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Implementation of research-based strategies to foster person-environment fit in housing environments
Frihet, jämlikhet, brodermord. Revolution och kolonialism hos Albert Camus och Frantz Fanon
Algerietkriget blir, med sina närmare en miljon döda, den franska avkoloniseringens mest blodiga krig. Över åtta tusen algeriska byar jämnas med marken, över hälften av all boskap (som var grundvalen för algeriernas försörjning) utplånas, enorma mängder skog bränns, miljoner algerier spärras in i reservat eller deporteras, hundratusentals algerier fängslas eller flyr till grannländerna. Algerietkr
Citizenship and the media: cultivating agency via civic culture
This text makes the point that we cannot understand civic agency - people's taking on the role of acting as citizens - in a vacuum. The notion of encompassing civic cultures is introduced to analylically anchor civic agency in the horizons of everyday life, practices, and identity
A Guide to the European VAT Directives, Volume 1, Introduction to European VAT
Information systems and sustained competitive advantage: A resource-based analysis
Mannen utan minne får oss att minnas
Merging parton showers and matrix elements -- back to basics
We make a thorough comparison between different schemes of merging fixed-order tree-level matrix element generators with parton-shower models. We use the most basic benchmark of the O(alpha_S) correction to e+e- -> jets, where the simple kinematics allows us to study in detail the transition between the matrix-element and parton-shower regions. We find that the CKKW-based schemes give a reasonably
Measurement of concentrating solar collectors using a solar simulator with parallel light
What comes out of a marriage between discourse psychology and discourse theory when studying music teacher identity?
Urinary excretion measurements for the assessment of body burden of radiocaesium in man: differences between potassium and creatinine normalisation
Relationships between 24-h urinary excretion and body burden of 137Cs obtained in a south-Swedish population, together with data from the literature, were applied to urine samples collected in 1994-95 from adult subjects living in Russia, in order to estimate their average body burden of 137Cs. Estimates obtained through creatinine normalisation of the 137Cs content in the Russian urine were a fac
Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography in Normal Newborn infants.
Analysing societal vulnerability to perturbations in electric distribution systems
Reliable electrical power supply is a requirement for the modern society, therefore it is important to analyse the vulnerability of the electric power system. Network analysis has previously been used to analyse the vulnerability of electric transmission systems, however recent events in Sweden have shown that perturbations in distribution systems also can cause severe societal consequences. Thus,
Narrow photoemission lines from graphite valence state
Optimizing maximum disruption during reconfiguration of lightpaths
DMSO-Lipid Soluble Cigarette Smoking Particles Upregulate Contractile Endothelin Type B And Thromboxane A2 Receptors Of Rat Middle Cerebral Arteries
Ursolic acid and other pentacyclic triterpenoids stimulate intestinal alkaline sphingomyelinase in vitro
Purpose: Alkaline sphingomyelinase (alk-SMase) is an enzyme that hydrolyses sphingomyelin in a bile salt-dependent manner in the gastrointestinal tract, and has been proposed as an inhibitor of colon carcinogenesis. Ursolic acid (UA) is a plant-derived pentacyclic triterpenoid that has been shown to have anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects on HT29 human colon adenocarcinoma cells, with activa
Analysis of 3s, 3p, 3d and 4f configurations of Sc XIII and V XV
In spectra obtained from foil-excited and laser-produced plasmas, we have identified 70 new lines as belonging to the spectra of fluorine-like scandium and vanadium ions, Sc XIII and V XV The new lines in the wavelength region from 70 to 600 Angstrom represent 2p(4)3s-3p, 3p-3d and 3d-4f transition arrays. The spectra have been interpreted with the aid of theoretical calculations, and the consiste
Progress in integrated assessment and modelling
Environmental processes have been modelled for decades. However. the need for integrated assessment and modeling (IAM) has,town as the extent and severity of environmental problems in the 21st Century worsens. The scale of IAM is not restricted to the global level as in climate change models, but includes local and regional models of environmental problems. This paper discusses various definitions
Synoptic pressure patterns associated with major wind erosion events in southern Sweden (1973-1991)
Wind erosion causes severe damage on sandy soils in agricultural areas of north-west Europe. The weather conditions during erosion events are the result of the general atmospheric circulation and are key components in the erosion process. Principal component analysis (PCA) in combination with a non-hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted on de-seasonalized daily mean-sea-level pressure (MSLP)