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Participation, inclusion and belonging. The importance of trust while integrating newly arrived immigrant children in a Swedish primary school.

This thesis investigates the importance of trust while integrating newly arrived immigrant children in a Swedish primary school located in a municipality where several neighbourhoods can be considered segregated. The research question is for this reason: "Is trust important while integrating newly arrived children in school and what does the trust building process look like?" Pupils, mai

Predicting in vivo therapeutic efficacy of probiotics in a mouse model of Multiple Sclerosis, based on a novel in vitro Peyer’s Patch cell culture system

There is a great interest in trying to pin-point strain specific effects of probiotics on the immune system. The present study compared desirable immunomodulatory properties of newly isolated, novel probiotic strains of different species in a mouse Peyer’s Patch (PP) cell model in vitro, mainly focusing on their ability to affect the population of CD4+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg), and in incre

Soft Europeanisation of Work-Family Reconciliation Policy-Making? Social, Policy and Political Learning among German MPs

The EES, Lisbon and Europe 2020 are the most relevant soft law strategies promoting the improvement of work-family reconciliation-related policies in the EU Member States. In this study, the cases of the German Elterngeld reforms are applied to scrutinise the influences of these three strategies on domestic policy-making. Thus, this research work is based on the theoretical framework of soft Europ

"Introduktion? Menar du min första arbetsdag?" Om socialsekreterares introduktion och dess inverkan på arbetsmotivationen.

Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur nyanställda socialsekreterare upplevde sin introduktion vid början av ett nytt arbete och att få en uppfattning om hur introduktionens upplägg kan påverka arbetsmotivationen. Även det psykiska välbefinnandets påverkan av stress under introduktionen har granskats. Till detta användes en kvalitativ metod och semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på sex socialsThe purpose of the study was to research how newly hired social service workers experience their introduction at the beginning of a new employment, and to get a notion of how the setup of the introduction may affect the work motivation. Also, how the mental well-being is affected during the introduction has been researched. The study uses a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews with si

Independence is not proclaimed from a balcony anymore : en kulturanalys av den katalanska identiteten så som den uttrycks i samband med firandet av nationaldagen den 11 september 2014

This paper examines the Catalan identity as it is expressed by the president of Catalonia, Assemblea Nacional Catalana and Òmnium Cultural on the Catalan National Day on the 11th of September 2014. These Catalan personalities are striving for an independent Catalonia. The research is conducted by a narrative method and a visual method in order to be able to interpret the cultural expressions and s

The Influence of the Kurdistan Regional Government-Turkey Relations on the Kurdish Question in Turkey

This thesis studies the influence of the relations between the KRG and the Turkish government on the Kurdish Question and the peace process in Turkey, and it looks into the potential and limits of the KRG to be more effective and involved in the peace process in Turkey. The relations between the KRG and Turkish government have grown fast politically, economically, in energy sector and in terms of

Andraspråkselever och deras svenska svordomar

Abstract This bachelor thesis describes a survey of the use of cursing in Swedish by 42 youths in high school who have Swedish as a second language. The L2 speakers have through a questionnaire answered questions about which curse words they know, how they use them, which language they prefer to curse in and who they learnt it from. In relevant cases the group is compared with a group of similar S

The interaction between companies internal processes and the service encounter and its affect on the perceived quality A case study in the automotive industry

The competition in the automotive industry is constantly increasing and it is no longer sufficient for a company to only deliver a physical product. The companies’ ability to fill a need and provide a solution including a combination of both tangible and intangible products is becoming increasingly important. The service a company offers can be a critical factor for success why a company needs to

Gerundium i svensk språkdräkt : Problem och överväganden vid översättning av några italienska tidskriftsartiklar

Denna magisteruppsats är baserad på en översättning av fem artiklar på temat "Sentimenti" ("Känslor") hämtade från den italienska tidskriften L'Espresso. I arbetet ingår en översättningsdel och en analysdel.I den senare delen ingår en källtextanalys och en översättningskommentar. Källtextanalysen är utarbetad efter den modell som presenteras i Hellspong & Ledins bok Väg

High Precision Positioning and Very Low Velocity Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor

The purpose of this report is to evaluate a direct driven permanent magnet motor in high accuracy position and low speed operation. Actuation in this case is usually accomplished by stepping motors combined with belts and pulleys. High accuracy positioning is considered to be within 0.1 degrees and low speed 0.05 degrees per second, while at the same time have a 180 degree step response within 0.5

Tagen på sängen

Lipsky launched in the 1980:s his theory about street-level bureaucracy. It was a study which revealed that public service workers had considerable discretion in how to execute their jobs and therefore function as policy decision makers. This thesis adress this question by analyzing if Lipskys street-level bureaucracy can explain the differences in management between two forest fires in Sweden at

Ett litet steg för dagens CSR-redovisning, ett större kliv för den fortsatta CSR-utvecklingen? En studie av direktivet om redovisning av icke-finansiell information och dess verkan

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) har vuxit från att på 1950-talet varit en diskussion om företags sociala ansvar, till att idag utgöra en allt viktigare beståndsdel i företags beslutsfattande. CSR har uppstått som en motreaktion från allmänheten efter flertalet företagsskandaler och ökad globalisering då företagen kommit att utgöra viktiga aktörer för samhällsutvecklingen. Utvecklingen har frCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved from in the 1950s being a discussion, to today constitute an increasingly more important component of corporate decision-making. CSR has emerged as a public backlash against several corporate scandals and increased globalization that has given corporations greater influence over the societal development. The CSR development has, until now, been cha

Interimistiskt förbud och informationsföreläggande - En komparativ studie mellan den enhetliga patentdomstolens bestämmelser och svensk rätt

The unified patent court is currently one of the most intensely discussed areas in patent law. The Court will in essence have exclusive jurisdiction to hear disputes concerning European patents. In intellectual property law the possibility of interim measures such as interlocutory injunctions are of great importance, not the least in patent law. In Sweden, interlocutory injunctions and legal prov

Mötet mellan äldre vattenrätt och rådande miljölagstiftning för vattenkraft

Den vattenrättsliga regleringen av vattenkraft växte fram i början av 1900-talet för att hantera den stora utbyggnad av vattenkraft som följde industrialiseringen. Den miljörättsliga regleringen av vattenkraft kom dock först vid införandet av MB år 1998, en utveckling som löpt parallellt med en växande miljörättslig reglering inom EU. MB ställer omfattande krav på verksamhetsutövare ur miljöhänsynThe legislation of hydropower emerged in the early 1900s to handle the large expansion of hydropower that followed industrialization. Actual environ¬mental demands were first placed on operators of hydropower after the introduction of the Environmental Code in 1998. The aquatic environ-ment is today one of Europe's most regulated areas and the EU Water Framework Directive set out concrete and

Humanitära interventioners legalitet - Argument knutna till rättspositivism, naturrätt samt Radbruchs formel

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan huruvida en fristående rätt till humanitära interventioner anses finnas, och om sådana interventioner kan anses vara legitima eller inte ur ett rättssociologiskt perspektiv. Humanitära interventioner är ingen nyhet och har använts vid ett flertal tillfällen för att upprätthålla skyddet för mänskliga rättigheter. Det pågår en diskussion gällande om sådana interventioner This essay will address the issue concerning the question if there is a right for humanitarian interventions outside the UN Charter, from an legal sociological perspective, and if there is, are these interventions considered legitimate or not? Humanitarian interventions are not a new legal character and has been used at several times for the purpose of maintain the protection of human rights. The

Pyroteknik på fotbollsarenor - en brännande fråga

This thesis covers fans’ usage of pyrotechnical devices at and around soccer games. The thesis focuses exclusively on swedish conditions and consists of a description of the current regulations connected to pyrotechnics as well as the social context that the legal framework operates in. It also includes an analysis of the legal and practical issues that are raised by the current situation surround

Deliberation i det nya seklet

As a result of the official report on democracy (Demokratiutredningen), the Swedish government decided in 2002 to prescribe by law the right of initiation for common citizens in city councils (medborgerlig förslagsrätt). All citizens are therefore now entitled to submit a proposal which then will be dealt with by the city council as a motion. In this paper the handling of the citizen proposal is s

Antirasism - En beskrivande idéanalys av den antirasistiskt förda debatten i media

The aim of this thesis is to examine which anti-racist ideas that have been characteristic in the Swedish media debate, the months before the election 2014. The hypothesis was constructed by the fact that the anti-racist movement is perceived as polarized. The study describes and interprets five articles, written by anti-racists, in the Swedish daily press, which forms the material. The study is m

Design, Organic Synthesis, and Evaluation of New Galactose Based Galectin-8 Inhibitors.

Organisk kemi är läran om kolföreningarnas kemi och är en vetenskap som ligger till grund för att förstå praktiskt taget alla naturvetenskapliga områden. En viktig applikation är att med hjälp av kemisk syntes ta fram nya läkemedel. I takt med att vi blir allt äldre och vår livsstil förändras uppstår likväl alltfler problem med nya sjukdomar i en annan omfattning än tidigare och behovet av nya effLymphangiogenesis, i.e. novel formation of lymph vessels, is known to be one of the underlying causes to the progression of a number of medical conditions, e.g. cancer, inflammation, graft rejection, and lymphedema. Galectin-8 is a tandem-repeat galectin comprised of two carbohydrate domains (CRDs), defined as the N-terminal (galectin-8N) and C-terminal (galectin-8C) CRDs. Galectin-8 has been obse