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Is population structure in the European white stork determined by flyway permeability rather than translocation history?

European white stork are long considered to diverge to eastern and western migration pools as a result of independent overwintering flyways. In relatively recent times, the western and northern distribution has been subject to dramatic population declines and country-specific extirpations. A number of independent reintroduction programs were started in the mid 1950s to bring storks back to histori

Apolipoprotein M: structure and function

Lipoproteins in blood play an important physiological role transporting cholesterol, lipids and lipid-soluble substances to the different organs of the body. Diseases such as atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke are associated with defects in lipoprotein metabolism. For many years, intense research has focused on the role of cholesterol in development of atherosclerosis. Cholesterol

Fläderskära funnen i Blekinge – inkommen med importerad vass

Fläderskära är en nordamerikansk art som spritt sig till de tempererade delarna av Europa. Introduktionen till Blekinge är intressant, eftersom arten följde med importerad vass från Tyskland, som skulle användas som en s.k. kvävefälla till Kallinge flygplats utanför Ronneby. Fläderskäran förekommer här i ett rikt bestånd och kanske den etablerar sig.

Women with comorbid substance dependence and psychiatric disorders in Sweden: a longitudinal study of hospital care utilization and costs.

Substance use disorders are regarded as one of the most prevalent, deadly and costly of health problems. Research has consistently found that the prevalence of other psychiatric disorders among those with substance related disorders is substantial. Combined, these disorders lead to considerable disability and health years lost worldwide as well as extraordinary societal costs. Relatively little of

Reproductive investment when mate quality varies: differential allocation versus reproductive compensation

Reproductive investment decisions form an integral part of life-history biology. Selection frequently favours plasticity in investment that can generate maternal effects on offspring development. For example, if females differentially allocate resources based on mate attractiveness or quality, this can create a non-genetic link between mate attractiveness and offspring fitness with potential conse

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Abstract in French Cette étude vise à mettre en lumière l’acquisition de la liaison préverbale en tant qu’accord sujet-verbe en nombre en français langue étrangère (FLE). Le but principal de l’étude est d’examiner le développement de ce trait morpho-phonologique et d’évaluer l’impact de la fréquence du verbe pour l’emploi de la liaison préverbale en FLE. Nous présentons une étude transversale où 4

Efficacy and safety of RPL554, a dual PDE3 and PDE4 inhibitor, in healthy volunteers and in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: findings from four clinical trials.

Many patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) routinely receive a combination of an inhaled bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory glucocorticosteroid, but those with severe disease often respond poorly to these classes of drug. We assessed the efficacy and safety of a novel inhaled dual phosphodiesterase 3 (PDE3) and PDE4 inhibitor, RPL554 for its ability to act as a bro

Differences in the Performance of Safety Performance Functions Estimated for Total Crash Count and for Crash Count by Crash Type

In recent years the development and use of crash prediction models for roadway safety analyses have received substantial attention. These models, also known as safety performance functions (SPFs), relate the expected crash frequency of roadway elements (intersections, road segments, on-ramps) to traffic volumes and other geometric and operational characteristics. A commonly practiced approach for

Bomb-pulse dating of human material – modelling the influence of diet

The atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons during the 1950s and early 1960s produced large amounts of radiocarbon. This 14C bomb pulse provides useful age information in numerous scientific fields, e.g. in geosciences and environmental sciences. Bomb-pulse dating can also be used to date human material (e.g. in forensics and medical science). Bombpulse dating relies on precise measurements of the

Early changes in 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose metabolism in squamous-cell carcinoma during chemotherapy in vivo and in vitro.

AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate early changes in uptake of 2-deoxy-2-[(18)F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) in vivo and in vitro in a squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) cell line originating from a human head and neck SCC during cytotoxic therapy with respect to metabolism in tumor cells and in surrounding stromal tissue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 60 nude mice with xenografted SCC, 50 animals were

Towards More Coherent and Sustainable Biomass Policy: Examining European biomass-to-energy planning

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mot en sammanhållen och hållbar biomassapolitik: En studie av europeisk biomassa-för-energi-planering Biomassa används för många ändamål. När den används som biobränsle för att producera energi utgör den en förnybar energikälla med många fördelar, bl. a. i form av minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser och en ökad trygghet i energiförsörjningen. Men biomassa är även en råvaCoordination of policies embracing biomass use has been called for in order to speed up progress towards the European Union renewable energy and climate change goals. Policy coordination and coherence is also required if the many complex and diverse issues constraining sustainable bioenergy development are to be addressed. To contribute to meeting such needs this doctoral thesis provides insights

Executive functions in mono- and bilingual children with language impairment - issues for speech-language pathology.

The clinical assessment of language impairment (LI) in bilingual children imposes challenges for speech-language pathology services. Assessment tools standardized for monolingual populations increase the risk of misinterpreting bilingualism as LI. This Perspective article summarizes recent studies on the assessment of bilingual LI and presents new results on including non-linguistic measures of ex