understand to what extent and how the current paradigm of privacy protection is, or is not, sufficient for contemporary needs. In particular, we ask how privacy

The spiral aftereffect technique (SAT) can differentiate between depressive and somatoform disorder patients

This study examined how differences in visuo-perceptual patterns are related to psychopathology. Fifty-six patients (37 women, 19 men; M age = 43.8 yr., SD = 13.4) with a main diagnosis of unipolar depression and 42 patients (22 women, 20 men; M age = 42.0 yr., SD = 11.1) with a main diagnosis of somatoform disorder were compared. The duration and trend of a visual motion aftereffect were measured

Numerical modeling flow and heat transfer in dimpled cooling channels with secondary hemispherical protrusions

Flow characteristics and heat transfer performances of rectangular dimpled channels with secondary protrusions are numerically analyzed and compared in this research work. The special arrangement is a conventional dimpled cavity with a small-size secondary protrusion placed upstream of the dimple. The objective is to determine the most optimal configuration for augmenting heat transfer rates with

Direct comparison of SESANS and SAXS to measure colloidal interactions

We present a systematic comparison of conventional small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) with the relatively new real-space technique, spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering (SESANS). We apply both techniques to colloidal suspensions where the particles interact as hard spheres, with electrostatic repulsions, or with polymer-induced depletion attractions. We successfully model the data sets with t

Pharyngeal Function and Breathing Pattern during Partial Neuromuscular Block in the Elderly: Effects on Airway Protection.

Intact pharyngeal function and coordination of breathing and swallowing are essential for airway protection and to avoid respiratory complications. Postoperative pulmonary complications caused by residual effects of neuromuscular-blocking agents occur more frequently in the elderly. Moreover, elderly have altered pharyngeal function which is associated with increased risk of aspiration. The purpos