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Stability Criteria for Systems with Bounded Uncertain Time-varying Delay
Stability in presence of bounded uncertain time-varying time delays in the feedback loop of a system is studied. The stability problem is treated in the Integral Quadratic Constraint (IQC) framework. The stability criterion is formulated as frequency dependent linear matrix inequalities. The criterion can be equivalently formulated as a Semi-Definite Program (SDP) using Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lem
The Lebanese Diaspora: The Arab Immigrant Experience in New York, Montreal and Paris
The Lebanese are the largest group of Middle Eastern immigrants in the United States, and Lebanese immigrants are also prominent across Europe and the Americas. Based on over eighty interviews with first-generation Lebanese immigrants in the global cities of New York, Montreal and Paris, this book shows that the Lebanese diasporaolike all diasporasoconstructs global relations connecting and transf
Skriftens ansikten : konsten att läsa mellan raderna
The biblical figures have stimulated the creative imagination of a wide variety of writers and composers during the past two millennia. This study surveys the reception history in poetry, novels, art and music of a number of biblical figures, e.g. Cain, Abel, Abraham, Isaac, Miriam, the poor widow (Mark 12:41-44), Peter, Judas and Barabbas. The book discusses the interpretations of these biblical
Tears Never Dry: The Language of Feeling in Contemporary Pop Lyrics
Abstract not available
Könet brinner! Judith Butlers texter i urval
"Könet brinner" (Gender is Burning) is a collection of Judith Butler's texts in Swedish.
Oro för miljön? En analys av oron bland Bjärebor i samband med händelserna vid Hallandsås
Proc. International Symposium on Sustainable Water Resources Management and Oasis-Hydrosphere-desert Interaction in Arid Regions
On Auxiliary Systems in Commercial Vehicles
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjälpsystem i tunga fordon (bussar)As more and more focus is put on the environmental questions and the request for cleaner transportation the demand on the vehicles increases. Especially the environmental request of the public transportation that is visible to the public and operates in the centre of the city. The demand on the buses used for public transportation will increase. The whole bus must be optimised, usually only the pr
Ecological embeddedness and personhood: Have we always been capitalists?
Tillfällesdiktning – poesi endast om gravar och bröllop? [En litteraturhistorisk kommentar med anledning av ett diktfynd i Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapets bibliotek]
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Mineral element contents in drinking water - aspects on quality and potential links to human health
Popular Abstract in Swedish Mineraler fås från både fast och flytande föda. De senaste årtiondena har bordsvattenkonsumtionen ökat, och vattnets kemiska innehåll har alltmer kommit i fokus. Studier visar dessutom att grönsakers mineralinnehåll har minskat, vilket ökar betydelsen av mineralintag från annat håll. Den här doktorsavhandlingen omfattar fyra olika studier. I den första studien undersökMineral elements in drinking water have been in focus for more than a decade, especially as the habit of drinking bottled water has increased, not the least among young people. Minerals in drinking water have become more important since minerals in food, especially in vegetables, have decreased substantially the last decades. This thesis includes four different studies. In the first study 20 munic
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Socialt arbete med drogmissbrukare och det goda behandlingsarbetet
Environmental and socio-related balanced scorecard: exploration of critical issues
The Definition of Acceptance and Acceptability.
Despite the recognised importance of the concept of acceptance, how and why new technologies are actually accepted by drivers is not well understood. While many studies claim to have measured acceptance, few have defined what it is. The chapter points out the importance of defining acceptance and categorizes the definitions that have been used according to their “essence” and the various dimension