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The Role of the Disciples in the Prophetic Mission of Jesus
This article discusses what it meant for Jesus’ disciples to be disciples of a prophet and, consequently, what the presence of such prophet-disciples can tell us about his mission. This is done by situating the Gospel material about Jesus’ disciples in the context of early Jewish conceptions of prophetic discipleship, ultimately based on the Old Testament narratives about ancient Israelite prophet
New media in the classroom: Challenged notions and transformed practices?
Fiskgjusarna vid Hammarsjön – vad pysslar de med egentligen?
Sensationen MAX flyttar in i M:s gamla energihall
Europa med nationalräkenskapsmått
Inflammatory Response in Peripheral Arterial Disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Perifer kärlsjukdom (peripheral arterial disease) innebär ett tillstånd med nedsatt blodcirkulation i benen som huvudsakligen beror på åderförkalkning (ateroskleros). De kliniska manifestationerna av perifer kärlsjukdom är fönstertittarsjuka (claudicatio intermittens) och svår cirkulationsnedsättning (kritisk ischemi) beroende på om blodcirkulationen är otillräcklig vidPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the manifestation of atherosclerotic lesions in arteries supplying blood to the legs. Atherosclerosis is now recognized as an inflammatory disease of the vessel wall and important features in the pathophysiology are activation of WBC, endothelial cells and increased levels of inflammatory mediators. The inflammatory response in PAD is further influenced in case
Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal : Organ recipients who paid for kidney transplantation abroad. A report.
Swedish family policy: Economic aspects
Professor i kärnfysik, ssk tillämpad kärnfysik: Klas Malmqvist
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Regenerating the South Bank. Reworking the Community and the Emergence of Post-Political Renegeration
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Foreword [to: The Prayer Life of Peasant Communities in Late Medieval Sweden: A Contrast of Ideals and Practices]
Is the Norwegian Business Cycle Asymmetric?
A Taphonomy of Ritual Practice. A field-anthropological study of Late Mesolithic Burials
Motion Planning and Its Feedback Stabilization for Underactuated Ships: Virtual Constraints Approach
The paper suggests a method for motion generating and stabilization with application to dynamical models for underactuated ships.
Experiences of a CPS Course on Embedded Control
The paper presents a CPS-oriented course that integrates control theory and embedded computing. The course combines concurrent real-time programming and analysis with discrete-time sampled control theory and real-time networking. The contents of course, including the course projects are described in the paper as well as the experiences with the course.
Modelling the gold market, explaining the past and assessing the physical and economical sustainability of future scenarios
By using an integrated dynamic model we are able to reconstruct the supply and gold price of the past (1920-2010) and this is used to predict the future supply of gold to the market and to make a forecast of the goldprice 2010-2100. The model was validated against field data for the period 1920-2010 and it performs well. The model GOLD is implemented in the STELLA® software and the model described