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Your search for "*" yielded 531157 hits

Implementation Project for Deposit-Refund System in the Republic of Belarus

The research is done in order to analyse management of waste beverage containers in Belarus and the effectiveness of policies implemented to address it. The analysis is followed by exploring whether the introduction of deposit-refund system (DRS) would help to address packaging waste issue in Belarus and, if so, what features the DRS should possess to be effective in current context. The study des

Parameter Optimization for Equilibrium Solutions of Mass Action Systems

Inom hjärnforskning önskar man ta reda på värdet för olika kemiska parametrar. Här beskrivs en metod som med ren matematik kan beräkna de optimala parametervärdena. Den bakomliggande kemin gav upphov till speciella matematiska egenskaper. Med hjälp av en egenutvecklad sats kunde det då visas att metoden alltid hittar den lösning som är bäst enligt den så kallade maxnormen.In this thesis, functions describing relations between chemical concentrations at equilibrium are studied. The functions have some parameters that are desired to be determined. Based on the properties of the functions, an optimization method will be proposed. Because of these special properties, it is appropriate to consider the residuals in the max norm, since then it is possible to show that the

Prototype for Measurement Tools for Evaluating the Crusher Feed using Digital Signal Processing

Nowadays, the use of digital signal processing is essential in various measurements of different machines. There has been many projects done at Sandvik AB on how to collect and measure data signals on the cone rock crusher. None of those measurements could present the correct data. The reason could possibly be due to the lack of theory behind the use of digital signal processing which this thesis

The Quantum Szilard Engine: Interactions, Impurities and Dynamics

In this thesis, different aspects of the quantum Szilard engine are studied using the configuration interaction method. The engine is modelled as a one-dimensional infinite well. The effects of a contact-interaction are examined and it is found that attractive contact-interactions can improve the work output at certain temperatures of an engine that has bosons as a working medium. The role of im

Assessing the ability to share spatial data between emergency management organisations in the High North

The decreasing extent of the Arctic sea ice has opened up new areas in the High North for industrial and commercial activities. These areas contain large reserves of oil and gas, and the region is home to some of the world’s richest fishing grounds. The region is of key strategic importance, and maintaining a Norwegian presence in the Arctic areas is considered to be a national priority. A major r

BoHamnen - ett gestaltningsförslag till Varbergs industrihamn

Today it is common that cities develop their old ports to new vibrant neighborhoods.The combination of a good location and a close contact to the ocean makes the harbor area to an important resource for creating attractive cities around the world. Varberg is a town on the west coast and it has a unique location to the sea. 2013 the Government’s decided that the railroad should go in a tunnel unde

Analysis of Arctic peak-season carbon flux estimations based on four MODIS vegetation products

Förhöjda temperaturer på höga breddgrader kan förändra koldynamiken i hela Arktis. Modellerade CO2 simuleringar visar att under nuvarande klimatförhållanden utgör Arktis en netto kolsänka, fast den stora utsträckningen samt fina geografiska heterogenitet lyfter upp osäkerhet kring dess status som CO2 sänka/källa i regionen. Förståelsen för arktiska koldioxidflödekan förbättras genom integrering avIncreased temperatures in high latitudes may alter the carbon dynamics throughout the Arctic. Modelled CO2 simulations show that current climate conditions constitute the Arctic a net carbon sink, though the large extent and fine landscape heterogeneity raise an uncertainty about the carbon sink/source status of the region. The understanding of Arctic CO2 fluxes can be improved through integration

Analyzing the extent of standardization in Shared Service Centers - Literature review and Case study of Region Skåne

The purpose of this thesis is to give an overview of the current state of academic research regarding Shared Service Centers. Moreover, it provides a theoretical frame of reference to evaluate the extent of standardization of Shared Service Centers as well as the corresponding potential for improvement. The presented theoretical framework is applied to the case of Region Skåne’s Shared Service Cen

The Startup of a Strong Brand - An investigation of brand identity evolution in early-stage startups operating in Sweden

The purpose of this dissertation was to study the brand identity evolvement in a startup context. The CBIM framework by Urde (2013) was implemented in the research, in order to understand different elements affecting the process in the creation of a brand identity. The framework includes both an internal –and external perspective. The reputational elements were excluded because the brand image per

Den eviga strävan efter idealet

Sammanfattning Titel Den eviga strävan efter idealet En kvalitativ studie om samspelet mellan kvinnliga ideal, konsumenters identitet och personliga varumärken på Instagram Seminariedatum 2016-06-02 Ämne/kurs FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå, marknadsföring, 15 HP Författare Emma Bogren, Annika Eriksson och Julia Sjöberg Handledare Clara Gustafsson Begrepp Kvinnliga ideal, Personliga varumAbstract Title The eternal pursuit of the ideal A study about the interaction between the female ideal, consumers identity projects and personal brands on Instagram Seminar date 2016-06-02 Subject/course FEKH29 – Bachelor’s thesis in Marketing, 15 ECTS Authors Emma Bogren, Annika Eriksson and Julia Sjöberg Advisor Clara Gustafsson Key words Identity, Ideal, Culture, Personal brands Issue Ind

Att vara eller inte vara allmänbildad - är det en tävling? : Kunskapsframställningen i Vem vet mest?

Kandidatuppsatsen Att vara eller inte vara allmänbildad - är det en tävling?, skriven av Linnea Lindoffer och Mette Pedersen vid Institutionen för kommunikation och medier, granskar kunskapskonstruktion med utgångspunkt i frågesportsprograms underhållande och lättsmälta format. Syftet är att studera både vad kunskap är och hur vi förväntas veta. Som utgångspunkt undersöker uppsatsen programmet Vem

On the Gelation of Microcrystalline Cellulose in Alkaline Solutions

Få molekyler arbetar så i det tysta som cellulosa. Denna jättemolekyl, även kallad polymer, består av fastkedjade glukosmolekyler och är hela naturens byggsten. Till synes är cellulosa den perfekta molekylen - utvinningsbar i enorma massor från exempelvis skogsindustri och med allehanda användningsområden inom exempelvis läkemedels-, textil- och även på senare tid inom biobränsleindustri. För atThe underlying mechanism of gel formation in solutions containing microcrystalline cellulose dissolved in cold alkali with and without addition of urea was investigated using rheological methods, spectrophotometry, scattering techniques and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. From the obtained results it is found that gelation occurs due to a microscopic precipitation of cellulose II, which i

FDI and environmental pollution nexus in China

Our paper studies the foreign direct investment (FDI)-pollution nexus based on China’s province level panel data from 2005 to 2014. The analysis focuses not only on a national panel (including all provinces), but also on three regional panels (provinces are divided by economic region. We applied dynamic panel data model with lagged variables based on general moment method (GMM) to capture causalit

Placering av energiskog i Sverige : en GIS-analys

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur energiskogsodlingar är placerade i landskapet i förhållande till skogsmark, vägar och vatten och hur de fördelar sig mellan olika jordbruksproduktionsområden. Detta med fokus på energiskogssorterna salix, poppel och hybridasp i Sverige under tidsperioden 2000 till 2013. Arbetet baseras dels på en litteraturstudie och dels på GIS-analyser. Studiens resuThe purpose of the study was to analyze the location of energy forest plantation in relation to rivers, forests, roads and production areas. Focusing on the energy forest Willow, Populous and Aspen in Sweden between 2000 and 2013. The method used in this study consisted of a literature study and a GIS-analysis. The results are presented in tables and later on discussed. The conclusions of the stud

Upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping hos pappor med postpartumdepression

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka i vilken grad depression och omvårdnadsrepresentationer samvarierar hos pappor efter barns födelse. Särskild vikt gavs åt sambandet mellan pappornas grad av depression och deras upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping. När en pappa har en upplevelse av maternal gatekeeping känner han sig utestängd från delar av famljelivet och omvårdnaden av barnet. Målgruppen The aim of this study was to examine to what extent father’s postpartumdepression and caregiving representations correlated. Of special interest was the relationship between fathers severity of depression and their experience of maternal gatekeeping. When a father experiences maternal gatekeeping he feels excluded from parts of family life and caregiving of the child. The target group of the study

Multidimensional Perfectionism and Health: The Role of Perceived Stress and Perceived Somatic Complaints

The present study investigated the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism, perceived stress and perceived somatic complaints among Swedish university students. Two hundred and thirteen students participated in the study. The aim of the study was to investigate whether male and female students differ in terms of groups of perfectionism, perceived stress and perceived somatic complaints

"Real men change nappies"

The purpose of this study was to examine in which way paternity was constructed in Sweden’s largest parenting magazine Vi Föräldrar and also what constructions were made regarding gender equality in these presentations. The method content analysis was applied to explore how paternity was presented in 18 numbers from 2015-2016 of Vi Föräldrar. By applying theories, a framework was created from whic

Administration i Socialtjänsten - möjlighet, vilja eller tvång? En etnografisk studie om socialsekreterares förhållningssätt till administrativa sysslor

The aim of this study was to explore social workers' experiences and views of administrative tasks within the social services. Former research points to an explosion of administrative tasks for professions such as social workers, doctors and teachers, due to governance reforms and cutbacks in the welfare sector resulting in fewer assistants and secretaries. For this study, ethnographic fieldwo