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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

On the home court advantage. Participation of locals and non-residents in a village law court in sixteenth-century Holland

Rural law courts are sometimes believed to have contributed to juridical fragmentation, which led to coordination failures and, hence, to high transaction costs. We present a case study of the village law court of Mijnsheerenland, and pay particular attention to the question of whether non-residents expected villagers to have a 'home court' advantage. Our analysis of default risk premiums demanded

Editing Emily Dickinson: the Production of an Author

Editing Emily Dickinson considers the processes through which Dickinson's work has been edited in the twentieth century and how such editorial processes contribute specifically to the production of Emily Dickinson as author. The posthumous editing of her handwritten manuscripts into the conventions of the book and the electronic archive has been informed by editors' assumptions about the literary

A novel p53 germline alteration identified in a late onset breast cancer kindred

Germline mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene are associated with the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, characterized by childhood sarcoma, leukemia and early onset breast cancer and has occasionally been found also in familial breast-ovarian cancer. Most mutations found are of missense type and located in the central region of the gene (exons 5 to 8). In the present study, a germline p53 alteration was

The weapon of a new generation?—Swedish Civil Society Organizations’ use of social media to influence politics

The article examines the extent of and factors behind Civil Society Organizations’ (CSOs’) use of social media to influence politics compared with nondigital political strategies, that is, using the traditional media and demonstrations. Taking stock of previous research on information and communication technologies, social media, and political influence, the relevance of four sets of factors is te

Other scandinavian legal realists

The Swedish legal scholar Tore Strömberg (1912-1993) is often characterized as the last true representative of the Uppsala school of legal thinking.

'Såsom det brukas med tattare' : Kollektivt våld mot familjer utpekade som tattare eller zigenare 1872-1955

Roma and Travellers (”resande”) have been present in Sweden for centuries. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, rural municipalities (kommuner) often adopted policies aimed to expel them from or to prevent them from entering the municipality. This is well established by previous research. What is less known is that another kind of territorial exclusion existed as well: that of collective violence

On Bulk Singularities in the Random Normal Matrix Model

We extend the method of rescaled Ward identities of Ameur, Kang, and Makarov to study the distribution of eigenvalues close to a bulk singularity, i.e., a point in the interior of the droplet where the density of the classical equilibrium measure vanishes. We prove results to the effect that a certain “dominant part” of the Taylor expansion determines the microscopic properties near a bulk2 singul

Biopython Project Update 2016

The Biopython Project is a long-running distributed collaborative effort, supported by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation, which develops a freely available Python library for biological computation.We present here details of the latest Biopython release - version 1.66. New features include: extended Bio.KEGG and Bio.Graphics modules to support drawing KEGG pathways with transparency; extended “ab

InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs with ION = 555 μa/μm at IOFF = 100 nA/μm and VDD = 0.5 v

We report on In0.85Ga0.15As nanowire MOSFETs (NWFETs) with record performance in several key VLSI metrics. These devices exhibit ION = 555 μA/μm (at IOFF = 100 nA/μm and VDD = 0.5 V), ION = 365 μA/μm (at IOFF = 10 nA/μm and VDD = 0.5 V) and a quality factor Q = gm/SS of 40, all of which are the highest reported for a III-V as well as silicon transistor. Furthermore, a highly scalable, self-Aligned

Recent hip fracture trends in Sweden and Denmark with age-period-cohort effects

Summary: This study used nationwide hip fracture data from Denmark and Sweden during 1987–2010 to examine effects of (birth) cohort and period. We found that time trends, cohort, and period effects were different in the two countries. Results also indicated that hip fracture rates may increase in the not so far future. Introduction: The reasons for the downturn in hip fracture rates remain largely

(Un)becoming dysfunctional: ADHD and how matter comes to matter

Various neuropsychiatric disorders are a common feature today, not leastin educational contexts where Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder(ADHD) is a common diagnosis. The dominant perspective regardingADHD is biomedical. This perspective has been questioned andchallenged in various ways. The aim of this article is to think ADHDthrough quantum physicist and philosopher Karen Barad’s [Barad, KVarious neuropsychiatric disorders are a common feature today, not leastin educational contexts where Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder(ADHD) is a common diagnosis. The dominant perspective regardingADHD is biomedical. This perspective has been questioned andchallenged in various ways. The aim of this article is to think ADHDthrough quantum physicist and philosopher Karen Barad’s [Barad, K

Thresholds and noise limitations of colour vision in dim light

Colour discrimination is based on opponent photoreceptor interactions, and limited by receptor noise. In dim light, photon shot noise impairs colour vision, and in vertebrates, the absolute threshold of colour vision is set by dark noise in cones. Nocturnal insects (e.g. moths and nocturnal bees) and vertebrates lacking rods (geckos) have adaptations to reduce receptor noise and use chromatic visi

Equating scores of the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test and Sniffin' Sticks test in patients with Parkinson's disease

BACKGROUND: Impaired olfaction is an important feature in Parkinson's disease (PD) and other neurological diseases. A variety of smell identification tests exist such as "Sniffin' Sticks" and the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT). An important part of research is being able to replicate findings or combining studies in a meta-analysis. This is difficult if olfaction has

Two new mutations in the MT-TW gene leading to the disruption of the secondary structure of the tRNA(Trp) in patients with Leigh syndrome

Leigh syndrome is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder occurring in infancy and childhood characterized in most cases by a psychomotor retardation, optic atrophy, ataxia, dystonia, failure to thrive, seizures and respiratory failure. In this study, we performed a systematic sequence analysis of mitochondrial genes associated with LS in Tunisian patients. We sequenced the encoded complex I unit