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Emancipatory’ Role of Social Media and Digital Spaces in Social Movements
Global Consumer Behavior : A Review of 30 years of CCT Research
Four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the pythia 8 framework
We present our studies of four-jet double parton scattering production in proton-nucleus collisions within the framework of the pythia8 event generator. We demonstrate that double absorptive processes in pA generated by the Angantyr model in pythia8 give an enhancement of the total double parton scattering cross section similar to the predictions by Strikman and Treleani in 2001. Additionally, we
EGFR modulates complement activation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Background: The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is pivotal for growth of epithelial cells and is overexpressed in several epithelial cancers like head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). EGFR signalling is also involved in diverse innate immune functions in epithelia. We previously found a role for EGFR in modulating the complement system in skin, this prompted an investigation into
Ett ovälkommet hopp? : Om gästfrihet och teologisk integritet i kristen eskatologi
This article is written in the intersection of eschatology and theology of religions. It argues that apart from the well-known discussion of "Who will be saved?", there is a related question that is often overlooked. The Jewish theologian Jacob Neusner articulates this question in the following way: How can I form a theory of the other in such a way that within my own belief I can respect the othe
Laser applications in food and infectious disease monitoring
Food safety and unnecessary prescription of antibiotics are real concerns worldwide. Laser-based spectroscopy research at both South China Normal University as well as at Lund University, Sweden to meet these problems will be covered.
Book review: Hongliang Yan. Heritage Tourism in China: Modernity, Identity and Sustainability
Detesting Influencers : Print Media Perspectives on the Phantasmagoria of Influencer Life Worlds
HAMLET - a protein lipid complex from human milk that kills tumor cells
Intracellular Antibiotic Molecules
Proteolytic activation of the human epithelial sodium channel by trypsin IV and trypsin I involves distinct cleavage sites
Proteolytic activation is a unique feature of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms and the physiologically relevant proteases remain to be identified. The serine protease trypsin I can activate ENaC in vitro but is unlikely to be the physiologically relevant activating protease in ENaC-expressing tissues in vivo. Herein, we investigated whether human t
Application of optical biosensors in small-molecule screening activities
The last two decades have seen remarkable progress and improvements in optical biosensor systems such that those are currently seen as an important and value-adding component of modern drug screening activities. In particular the introduction of microplate-based biosensor systems holds the promise to match the required throughput without compromising on data quality thus representing a sought-afte
Discovery of 4-hydroxy-1,6-naphthyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives as novel PDE10A inhibitors
A series of 1,6-naphthyridine-based compounds was synthesized as potent phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) inhibitors. Structure-based chemical modifications of the discovered chemotype served to further improve potency and selectivity over DHODH, laying the foundation for future optimization efforts.
Grön infrastruktur för bevarande av biologisk mångfald
Det svenska arbetet med att skapa en grön infrastruktur syftar till att bevara biologisk mångfald, gynna ekosystemtjänster och stärka ekosystemens resiliens mot exempelvis klimatförändringar. Inom det strategiska forskningsområdet BECC (Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Climate) har vi undersökt de teoretiska förutsättningar och praktiska utmaningar som finns när det gäller att anv
Folkrätt och krigsvetenskap
I denna andra upplagas fjorton kapitel – varav tretton publicerats tidigare som artiklar i årgångarna 218-223 (2014-2019) av Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift – behandlas valda spörsmål rörande våldsanvändningens, den nukleära icke-spridningens, rustningskontrollens, underrättelseverksamhetens och cyberoperationers folkrätt, krigets lagar samt förhållandet mellan militär dokThis second edition’s fourteen chapters—thirteen of which have been published previously as articles in volumes 218–223 (2014–2019) of the “Proceedings and Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Military Sciences”—deal with selected international law issues concerning the use of force, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, intelligence and cyber operations, armed conflicts as well as the relati
Walter Scotts "Ivanhoe" är full av felaktig rekvisita
Gravel and sand flotation: a sediment dispersal process important in certain nearshore environments
Small rafts of floating sediment, predominantly of granule and small pebble size, were observed along a tidewater coast on James Ross Island, Antarctica. The sediment was lifted from the beach by the advancing tidewater and kept afloat by surface tension. The current transported the rafts at least 100-150 m off the beach, where the rafts broke up due to wind agitation of the sea surface and the gr
The relationship between gestures and speaking in L2 learning
Glacial history of interior Jameson Land, East Greenland
The plateaus between 400 and 800 m a.s.l. around the water-divides on central and eastern Janieson Land are covered by the ‘Jameson Land Drift’ up to 50 m thick glacial. placiotluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. A high content of far-travelled wcsterii rocks indicates the overriding by extensive glaciers channelled from the west through the Scoresby Sund basin. The Jameson Land Drift deposits h