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An investigation on thin film adhesion measurement methods

Have you ever taken a closer look at the packages in your home? They consist of several layers of different materials, among them layers of polymer. They all contribute to protect the product.In this thesis methods for measuring and calculating the adhesion between the inside polymer layer and the aluminium layer of Tetra Pak’s packaging materials have been investigated. This was done both by exploring the possibilities of combining peel tests with the ICPeel method, and by developing ideas for new measuring methods. One of the ideas was built on a test setup for a close-to normal dire

The Oscar Effect : hur förlag och författare samarbetar med filmindustrins aktörer

Abstract Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa om det finns några mönster i relationen mellan bokbranschen och filmindustrin genom att undersöka om och i så fall hur förlag och författare bakom filmadapterade böcker använder sig av cross-media promotion i sin marknadsföring. Undersökningen utgår från Oscars-nomineringar i kategorin Bästa film mellan 2011 – 2016. Av alla nomineringar är det 27 styck

Vägen till våldsbejakande högerextremism - En kvalitativ studie om människor som blivit högerextremister

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka varför människor blivit radikaliserade och tillträtt våldsbejakande högerextremistiska organisationer, samt få en inblick och förståelse över upplevelsen som medlem i en våldsbejakande högerextremistisk organisation. Det är därför viktigt att belysa vilka bakomliggande faktorer som kan ha haft en inverkan på radikaliseringen och tillträdandet till de olika v

Översättning av en biografi - att översätta talspråklighet i en biografi

Detta magisterarbete innehåller min analys av översättningen av ett utdrag ur Michael Jackson: The Magic & the Madness av J. Randy Taraborrelli, utgiven år 2004. Uppsatsen inleds med en källtextanalys som bygger på Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins Vägar genom texten (1997). Textanalysen följs av en beskrivning av den översättningsstrategi jag valt att använda med stöd i Lita Lundquists Oversæt

Surface topography measurements of thin aluminium foil transferred to FE-simulations

This work is a master thesis preformed by Filip Larsson. The objectives are to measure the aluminium foil used in packaging industry by Tetra Pak. By measuring the surface topography on both sides, the thickness variation will be determined. The measurement results shall then be used in FEM simulations. The Alicona InfiniteFocus microscope at LTH was chosen to perform the measurements. It is a mic

Absolute & Relative Credit Quality Assessment

The lack of availability and relevance of both credit ratings and traded market instruments, forces nancial institutions to nd alternative ways to validate the credit qualities of their counterparties. To address this issue, existing bankruptcy prediction models are evaluated and re-estimated. Furthermore a new model is constructed that outperforms the previous models in terms of default classicat

Undersökning av två metoder vid översvämningsmodellering – en fallstudie av Höörs tätort.

Extrema regn förväntas ske både oftare och slå med större kraft i framtiden enligt prognoser från FNs klimatpanel. Vid extrema regn, eller skyfall, är det praktiskt taget omöjligt att undvika översvämningar i ledningssystemen, då ledningarna inte är dimensionerade för att klara så stora flöden som dessa regn medför. För att minimera skadorna vid översvämningar spenderar svenska myndigheter enorma Forecasts on the climate change are pointing towards an increased amount of extreme rains or cloudbursts in the future. Cloudbursts are already today a big problem. When cloudbursts occur over dense urban areas, flooding occurs. To prevent damage to property and important functions for society, Swedish municipalities spend an enormous amount of money every year. To make sure that the investments a

Rethinking Competitive Strategy in Mature Industries: An externally-focused in-depth study into how companies in mature industries can rethink their competitive strategies.

Today’s rapidly changing environment amplifies the need for companies no matter the industry, to stay on top of their game and not lose market share to competing firms. This is particularly true of companies in mature industries, and therefore, is a worthy area of study and the focus of this thesis. Rethinking Competitive Strategy in Mature Industries is an in-depth, exploratory study, with an em

Prototyping of a Mobile Restaurant Application from a User Experience Perspective

Användningen av smarta telefoner och områden i vilka smarta telefonlösningar erbjuds, har ökat drastiskt det senaste decenniet. Det område som däremot inte har varit lika benäget att anta detta tillvägagångssätt är restaurangbranschen. Målet med denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur villiga användare är att anpassa sig till detta tillvägagångssätt och beskriver de krav och önskemål av en sådaThe use of smart phones and the areas in which smart phone solutions are provided have increased immensely over the past decade. However, one area which has not been as keen of adopting the smart phone approach is the restaurant area. This study aims to investigate the amenability of users to adapt to this approach and outlines the requirements and desires of such a product. It also presents a sol

Varför finns det så få kvinnor i toppen av näringslivet?

I den här C-uppsatsen i ämnet Ekonomisk historia undersöks förändringen av andelen kvinnor i bolagsstyrelser mellan år 1980 och 2015 i ett tiotal svenska storbolag verksamma inom spridda branscher. Den kvantitativa studien avseende styrelsens sammansättning bygger på information hämtad från företagens årsredovisningar. Dessutom har kvalitativa studier genomförts via halvstrukturerade intervjuer av

Organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö

Title: Organizational and social work environment Authors: Firas Al-Ajely and Ali Reza Zarshenas Supervisor: Radhlinah Aulin, Department of Construction Engineering, Lund University Research questions: 1. What is the organizational and social work environment about? 2. Whom are covered and concerned by AFS 2015:4, which has been developed by the Swedish Work Environment Authority once it enters in

Samverkan vid kommunal räddningstjänst

The purpose of this report is to investigate the collaboration and the cooperation between the Swedish municipal rescue services, the police and the emergency medical service, with the main focus on the rescue services. The result is based on a survey among the personnel working in three different geographical areas, Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne. Where the result indicates it is needed, re

Metodutveckling för regional tillsyn av LSO

This paper has been commissioned by the County administrative board of Skåne in order to provide them with a tool to support the evaluation of individual fire rescue services, according to the requirements of law 2003:778 1 chap 1 § concerning protection against accidents. Evaluation is understandably a key element in providing a functional service with perspective to enhance the abilities of the

Rädsla är inget statiskt, det går i perioder - Trygghetsskapande faktorer bland studenter vid Lunds universitet

The aim of this thesis has been to develop a deeper understanding of the security or insecurity students at Lund University essentially seem to experience on and around campus area. But the thesis has a deeper purpose, which is to let the paper culminate in a discussion on how security or insecurity can generate a deeper understanding of fear. This thesis assumes an abductive approach, which made

Strategisk Brandstationsplacering

This report is an aid in making decisions for the location of fire stations. Using multi criteria decision making the report presents a model for choosing the best available location for hosting a fire station. The model gives the decision makers the opportunity to choose from more criteria than the traditional response time. The model can be applied in any fire station locational decision regardl

Investigation of the Influence of Incident Angle and Frequency Dependence of a Ceiling Absorber on Room Acoustic Descriptors

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the following: − The influence of incident angle and frequency dependency of a ceiling absorber on room acoustic descriptors − How ceiling absorber properties influence room acoustic descriptors such as reverberation time and steady state sound pressure level − Whether steady state sound pressure level is more related to the statistical absorption coeffici

Transnational Voices or Self-serving Activists?: The Portrayal and Legitimation of Public Intellectuals in Japanese Newspapers Author:

The primary concern of this study was to analyze how the Japanese print media portray modern-day public intellectuals, and subsequently treat them as legitimate or illegitimate. Furthermore, I examined the underlying factors that affect this portrayal. After selecting four case studies of present-day public figures/groups (Murakami Haruki, Miyazaki Hayao, Chim↑Pom and Aida Makoto), I collected pri

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): A means to address food insecurity? A Nexus Analysis

Food insecurity is a major problem for humanity. Especially in developing countries, the proportion of people who go to bed hungry is substantial. A basic reason, among other factors, is the dominant poverty in those regions. Therefore, many development organizations consider Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as a means, which has the potential to regulate these inequalities in developing countries.