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Your search for "*" yielded 532106 hits

A novel unipolar charger for ultrafine aerosol particles with minimal particle losses

A unipolar diffusion charger with minimal particle losses in the ultrafine size range has been developed. This charger uses two radioactive α-sources to produce ions which are drawn into the charging region by an alternating electric field. The aerosol flow in the centre of the charging region is surrounded by a particle-free sheath air flow to prevent particle losses. Charged aerosol particles mo

Timber Arch Bridges with V-shaped Hangers

The arch is a very efficient load bearing structure, especially when its shape is affine to the funicular of forces. However, if live loads are predominant as compared to permanent uniformly distributed gravity loads, the arch will be subjected to substantial bending moments, thus losing a great part of its structural efficiency. In traditional arch bridges with hangers arranged in a vertical mann

Nonequilibrium Green's functions and atom-surface dynamics: Simple views from a simple model system

We employ Non-equilibrium Green's functions (NEGF) to describe the real-time dynamics of an adsorbate-surface model system exposed to ultrafast laser pulses. For a finite number of electronic orbitals, the system is solved exactly and within different levels of approximation. Specifically i) the full exact quantum mechanical solution for electron and nuclear degrees of freedom is used to benchmark

Mumbai’s Lifeline and Pipeline: Narratives of Accumulation, Dispossession and Resistance

Unprecedented eviction, peripheral resettlement and simultaneous redevelopment of the urban spaces in the biggest megacity of postcolonial India – Mumbai reflect its development paradox, accumulation and dispossession processes, and rapidly transforming state, market, civil society and community relations. The vision of transforming Mumbai into a ‘world-class’, ‘slum-free’ city emerged in late 199

A Great Tit Parus major without yellow pigment in its plumage

A Great Tit Parus major without any yellow pigment in the plumage was ringed in southern Swedish Lapland in 2006. Such pale birds are known to appear with a low frequency throughout the species’ range. Superficially they look like the eastern (sub)species Parus (major) minor. The focal bird was a yearling with a wing length well above that of minor so there is no reason to suspect eastern origin.

Off-shell single-top production at NLO matched to parton showers

Abstract: We study the hadroproduction of a W b pair in association with a light jet, focusing on the dominant t-channel contribution and including exactly at the matrix-element level all non-resonant and off-shell effects induced by the finite top-quark width. Our simulations are accurate to the next-to-leading order in QCD, and are matched to the Herwig6 and Pythia8 parton showers through the MC

Fine mode particulate sulphur in the tropopause region measured from intercontinental flights (CARIBIC)

Here the first systematic study of the concentration of particulate sulphur in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere is presented. The measurements were undertaken in the CARIBIC programme during intercontinental flights from a commercial aircraft, which was equipped with an aerosol inlet and a research payload in the cargo bay. Aerosol samples were collected and analysed for elemental comp

Blended learning för utveckling av lärarkompetens

Vad är blended learning? Hur kan lärares kompetens inom blended learning utvecklas? Och hur kan blended learning i sin tur främja utvecklingen av pedagogisk kompetens? I denna rapport redovisas det pedagogiska utvecklingsprojektet Blended learning för utveckling av lärarkompetens som belyser och diskuterar dessa frågor. Projektets avsikt har varit att utveckla, introducera och analysera effekterna

Emittance improvements in the MAX IV photocathode injector

The MAX IV injector design predicts a beam with 100 pC of charge and an emittance lower than 1 mm mrad. The photocathode pre-injector is based on the now close to standard 1.6-cell gun adapted to 2.9985 GHz, in combination with a Ti:Sapphire laser system. This system reaches the requirements of the injector operation for the SPF, but can be tuned beyond specifications to open up new operation mode

Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Subsets Carrying Stereotyped B Cell Receptors

In recent years, subsets of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients carrying quasi-identical or stereotyped B cell receptors (BcRs) have been identified that share clinicobiological features and disease outcome. While these stereotyped subsets show distinct gene expression and genomic profiles, the DNA methylation landscape remains largely unexplored. By applying high-resolution 450K methylati

A case study of distances in a large co-located software development organisation

Communication and collaboration is a major challenge for large-scale software development. Cognitive and psychological distance between individuals and teams affect this collaboration and can cause communications gaps. We propose a novel method for assessing distance between teams, and explore potential explanations for these distances. In an exploratory case study of the quality assurance departm

Role of blood lipids in the development of ischemic stroke and its subtypes : A mendelian randomization study

Background and Purpose-Statin therapy is associated with a lower risk of ischemic stroke supporting a causal role of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. However, more evidence is needed to answer the question whether LDL cholesterol plays a causal role in ischemic stroke subtypes. In addition, it is unknown whether high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides have a causal relatio

High Level of Fasting Plasma Proenkephalin-A Predicts Deterioration of Kidney Function and Incidence of CKD

High levels of proenkephalin-A (pro-ENK) have been associated with decreased eGFR in an acute setting. Here, we examined whether pro-ENK levels predict CKD and decline of renal function in a prospective cohort of 2568 participants without CKD (eGFR>60 ml/min per 1.73 m2) at baseline. During a mean follow-up of 16.6 years, 31.7% of participants developed CKD. Participants with baseline pro-ENK leve