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An critical edition of the extant Latin text of the Legend of St. Sunniva. This text dates from the late twelfth century and was used at Bergen Cathedral, Norway.
Developing contextual understanding of information security risks
Given the uncertainty and complexity of security risk analyses, there is a great need of tools for contextual inquiry supporting assessment of risk with multi-value scales according to different stakeholders’ point of view. Such tools can be used at individual level to help develop the understanding of a problem space. At the collective level, they can be used as a mean of communication to support
Vägtrafikolyckornas personskadekostnader. En samhällsekonomisk beräkning av 1985 års personskadekostnader totalt och fördelat på åldersgrupper
Rehabilitering av långtidssjuka
Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Mass Transfer IX
Heat Transfer topics are commonly of a very complex nature. Often different mechanisms like heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, and non-linear phenomena, such as temperature-dependent thermophysical properties, and phase changes occur simultaneously. New developments in numerical solution methods of partial differential equations and access to high-speed, efficient and cheap computers
Gendered practices in institutions of hegemonic masculinity
Vital knowledge about gender relations can be gained through the study of military and defense organizations. Such insititutions of hegemonic masculinity tend to represent and reify specific notions of masculinity in ways that make it the norm. The article suggests that such insititutions can be approached through feminist methodology, for example, by using critical analysis to question what appea
Private Food Strategies and Political Consumerism
A number of policy instruments are used in order to provide consumers healthy products produced in a proper way as regards environmental impacts. The policy instruments are mainly directed to enterprises and companies producing products. Such actors are often addressed in terms of laws or regulations and represent different actors in a production chain. Policy instruments and the way they are used
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Fjärde staden. Placemarketing Helsingborg
Boken fungerar både som en allmän lärobok/forskningsöversikt i placemarketing och som en mer lokal inspirationsbok för Helsingborgsregionen. Boken behandlar bland annat stadsutveckling, sätt att räkna städers befolkning, stadens form och utseende, regional konkurrens, näringslivsutveckling, hur bilder formar städer samt diverse kreativietsaspekter som används för att befrämja utveckling av städer.
A system of conservation laws with a relaxation term
The Cauchy problem for the following system of conservation laws with relaxation time $delta$ is discussed: $(ast)$ $(u+v)_t+f(u)_x=0$, $delta v_t=A(u)-v$. A theorem on the well-posedness of the problem is given in the class of functions with bounded total variation. Then the behaviour of solutions to $(ast)$ as $delta o 0$ is treated and convergence of a certain finite-difference scheme to the so
Osteoarthritis, 2nd edition
The Real-Time Control Systems Simulator -Reference manual
A Matlab / Simulink-based simulator for real-time control systems is described. The simulator facilitates co-simulation of plant dynamics, controller code execution, and real-time scheduling. Three examples are given. The kernel primitives are described in detail.
Liberalism and the welfare state: the Scandinavian perspective
Receivers for faster-than-Nyquist signaling with and without turbo equalization
Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is a trellis coding method that maintains the error rate while reducing signal bandwidth. The combined effect is to move closer to capacity. We study some basic receiver issues: How to model the signaling efficiently in discrete time, how much the Viterbi receiver can be truncated, and how to combine the method with an outer code. The methods are modeling for mi
Vibration-induced neuropathy in the hand
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vibrationsskador utgör idag ett av de största yrkesmedicinska problemen. Hälften av dem som arbetar med handhållna vibrerande verktyg får besvär från händerna på grund av skador på blodkärl och nerver. Nervskadan yttrar sig som domningar och stickningar i fingrarna med fumlighet och svaghet i handen. Skadan är allvarlig eftersom symptomen kan leda till försämrad handfunThe aim of this study was to investigate clinical, pathophysiological and structural aspects of vibration-induced peripheral neuropathy since work with hand-held vibrating tools may lead to progressive neurological and vascular hand symptoms. Symptomatic vibration-exposed men were examined clinically and by neurography, tactilometry, and vibrometry and by measurement of temperature perception thre
The geometry of bird migration routes: a review of theoretical simulation studies
Stability Criteria for Systems with Bounded Uncertain Time-varying Delay
Stability in presence of bounded uncertain time-varying time delays in the feedback loop of a system is studied. The stability problem is treated in the Integral Quadratic Constraint (IQC) framework. The stability criterion is formulated as frequency dependent linear matrix inequalities. The criterion can be equivalently formulated as a Semi-Definite Program (SDP) using Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lem
The Lebanese Diaspora: The Arab Immigrant Experience in New York, Montreal and Paris
The Lebanese are the largest group of Middle Eastern immigrants in the United States, and Lebanese immigrants are also prominent across Europe and the Americas. Based on over eighty interviews with first-generation Lebanese immigrants in the global cities of New York, Montreal and Paris, this book shows that the Lebanese diasporaolike all diasporasoconstructs global relations connecting and transf