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Kristus är världens ljus

The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the liturgical practices of the Paschal candle in five different congregations within the Church of Sweden, and to analyse the underlying reasons for those practices; how and when is the Paschal candle used within the liturgy, and how is its usage interpreted and motivated by the congregations’ ministers and sextons? The thesis bases its findings

En intervjustudie om fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att möta och behandla kvinnor med rektusdiastas efter graviditet

Bakgrund: Rektusdiastas, eller magmuskeldelning är ett normalt skeende under graviditet. Avståndet mellan muskelbukarna i m. rectus abdominis ökar för att ge plats åt det växande fostret i magen. Delningen minskar oftast efter förlossningen men blir hos många kvinnor ett kvarstående tillstånd. Med tanke på hur vanligt rektusdiastas är så finns det relativt lite forskning på området. Bristen på stu

Undersökning av reliabilitet mellan två testledare vid mätning av styrka i höftmuskulaturen med handhållen dynamometer och med förankrad dynamometer

Bakgrund För att mäta styrkan i höftmuskulaturen kan en handhållen dynamometer användas. Mätningar med handhållen dynamometer kan dock begränsas av individuella faktorer hos testledaren såsom vikt, greppstyrka och kroppsstyrka. För att undvika att dessa faktorer påverkar resultatet kan den handhållna dynamometern fixeras externt. Trots att mätmetoderna separat (handhållen/förankrad dynamometer) ha

Climate Change Adaptation at District level. A case study of Sioma district in Zambia.

Climate change adaptation is taking a more visible role in the planning agendas of countries, cities, and communities. With increasing attention being paid on the different approaches and practicalities of selecting and implementing adaptation strategies and interventions to cushion the risks and impacts of climate change. Globally, there have been calls to strengthen adaptation especially among v

In vitro differentiation of human myeloid cell populations.

The human immune system responds to a wide variety of pathogens and microorganisms to defend the body. Investigating the cell types and molecular markers of the immune system are critical for the understanding of diseases and finding treatments. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) are sentinels of the immune system that sample the surrounding environment and educate the components of the adaptive immuCan parts of the immune system be utilized for new effective cancer treatments? The immune system is a defense network for our body to respond against outside invaders including bacteria, fungi and viruses, and protect us from diseases by, for instance, removing infected or abnormal cells. The innate immune system acts as a rapid response system for recognizing foreign, potentially dangerous age

Konsekvenser av en stark värdegrund

Organisationer kan reglera anställdas identiteter med hjälp av en värdegrund. När anställda känner en stark koppling till värdegrunden kan anställda identifiera sig med organisationen. Vår forskning avslöjar att det kan finnas fördelar med en värdegrund som att motivera och inspirera anställda, samt skapa en gemenskap och karriärmöjligheter. Vår forskning avslöjar att det finns nackdelar med att i

Six-meson amplitude in QCD-like theories

We calculate the relativistic six-meson scattering amplitude at low energy within the framework of QCD-like theories with n degenerate quark flavors at next-to-leading order in the chiral counting. We discuss the cases of complex, real and pseudoreal representations, i.e. with global symmetry and breaking patterns SU(n)×SU(n)/SU(n) (extending the QCD case), SU(2n)/SO(2n), and SU(2n)/Sp(2n). In cas

The chance of transition : strategies for multidisciplinary collaboration

Many long-term childhood cancer survivors suffer from treatment-related late effects, which may occur in any organ and include a wide spectrum of conditions. Long-term follow-up (LTFU) is recommended to facilitate early diagnosis and to ensure better health outcomes. Due to the heterogeneity of these sequelae, different specialists work together in the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.

Uncommon Ground : The Role of Different Place Attachments in Explaining Community Renewable Energy Projects

For rural communities, energy projects can provide a host of benefits, and yet also be a source of significant conflict. Place attachment has become an increasingly popular concept for understanding local responses to large scale renewable energy installations. However, there has been significantly less attention paid to how place attachment influences local responses to community-led developments

Adaptive framing of sustainability in CEO letters

This study provides insights into the external powers that can influence business leaders' communication on sustainability. It shows how the socio-political context manifested in national and transnational policies, regulations and other socio-political events can influence the CEO talk about sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts an interpretative and qualitative method of

Stress response to endoscopy

Background: Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is often accompanied by tachycardia, which may lead to myocardial ischaemia. The pathogenesis for tachycardia is unknown, but the classic endocrine stress response may be of importance. Methods: Seventeen patients (median age, 60 years) undergoing diagnostic gastroscopy without sedation or supplemental oxygen therapy were monitored by means of electroca

Fixed Point Iterations for Finite Sum Monotone Inclusions

This thesis studies two families of methods for finding zeros of finite sums of monotone operators, the first being variance-reduced stochastic gradient (VRSG) methods. This is a large family of algorithms that use random sampling to improve the convergence rate compared to more traditional approaches. We examine the optimal sampling distributions and their interaction with the epoch length. Speci

Distributionally Robust Risk-Bounded Path Planning Through Exact Spatio-temporal Risk Allocation

Planning safe paths in the presence of uncertainty is considered a central challenge in enabling robots to successfully navigate in real-world environments. Assumptions about Gaussian uncertainty are rarely justifiable based on real data and can lead to serious miscalculations of risk. Lately, it has become increasingly common to consider distributionally robust uncertainty, where the exact distri

"Det kommer ju inte ta bort rädslan" - Aspekter av det egna valet inom ett framtida kronvittnessystem i Sverige.

This thesis examines the view of what a crown witness system could mean in terms of the witness’ willingness to testify in a criminal case. The aim was to answer how relations and emotions influence the witness’ tendency to give dictum about crimes. A further aim was to show what people with experience of meeting with witnesses think that a crown witness system applied to Swedish law, could mean f

The Blue Ribbon of Akranes, a walk through history

There is only one large ocean that makes up our blue marble, even though we’ve given it many different names. It’s difficult to see where one ends and another begins and change in one place has an effect elsewhere. The ocean connects us all and we are depended on its grace to provide us with life. The beach opens our way to the world and closes us off. It is a conflict zone in times of climate cha

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From 2011 to 2016, dramatic changes occurred within the Lebanese Sunni community, eventually resulting in a significant rebalancing of intra-communitarian equilibria. Indeed, new political players have been able to cleverly ride on a widespread feeling of anger and frustration, stemming from a multi-level crisis that has affected the whole community since the traumatic events of 2005. This article

Weather and Train Disruptions in Sweden 2011-2019

The impacts of adverse weather conditions on railway systems can lead to large delays and cancellationsacross the entire network. In this paper, we aim to understand the relationship between weather andtrain disruptions (i.e. cancellations and large delays) across the entire Swedish railway network for theyears 2011-2019. Using railway operations data and snow depth, temperature, precipitation, an

Sentio: Feel the music

Vision and hearing are two dominant senses, and when having a combined impairment of both vision and hearing, the reliability and use of our touch increases. Sentio was designed for the sense of touch, making it possible for the sensory impaired to enjoy music with the help of vibrations. The purpose of this project was to design Sentio, a product based on the technology developed by Paricept

Undersökning av luftljudsisolering i ett skivmaterial tillverkat av återvunna förpackningar

Det sker en omställning i samhället där frågor om klimat och miljö får allt mer uppmärksamhet. Denna omställning sker även i byggbranschen som i nuläget står för stora delar av Sveriges totala koldioxidutsläpp, men redan år 2045 ska landet inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. För att nå målet kommer det att krävas kreativa innovationer inom flera områden. En del av lösningen är att ta