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Early Cardiovascular Changes of Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in the Young

Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Familjär hypertrof kardiomyopati (HCM) är den vanligaste ärftliga hjärtsjukdomen som ärvs autosomalt dominant, dvs. ca 50% risk för varje barn i den drabbade familjen. Tidigare studier har visat hög risk för HCM relaterade tillbud inklusive plötslig hjärtdöd (SCD) under barndomen, med en incidens upp till 10 % under de två första decenFamilial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common inherited heart disease, transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion, i.e. 50% risk for transmission of the disease-causing mutation to each child of the affected family. Previous studies reveal a high risk for HCM related cardiac events including sudden cardiac death (SCD) during childhood, with a peak incidence of up to 10% during th

HIV disease progression - Impact of HIV-1 intersubtype recombination and association with HIV-2 evolution

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and type 2 (HIV-2) are both causative agents of AIDS, with similar pathogenic characteristics. However, the rate of disease progression is highly variable both within and between HIV-1 and HIV 2, but the mechanisms involved in modulating the rate of disease progression remain poorly understood. Host genetics account for some of the variation within each

Molecular design of specific metal-binding peptide sequences from protein fragments: Theory and experiment

A novel strategy is presented for designing peptides with specific metal-ion chelation sites, based on linking computationally predicted ion-specific combinations of amino acid side chains coordinated at the vertices of the desired coordination polyhedron into a single polypeptide chain. With this aim, a series of computer programs have been written that 1) creates a structural combinatorial libra

Early Metabolic Markers of the Development of Dysglycemia and Type 2 Diabetes and Their Physiological Significance

Metabolomic screening of fasting plasma from nondiabetic subjects identified alpha-hydroxybutyrate (alpha-HB) and linoleoyl-glycerophosphocholine (L-GPC) as joint markers of insulin resistance (IR) and glucose intolerance. To test the predictivity of alpha-HB and L-GPC for incident dysglycemia, alpha-HB and L-GPC measurements were obtained in two observational cohorts, comprising 1,261 nondiabetic

Improving roundabouts for cyclists and visually impaired

Roundabouts are continuing to increase due to their high traffic safety, low delay times and their winning design. However, there are also problems related to roundabouts; the traffic safety for cyclists is unclear or even negative and there are reports of accessibility problems for people with visual impairment. The overall objective of this project is to identify designs that improve the situati

LQG Control for Minimization of Emissions in a Diesel Engine

The problem of minimizing emissions of NO. and soot in a diesel engine using fuel injection timings and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve position in a low-pressure EGR system as control variables is addressed. Two feedback variables are computed from in-cylinder pressure sensor data, the crank angle degree of 50 % fuel burnt, and the ignition delay. Empirical maps of NO, and soot according to

Oxidant trade-offs in immunity: an experimental test in a lizard.

Immune system functioning and maintenance entails costs which may limit investment into other processes such as reproduction. Yet, the proximate mechanisms and 'currencies' mediating the costs of immune responses remain elusive. In vertebrates, up-regulation of the innate immune system is associated with rapid phagocytic production of pro-oxidant molecules (so-called 'oxidative burst' responses).

An alternatively spliced domain of the NDC1 NAD(P)H dehydrogenase gene strongly influences the expression of the ACTIN2 reference gene in Arabidopsis thaliana.

In plant respiratory chains, alternative pathways for NAD(P)H oxidation are mediated by type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases belonging to the NDA, NDB, and NDC families. For the latter type, Arabidopsis thaliana contains a single gene, NDC1, whose functional role has not previously been analyzed in the plant. We found that A. thaliana NDC1 is alternatively spliced. Four base pairs at the 3' end of intro

Red Meat, Dietary Nitrosamines, and Heme Iron and Risk of Bladder Cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Background: Previous epidemiologic studies found inconsistent results for the association between red meat intake, nitrosamines [NDMA: N-nitrosodimethylamine, and ENOC (endogenous nitroso compounds)], and the risk of bladder cancer. We investigated the association between red meat consumption, dietary nitrosamines, and heme iron and the risk of bladder cancer among participants of the European Pro

20 GHz gated tunnel diode based UWB pulse generator

We demonstrate a pulse generator based on a GaAs-AlGaAs gated resonant tunneling diode (RTD). This is realized by integrating a third terminal, the gate, into the current path of a RTD. The gate consists of a 200 A thick tungsten grating buried 300 A above the RTD. This implementation allows for control of the current through the RTD. By integrating this device in parallel with an on-chip inductan

Om distinktioner mellan klassisk och modern retorik

The article has become a classic in american rhetorical scholarship. It criticizes four major misconceptions about classical rhetoric often found in contemporary rhetorical scholarship. The misconceptions are traced to an incomplete and faulty understanding of Aristotle's rhetoric.

Detection of Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) in the Blood of Drivers in an Alcohol Ignition Interlock Program

Objective: The rate of failed interlock blood alcohol content (BAC) tests is a strong predictor of recidivism post-interlock and a partial proxy for alcohol use. Alcohol biomarkers measured at the start of an interlock program are known to correlate well with rates of failed BAC tests over months of interlock use. This study evaluates 2 methods of measuring low blood levels of the biomarker phosph

Mechanistic-Empirical Modeling of Permanent Deformation in Asphalt Concrete Layers

Popular Abstract in Swedish De allra flesta av oss bilister har någon gång kört på en väg med tydliga spår i vägytan. Man märker tydligt hur både komforten och säkerheten minskar eftersom möjligheten att styra fordonet försämras. Dessutom försämras trafiksäkerheten ytterligare när regn eller snö ansamlas och orsakar vattenplaning eller halka. Därför får de gradvis framväxande spåren inte bli för dThree mechanistic-empirical permanent deformation models were evaluated under Swedish conditions with respect to traffic, climate and materials using accelerated pavement testing and long-term pavement performance studies. The mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide (M E PDG), the incremental-recursive mechanistic-empirical CalME model (CalME), and the PErmanent Deformation of asphalt concrete