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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Chromosome x-wide association study identifies Loci for fasting insulin and height and evidence for incomplete dosage compensation.

The X chromosome (chrX) represents one potential source for the "missing heritability" for complex phenotypes, which thus far has remained underanalyzed in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we demonstrate the benefits of including chrX in GWAS by assessing the contribution of 404,862 chrX SNPs to levels of twelve commonly studied cardiometabolic and anthropometric traits in 19,697 Finni

Impact of modellers' decisions on hydrological a priori predictions

In practice, the catchment hydrologist is often confronted with the task of predicting discharge without having the needed records for calibration. Here, we report the discharge predictions of 10 modellers - using the model of their choice - for the man-made Chicken Creek catchment (6 ha, northeast Germany, Gerwin et al., 2009b) and we analyse how well they improved their prediction in three steps

Socioeconomic inequalities in drug utilization for Sweden: Evidence from linked survey and register data.

This study analyzes the socioeconomic gradient in drug utilization. We use The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register, merged with the Survey of Living Conditions (the ULF), and the study sample consists of 8138 individuals. We find a positive education gradient (but no income gradient) in drug utilization, after controlling for health indicators. Whereas high-educated men use a larger number of drugs,

Targeting Factor Replacement Therapy in Severe Hemophilia: Which Level Is Important?

The original aim of prophylactic replacement therapy was to convert the bleeding pattern of severe hemophilia to that of moderate hemophilia through regular infusions of clotting factor concentrates. However, targeting prophylaxis on minimum trough levels does not prevent all bleeding. At the group level, there is a clear association of factor levels with bleeding and outcome. But bleeding phenoty

Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Organic Solar Cells.

Electron transfer (ET) is the key process in light-driven charge separation reactions in organic solar cells. The current review summarizes the progress in theoretical modelling of ET in these materials. First we give an account of ET, with a description originating from Marcus theory. We systematically go through all the relevant parameters and show how they depend on different material propertie

Incidence of fractures causing hospitalisation in prostate cancer patients: Results from the population-based PCBaSe Sweden

Background: Prostate cancer patients have an increased risk of fractures as a consequence of skeletal metastases and osteoporosis induced by endocrine treatment. Data on incidence of fractures and risks in subgroups of men with prostate cancer are sparse. Our aim with this study is to report the risk of fractures among men with prostate cancer in a nationwide population-based study. Patients and m

Synapsins I and II Are Not Required for Insulin Secretion from Mouse Pancreatic beta-cells

Synapsins are a family of phosphoproteins that modulate the release of neurotransmitters from synaptic vesicles. The release of insulin from pancreatic beta-cells has also been suggested to be regulated by synapsins. In this study, we have utilized a knock out mouse model with general disruptions of the synapsin I and II genes [synapsin double knockout (DKO)]. Stimulation with 20 mM glucose increa

Imaging molecular structure through femtosecond photoelectron diffraction on aligned and oriented gas-phase molecules

This paper gives an account of our progress towards performing femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron diffraction on gas-phase molecules in a pump-probe setup combining optical lasers and an X-ray free-electron laser. We present results of two experiments aimed at measuring photoelectron angular distributions of laser-aligned 1-ethynyl-4-fluorobenzene (C8H5F) and dissociating, laser-aligned 1,4-d

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adult psychiatry. A 20-year register study.

Nylander L, Holmqvist M, Gustafson L, Gillberg C. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adult psychiatry. A 20-year register study. Nord J Psychiatry 2012;Early Online:1-7 Objective: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are increasingly recognized in adults. This study aimed to assess trends in diagnostic

Maximal commutative subrings and simplicity of Ore extensions

The aim of this article is to describe necessary and sufficient conditions for simplicity of Ore extension rings, with an emphasis on differential polynomial rings. We show that a differential polynomial ring, R[x;id_R,\delta], is simple if and only if its center is a field and R is \delta-simple. When R is commutative we note that the centralizer of R in R[x;\sigma,\delta] is a maximal commutativ

Dynamic Temperature Simulation in District Heating Systems in Denmark Regarding Pronounced Transient Behaviour

A dynamic performance of district heating systems was analysed with an emphasis on temperature profile distortion throughout a heating system network. Therefore, a modelling approach (the so-called node method) developed at the Technical University of Denmark was applied. For comparison purposes, commercial TERMIS software was also used in this work. Typical supply conditions were investigated in

People Living in Community with a Severe Mental Illness: Utilization and Satisfaction with Care and Support.

The object of this paper was to investigate the experiences of patients with severe mental illness (SMI) living in a community, including their utilization of care and treatment services. Psychiatric care and social services staff members were asked to make an inventory of those they served in two districts of Malmö, Sweden. Participants had to be over 18 years of age and unable to manage their da

Specificity for each of the 46 criteria of the Selvester QRS score for electrocardiographic myocardial scar sizing in left bundle branch block.

The Selvester QRS score consists of a set of electrocardiographic criteria designed to identify, quantify and localize scar in the left ventricle using the morphology of the QRS complex. These criteria were updated in 2009 to expand their use to patients with underlying conduction abnormalities, but these versions have thus far only been validated in small and carefully selected populations.

Ligand Identification in Titanium Complexes Using X-ray Valence-to-Core Emission Spectroscopy

The identification of ligands in metalloorganic complexes is crucial for understanding many important biological and chemical systems. Nonresonant K beta valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) has been demonstrated as a ligand identification technique which is complementary to other spectroscopies, such as X-ray absorption. In this study we show the K beta valence-to-core XES alongside

To measure the impact of hearing protectors on the perception of speech in noise

Objective: To propose and evaluate a new method for assessing the potential impact on speech intelligibility when wearing a hearing protection device (HPD) in a noisy environment. Design: The method is based on a self adaptive method for finding the speech reception threshold (SRT) using speech material from the Callsign acquisition test (CAT) presented at a constant level while adjusting the leve

Development of a compact multipass oxygen sensor used for gas diffusion studies in opaque media

A highly scattering porous ceramic sample is employed as a miniature random-scattering multipass gas cell for monitoring of oxygen content in opaque media, that is, wood materials in the present work. Gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy is used by employing a 760 nm near-infrared laser diode to probe the absorption of molecular oxygen enclosed in the pores of the ceramic material worki

The Elastic Ratio: Introducing Curvature Into Ratio-Based Image Segmentation

We present the first ratio-based image segmentation method that allows imposing curvature regularity of the region boundary. Our approach is a generalization of the ratio framework pioneered by Jermyn and Ishikawa so as to allow penalty functions that take into account the local curvature of the curve. The key idea is to cast the segmentation problem as one of finding cyclic paths of minimal ratio

Archaean andesite petrogenesis : insights from the Grædefjord Supracrustal Belt, southern West Greenland

We present new whole-rock major, trace and platinum-group element data, as well as Sm–Nd and Lu–Hfisotope data for meta-volcanic rocks from the Mesoarchaean Grædefjord Supracrustal Belt (GSB), locatedwithin the Tasiusarsuaq terrane, southern West Greenland. We also present new in situ zircon U–Pbisotope data (by LA-ICP-MS) for associated felsic rocks. This region has experienced amphibolite to low

Analysis of structural failures in timber structures: Typical causes for failure and failure modes

Collapses of timber structures are negative for the competitiveness of timber on the construction market. The question is what can be done to reduce the risk for failure in timber structures in the future. For this purpose a comprehensive survey and analysis of failures in 127 timber structures have been made. The present paper summarises the results from this survey with an analysis of the underl